Sunday, 9 August 2015

Sunday Style #2.

This weekend I'm featuring both Alfie and Elarna. Alfie actually cooperated and sat still long enough for me to snap him in one of my favourite outfits (might have something to do with the ice lolly!). We were sitting at the train station with Grandma watching the trains go by so he was somewhat distracted. 

So the hat is his 'holiday hat' but it's seen better days, it's been sat on, thrown in the swimming pool and been lost (and then found at a French zoo!) but he's still agreeing to wear it so who am I to argue?! He's basically sponsored by Next in this shot!

Palm Tree Trilby (£9.00) - Next (current season)

Pink Striped Polo Shirt (£8.00) - Next (current season)

Red Shorts also by Next (I bought these not long ago with the polo shirt but unfortunately I can't find them online anymore). They are so lovely, they come with a little belt and look so smart on.

Socks also by Next, I think these are part of the car range and I paid around £7.00 for a pack of five. As far as socks go they are lovely, really soft and wear well.

I have two beautiful outfits on Elarna from this week to feature. I just couldn't choose which one to include so have chosen both. It's been quite muggy and humid here this week so we've been all about the dresses. Too hot for anything else. It may have been raining during the week too but there is nothing like a pretty dress the cheer up a dreary day.

First up, Elarna in Baby Baker. Now I love Ted Baker baby clothes but have to say I feel their sizing is a little off. This dress is supposed to be 3-6 months but she's been wearing it for a while now and even at around 10 weeks it appeared quite small. It is a gorgeous dress and features the 'Baker' logo within the pattern on the skirt and has a gorgeous little heart button on the back embossed with the logo also. It also has an inbuilt vest which I always find really handy.

Baby Baker Dress (originally bought in the sale was £16.00 paid £12.00) - Debenhams

Mint Green Headband (99p) - just_so_cute - Ebay

The second outfit is one of my all time favourite's that I have bought for her so far. It is such a beautiful, summery party dress. I think it's gorgeous on and I love that it features a frilly underskirt which makes it puff out. 

Pink Floral Dress & Cardigan (I bought this before Elarna was born so I suspect it was last season, from what I remember I paid around £20 for it including the little cardigan) - Next

White Flower Headband (99p) - just_so_cute - Ebay

Pink Dribble Bib (part of pack of 10 £20) - Funky Giraffe Bibs

No outfit is complete without a pair of frilly knickers over the nappy! These were a gift from my best friend and I love them, honestly they are soooo cute when worn.

Frilly Knickers (£3.50) - Tescos

Over the coming weeks I'm sure you'll see that I have a love for all things Next but for now that is our Sunday style. 

Hope you enjoyed reading!

The Knott Bump & Us
What My Baby Wore


  1. I love all these outfits!! The floral print on the second dress is so pretty & the floral knickers are adorable! Good job! X

    1. Aren't they just, can't beat a pair of frilly knickers :-) x

  2. OMG I love headbands on little baby girls, they are so cute! My uncle's got a 6 month old and she is forever wearing cute headbands :)

  3. I love frilly knickers, I have a few pairs for Aria but they're getting a bit tight so I need to buy some bigger ones!

    Lovely outfits, I clearly have a thing about headwear because I love the hat and of course the headbands!


    1. They are so fab, I love them to cover the nappy makes it so much more girly! x

  4. What a gorgeous bunch of outfits!! How fab is that hat! I also love the fact he obviously loves it so much and it's managed to survive lots of adventures! I love the colour of the shorts, super cute and on trend. Aw look at her in her Ted Baker dress, what a little beauty. What a bargain on the dress as well. I used to work in buying for Debenhams and actually worked on the Ted Baker kids department for a while. Loved it! That floral dress is so sweet as well. Lovely colours. Thank you so much for linking up and hope you've had a fab weekend :) xx #weekendministyle

    1. Ahh thanks for the lovely comment Sarah. I bet working in the Ted Baker department was fun, I would spend too much money I think! x

  5. awww they look so cute!! Elarna's mint band is lush xx

    1. Thanks hun!! Trying to get her used to wearing things in her hair from an early age haha X

  6. Oh too cute, your little man looks so grown up!! #WhatMyBabyWore

  7. So cute! It's always nice seeing what other parents dress their children in :) thanks for sharing on #TT_Thursday x

  8. They are all lovely outfits, I think short dresses with babies with matching knickers are good anyway as it stops them getting caught in the skirts whilst crawling. Alfie is looking super trendy, especially with his hat! Thank you for sharing #TT_Thursday

    1. Very true, although I do like to dress her in very impractical dresses hah. Thanks for hostin! x

  9. OMG A's Trilby is beyond cute!! #TT_Thursday

    1. I love trilby's it's such a shame it's all squashed, I bought him a new one but he is refusing to wear it! x


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