Thursday 25 June 2020

Everyday Tips to Stay Healthy and Beautiful.

Everyday Tips to Stay Healthy and Beautiful

Everyday skin and personal care should not be complicated as most ‘expert’ make it seem. You don’t need to buy tons of advertised products to stay healthy and beautiful. It is actually those routines that seem so basic that in the end have significant contributions on how you look and feel.

Enhance your appearance by taking care of your teeth, hair and skin, and you can source most of these essential products from online pharmacies and stores. You can order online here or read reviews of each online store or pharmacy listed at Get Up Buddy™ site and see what kind of beauty and women health products they offer. 

Having bright and well-maintained teeth is a great confidence booster. To strengthen your enamel, it is important to brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly. Eating a well-balanced diet and dairy products also come in handy. You should also limit drinks that stain, such as coffee.


To have glowing skin, you should use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For dry skin use a hydrating moisturizer.  Always use sunscreen to prevent premature ageing. Eating a healthy diet and drinking enough water helps keep your skin healthy and looking beautiful.

Hair is your precious crown, and you should also purpose to have it always well maintained. You can achieve this by increasing your protein intake as well as air-drying it rather than using heat-styling tools. Also always make sure that you clean and moisturize your scalp. 

Beauty tips for your skin 

Here are other essential beauty tips that will help you wake up with flawless skin.  These are steps that you can repeat every day without feeling overwhelmed.

Use the correct cleanser for your skin


It is always advisable to cleanse your skin before going to bed and in the morning. However, the type of cleaner can determine how your skin reacts to the products and with the wrong choice, you could end up with breakouts and increased sensitivity.

This is the reason why you should know your skin type before settling for a specific cleanser.

Your skin could either be;





If you have normal skin, most cleansers will work for you. However, for dry skin, you should ensure that you go for a moisturizing cleanser to avoid over-stripping oils from your skin.

Exfoliating cleansers are great for oily skin since it helps keep the oil production in check. With combination skin, you can use both exfoliating and moisturizing cleansers for your oily and dry areas respectively. If you have tried and failed to determine your skin type, going for a facial near me in Pleasanton, CA can help you get professional advice and a personalized skincare routine, as estheticians can assess your skin and recommend the most suitable products and treatments for specific needs. 

Maintain a healthy diet

Your skin is a representation of what you eat. For radiant skin, you need to increase your intake of fresh fruits, greens, proteins, and vitamins.  Try and lower fat and sugar in your diet since a low-sugar diet keeps your insulin levels down, and this allows the cells to maintain a healthy balance. 

Drinking lots of water daily is also necessary to keep your skin hydrated. It is recommendable to have at least 8 glasses of water in a day. You can also increase your water intake by eating fruits and vegetables with high water content such as cucumber, watermelon, grapefruit, and orange.

Always wear sunscreen even when indoors

You should not wear sunscreen only when going out on a sunny day or when visiting the beach. It is equally important to apply SPF when you are indoors since UV rays can penetrate through your glass windows. More so, you should reapply sunscreen every two hours or more if you are swimming or sweating heavily.

Sun damage from UV rays causes premature ageing as they break the skin’s collagen, which leads to the formation of lines, sagging, and wrinkles.  Better yet, sunscreen helps maintain an even skin tone and prevents discolourations, thus, giving you a smoother and even skin tone.

Since there is a wide range of sunscreen options, you should ensure that your sunscreen has SPF of 30 or higher. 

Manage your stress levels and have enough sleep

Uncontrolled stress could trigger more acne breakout and make your skin more sensitive. You can manage your stress levels by setting reasonable limits, scaling back your to-do lists and creating time to do the things that you love. Getting enough sleep is also necessary for maintaining a healthy state of mind which then encourages healthy skin.

Lack of enough sleep could trigger your body to kick-start cortisol surge, and this increases the risk of more acne. Try and have at least 8 hours of sleep every night. 

Obtaining and maintaining a healthy and beautiful body does not have to be complicated. You only need to be consistent with the basic requirements such as maintaining a healthy diet, cleansing your skin twice a day, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, and having at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

Also, make sure always to use sunscreen both when indoors and outdoors and remember to reapply every two hours.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

6 Gambling Habits Men and Women Exhibit Differently.

Gender was once a significant factor in sports and gambling in a casino. If you lay your hands on footage of sporting events of those days, all you will see are men entertaining men. Even more, reserved for men than sport then was gambling. Hardly would you see a lady then gambling. But today, the trend has changed and more frequently people are partaking in gambling online, looking to gain unibet casino rewards, or rewards from other online gaming websites, to help them improve and ultimately win!

Nowadays, it seems both men and women enjoy gambling at online casinos almost equally, it is quite usual to see both male and female participation in these things. Furthermore, if you look at the demographics of people signing up for these ever-popular websites or looking at sports odds comparison sites you may see a vast increase in gambling ladies! Accordingly, with online casinos offering a wide range of enticing incentives such as free spins on registration, this trend is expected to continue well into the future.

“He plays, she plays” is a survey carried out in January 2019 to compare the gambling habits of men and women. About 1000 online gamblers in the UK participated in the survey; the survey also compared these amazing trends in the gambling habits of men and women. A similar survey related to online gambling was conducted in New Zealand, and the results were almost identical.The first is what do they gamble on?

What do they gamble on?

There might not be many differences in the number of male gamblers compared to the female gamblers. But there is certainly a huge difference in the kind of games they stake their money on.

The survey showed the following trend in the kind of games men and women are playing online for cash.

  • 73% of men go for sports betting while 40% of women bet on sport

  • 60% of women but only 28.65% of men play online bingo

  • 34% of women play online slots while only 26.5% of men play slot games

  • 27% of men play roulette at a live casino while only 19% of women play this game

  • 23% of men play blackjack but only 18% of women

  • Apart from sport, online poker is the next most favourite game among men with 29.18% of them playing it, but less than 20% of women consider it a favourite game

  • Bingo comes first for women followed by sports and then followed by online slots

  • Altogether, sports betting have the highest fan with 58.5% of gamblers

Where do they play?

There are online casinos in countries all around the world, and people look at resources like this list of Jazzy Spins sister sites to help them decide which casino site to sign up with to get the most from their money and gambling experience. When it comes to physical location, however, you may be surprised that men and women almost equally gamble in the most unusual places at the same rate. While 27% of men confessed that they had at least once gambled online while they were in the bathroom, 23% of the women confessed to having done the same. Also, 10% of men, as well as 10% of women, had once visited online gambling sites to place a bet while in the hospital.

How much do they play?

Gambling is all about money. The survey showed that there is also a significant difference between the amounts of money men spend on gambling in a week compared to women within the same period.

On average, the survey showed that:

  • 51.8% of women spend less than £ 10 a week while only 35.9% of men spend this low.

  • 19% of women spend between £ 11 s and £ 20 but 25.4 of men are in this range.

  • Only 2.2% of women spend between £ 101 to £250. Meanwhile, 3.56% of men can afford to spend that much on gambling in a week.

Why do they gamble?

The survey gave 6 possible reasons to gamble with the respondents and they were asked to choose the ones that applied to them. The available options are:

  • Fun

  • Money

  • To be sociable

  • For winning sake

  • To overcome boredom

  • For the thrill of it

The results showed that they are almost the same reason both men and women gamble.

  • 56.6% of men play for money while 54.9% of women play for the same reason.

  • 54.4% of men want to win while 51.8% of women are interested in winning.

  • 22.5% of men gamble to prevent boredom while 19.4% of women tick this option.

How do they manage to win?

With over 50% of gamblers playing to win, the survey tried to see how they will react to a win of 500 pounds. The gamblers gave the following responses:

  • 13% of men claim they would use their winning to play more while only 9% of women would risk winning on the further attempt. Those willing to use their winning to play some more, include 15% of between 25 – 34, while only those about 55% are less willing to take this option.

  • 61% of men would cash in their winning instantly while a whopping 72.3% of women would do the same.

How often do they change playing sites?

With many tempting welcome bonuses and other offers from online gambling sites, the survey tried to see how often gamblers change their playing sites. The results showed that over 35% of women stick to one website while only 29% of men stick to their customers. Also, 31% of women play with two websites alternatively while 33% of men do this. Given the vast array of choices available today, both in online casinos and casino games, it's no wonder that players explore multiple options before finding one that suits them best, such as the hollywoodbets jetx game that offers thrilling gameplay and attractive rewards.

In Conclusion

There are not many differences between the number of men gambling online and the number of women gambling online. There are also no much differences between the reason they gamble and where they gamble. Also, there is a huge difference between the amount of money men spend on gambling and the amount women spend. 

Monday 15 June 2020

The British Snack Co. *Competition & Review*

{Gifted Items} Quintessentially quirky, very posh and lovingly crafted are all things that can sum up The British Snack Co. We have recently been sent a selection of delicious crisps and popcorn to try out and my goodness we weren't disappointed. 

It's tough times for us all isn't it, many of us reaching for the snacky snacks and comfort food to give us a glimmer of happiness, so what if I told you these snacks will almost.......almost take you to sitting in your favourite pub or bar munching on some pub snacks, these will nearly take you to that happy place. Usually found in these establishments they do make a rather nice accompaniment to a beer or a wine, sadly we know that at the moment we aren't able to enjoy time in pubs or bars so instead you can purchase a variety of these delicious snack online from Amazon or the online retail store to provide this lovely company some well needed support in these uncertain times. If you like the sound of this and I've tempted you if you keep reading to the bottom of the post there is a competition to win some of your very own snacks. Yum!

Let me tell you a little about The British Snack Co. ........

The company launched in 2013 and had one mission in mind and that was to create wonderfully tasty snacks! The company has gone from strength to strength and all of the products have no nonense flavours with a delightful crunch! Over the last few years over 5 million bags have been sold but the company needs your support to keep them going through these times. The company prides themselves on producing top quality and tasty snacks and as they are produced in the UK they very much hold this in high regard. The potatoes to make the crisps are lovingly grown on a farm in the UK which is powered by renewable energy, whilt the popcorn is hand popped in Great Britain and the packaging is inspired by Britains great animals. They are all vegan and allergen free also, these snacks have alot going for them, they really do. All are available in a variety of mouth watering and delicious flavours meaning there is a choice for everyone and their taste buds.

So what did we love about the snacks?  

- I felt like this were proper 'pubby' snacks, I'm fairly sure they usually sell these in my local and is something myself and my husband would enjoy at anytime of the year there either sitting outside in the sun or by the log fire when it much colder, mm mmm! 

- Gorgeous packaging, it's inspired by British animals and the packaging is just so lovely! The packaging also makes a delighful rustling sound when openend and feels top quality.

- The flavours are absolutely delicious, the sweet chilli was so good and the classic sea salted just so tasty. There are other flavours available but these were my personal favourite's. 

- The popcorn is only 63 calories per serving! Popcorn is a great thing to snack on and fill a gap without it being too sinful, it's surprising how delicious different flavoured popcorn can be, the sour cream and black pepper flavour is SO good and moreish and the classic sweet and salty was a hit with the kids. Again, other flavours are available. 

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- Overall we absolutely loved the snacks, of course being a premium and rather delcious product the prices are a bit more than the average snack, for example a box of 26 x 40g crisps in one flavour is £16.99 which works out about 70 pence a bag so a bit more than your usual supermarket crisp but the price tag is worth it for supporting a smaller and UK based company. You can purchased mixed boxes also available online. 

I can highly recommend these, both myself and my husband agreed that they were delicious and tasty snacks that do not disappoint. I will most certainly be purchasing them again and will feel good that I am supporting a company that clearly cares about the products it makes and supplies. SO if you like the look of what you have read and the sound of them I am delighted to offer you the chance to win some of your very own tasty snacks from the British Snack co. Entry is via the Rafflecopter below and for an extra entry please do head over and follow me and leave me a comment on my Instagram

Here comes the important but a bit boring bit! 
- Winner will be notified via email and/or social media, please ensure these are checked frequently.
- No cash alternative
- UK entries only please, sorry about that
- The prize will be sent direct from the supplier, I cannot be held responsible for the prize being sent out. 

All that remains to be said is good luck and happy entering! Keep safe. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 11 June 2020

Want to Support Wildlife? Start with your Garden!

{Collaborative Content} So many people understand how important wildlife is to the environment, but don’t do much, if anything to support it. If you want to start supporting wildlife, you don’t need to give a huge amount of money to charity or start a rescue - you can start in your own garden.

Below, you’ll find some great pointers that will help you:

  1. Don't Cut Your Grass Too Short

Cutting your grass too short will deter wildlife from visiting your garden. If you have a larger garden and don’t want it to get out of control, you could simply allow a patch of your grass to grow longer than the rest. It’s up to you how you do it - just don’t cut your grass too short. 

  1. Make Sure There’s A Water Source

There should be a water source in your garden for birds and any other wildlife that may need it. A bird bath is great, but a small, shallow pond or running water feature can also work well. They look great and create a tranquil environment too!  

  1. Plant A Variety Of Flowers 

Planting a variety of flowers will ensure you’re giving wildlife the environment they need, but do your research to ensure that they are plants that provide pollen and nectar for as long a season as possible. This way, you may be able to invite in wildlife such as the Red-tailed bumblebee. You can’t simply plant any flower and hope for the best, so do your research. 


  1. Don’t Remove All Debris 

Removing all of the debris from your garden might seem like a good idea, but keeping some there is a good way to create a nice environment for wildlife. Decaying wood provides a fantastic habitat to a range of specialist wildlife that is growing uncommon in the countryside, so see if you can provide some of that in your garden for the wildlife to appreciate. Don’t keep the rest of your garden too tidy either. 

  1. Create Feeding Stations

Feeding stations for wildlife give them a safe space to eat. Bird feeders and tables can make a great start - here’s some advice:

  • Ensure your bird feeders won’t be disturbed too often. Keep them out of the way of human traffic.

  • Ensure it’s open and safe and away from anywhere cats can hide. 

  • Try to keep it away from too much sun and cold wind. 

  • Consider more than one kind of feeding station - some birds will prefer an elevated feeder, others may prefer to feed on the ground. 

  1. Add A Rock Garden

A rock garden is a perfect low maintenance option to attract specialised wildlife such as mason bees, which are important pollinators. They look nice too, so consider adding one to immediately help and attract more wildlife types. 

  1. Grow A Mixture Of Trees And Shrubs 

As well as flowers that pollinate for a large portion of the year, try to grow a mixture of trees and shrubs. Larger plants, particularly trees, support more wildlife. They can provide food, but that’s not all - they provide cover and nesting sites for garden animals, from insects to larger species. It will take you a while to grow a tree, but starting now is better than never. You may also like to plant an already reasonably sized tree to get the ball rolling. 

  1. Start Composting

Composting is great for the environment and wildlife too. Doing this helps all your garden plants and wildlife, as it speeds up the natural recycling of nutrients. Composting also makes healthy soil and a great mulch and will shelter many small creatures, including some larger ones.  You will need the following to get started:

  • Ready-made wooden compost heap 

  • Or some wooden pallets and posts

  • Garden prunings

  • Kitchen waste (not meat or dairy)

  • Grass clippings

  • Nails or string

Learning what you can include in your compost heap will also help you to avoid waste - for example, coffee and tea grounds. Many things that go in the bin can go in your compost heap, so do some research. 

If you take the above advice, you could be on your way to being an ally to wildlife in no time. Many homeowners don’t realise that they are actively deterring wildlife by providing few places for them to shelter, eat and drink. If you incorporate these things into your garden, you’ll love how lively it becomes. You’ll also have peace of mind knowing you are doing your bit for the wildlife and therefore, the planet. 

Leave your thoughts below!

Friday 5 June 2020

Turning your Garden into a Usable and Enjoyable Space.


{Collaborative Content} If you have a garden, you’re extremely lucky. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people don’t have a private outdoor space they can call their own. Having a garden means you can comfortably spend time outside relaxing with easy access to any of the different things you might want during the day. You can head back inside easily to grab a snack, make a meal, use the bathroom or to simply spend time between your indoor space and your outdoor space as the weather and temperature fluctuates. Increasing numbers of blocks of flats and apartment blocks, as well as a rise in house sharing, means that many of us either don’t have an outdoor space or simply cannot use available outdoor space comfortably. People may have to head to local parks or elsewhere to get their time in the sun. So, those with gardens should make the most of the space that they do have and make it as usable and enjoyable as possible! Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you to achieve this!

Complete The Basics

First, you’re going to have to tackle some gardening basics to make the space safe and usable. If you’ve been neglecting your garden over the winter months, this may take a few days of hard work and effort. But all in all, it will prove worth it. Start by scouring any long grass for potentially dangerous or hazardous objects that could pose a problem while mowing the lawn. Large rocks, toys, pieces of debris or other objects will need to be picked up and moved or disposed of. Once the area is clear, you can run the lawn mower around. Have patience and be precise for the best finish! If grass is particularly long when you’re starting out, you may need to use a strimmer to cut it down to a mow-able length first. This strimmer will also come in handy for cutting down the edges and corners of your green space. Next, it’s time to start pulling weeds. There’s a good chance that these will have begun to establish themselves in your garden and you need to make sure that you remove them properly in order to get rid of them permanently. You need to pull them from the root and you need to make sure to get rid of the entire root - otherwise they’ll simply grow back. Once these basics are complete, you should have a clear lawn to use well! 

Laying Grass Seed 

Sometimes, you’ll find that your lawn doesn’t look all too healthy once it’s cut down. This can be because overly long grass has prevented sun from getting to certain areas and it may not have been maintained well, so what’s left after cutting can be sparse, weak and yellow rather than green. Alternatively, there may be well worn areas of the garden where a pet repeatedly runs or walks that are looking bare. To resolve this, take a look at options on offer from The Grass People. Laying new grass seed can help grass in these areas to grow and will give you a lush, green finish.

Prune and Trim 

If you have bushes and trees in your outdoor space, you can tackle them carefully. Use a pair of shears or a hedge cutter to get your bushes into shape. Alternatively, if you don’t have a steady hand or want a particularly neat and straight finish, or a particular shape to your bush, you may want to call in professionals. If you have trees, you will need to prune them properly. Again, you can carefully tackle this yourself, but you will generally have safer and better results by using professionals like a tree surgeon. 

Invest in Outdoor Furniture

Once the above steps are complete, your garden is going to be looking pretty great. You’re bound to want to spend some time out there! Now, you can just sit out on the floor. But outdoor furniture tends to be much more comfortable. Whether that’s deckchairs, outdoor chairs, outdoor sofas or anything else. Browse the different options available to you and invest in something that fits well into your space!

Sure, this may sound like a lot of hard work. But it really is worth it to have a comfortable garden where you can spend time during the summer months. Hopefully, the above advice will help you to achieve this as best possible!

Simple Steps for Choosing Flowers for your Garden Project.

{Collobarative Content} A well-kept garden is a thing of both beauty and price to its owner. But if you want to start your new green-fingered hobby what should you think about before you set to planting? Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when picking out your newest flowers.

Location Location Location
Picking the perfect flower is one thing, but all other considerations go out the window if you don’t place them in an appropriate planting area. There’s not much point in spending so much money rebuilding your new planting area if you decide to put it behind a shed and under a tree where there is little to no direct sunlight, is there? Make sure the location you pick is in as much natural sunlight as possible. This gives your flowers all the light they need to grow into the beautiful cascade of colour you’re dreaming of.

Timing the seasons
The changing of the seasons is not only going to have a major impact on what you can actually grow but also on what colours will look best at that time of year. If you are picking plants for summer, then vibrant and bright colours are the best choice to go for. Make sure you plant them at the right time as well in order to maximise the effect they have on your overall garden plan. Maybe consider mixing in some evergreen plants as well to give some background colour all year round.

A quick note on the grass. The grass is still going to provide colour to your garden. However, if you prefer grass that doesn’t lose its green, then why not consider artificial grass? It’s more expensive to install but requires very little maintenance over the years. If you want to look further into artificial grass then why not check here to get a bit more information, or to book an appointment: . If Artificial grass isn’t for you then consider using regular grass feed to try and keep the green colour as fresh as possible, for as long as possible.

Size matters
Consider the size of the flowers you are wanting to grow and the space you have to grow them in before you get to planting. Picking plants that have a tendency to spread out as they grow won’t work if you plan on filling every square inch with something different. All that will happen is either a tangled mess or some flowers not growing as they are robbed of key nutrients from the other flowers around them. Height is also a factor. It’s hard to grow 6-foot sunflowers if you don’t have the area above them for them to grow into. Make sure you space out taller flowers compared to smaller ones. If they grow too large they may be blocking vital sunlight to the smaller flowers.

Flowers and plants require care, but some require more than others.unfortunately there are too many flowers with such varying need to list here. Simply check with your local flower nursery before purchasing. They will have a wealth of information available to you if you ask and most are only too happy to help.