Monday, 31 August 2015

The Threenager - Chapter 2

We've had a great bank holiday weekend so far but it's been a weekend of me questioning the attitude of my son! I have previously talked about our little threenager and the transition from the terrible two's into the world of a stroppy teenager in small child's body. Sometimes I am left shaking my head in disbelief and stifling giggles behind my hands at his behaviour! I'm feeling slightly random as I write this so am starting with today and working backwards, keep up!

So take today for example. We pop to the pub for a couple of drinks, there is a beer festival on. The pub backs on to a football field, we go there regularly so it's ok, we know its safe. There is a beer festival on.....first thing Alfie asks for? A pint of beer......WTF?! Like father like son, but hold on he's 3 not 23! How does he even know to ask for a pint of beer? There is a football match happening so what does Alfie decide is the right course of action...............yup, you guessed leg it as fast as he can straight into the pitch in the middle of the match, cue Daddy shoving his pint in my hand legging it after him for Alfie to run even faster (and believe me he is super quick) and then Adi having to rugby tackle him off the pitch. This happened not once, not twice, not three times but four times. The shame!! Worst thing is Alfie saw the whole thing is one hilarious game!

Fast forward to just before we leave and Alfie decides he wants to play with a sandpit which happens to be full of rain water. That's ok I thought it's keeping him quiet. I then turn round to see him dunking...............yes that's right DUNKING his head in the water and blowing bubbles. Jesus, why is it always MY child that is the one doing the inappropriate behaviour. Have to admit made me giggle, especially when he looked like this when he came up for air! 

Saturday we had a great day, we popped over to Southwold to meet our bestests and while the husbands were tasting beer over at Adnams, myself and my bff wandered along the seafront. Needless to say Alfie was an absolute star for Aunty Kat (pretty much!). I think she was a tad alarmed when he whipped off his shorts to go paddling but he's got this weird obsession with getting his clothes wet and actually I'm quite surprised he kept his pants on so overall pretty good going that he was half dressed! It took us an absolute age to walk along the pier as Alfie insisted on walking along the beach stopping to paddle, pick up stones and generally just look at everything, he then demanded ice cream so I obliged to keep him sweet. I ended up spoon feeding him the ice cream because it was windy and then bribing him to walk back along the pier with the promise of meeting Daddy. We popped into the  Adnams cafe for a drink to wait for the boys and Alfie demanded a coffee. No word of a lie, he asked plain as day for a coffee, no idea at all where he acquired that sentence from because even though I love coffee I haven't been to any coffee shops recently with him. Bizarre. Needless to say he didn't get him a coffee and he was satisfied with a lemonade. 

Towards the end of Saturday Alfie decided that enough was enough. He'd been really quite good all day, firing on all cylinders as always but well behaved bar a few standard toddler melt downs. We popped into a few shops and at the last one Alfie decided that the most appropriate behaviour was to protest by lying in the middle of the pavement. I picked him up and tried to sit him against the wall for some time out but he just decided to starfish in the middle of the pavement again, oh the joys of being a Mummy at this point. Cue lots of stares from judgy, judgemental parents and looks of disapproval and people actually stepping over him to get by (lol!)! Honestly though, didn't give 2 hoots, normally I would but that day I didn't as he wasn't having a tantrum just a silent protest on the floor! My best friend had hold of his lead reins at this point so at one point I stepped away and pretended that actually he wasn't my child (mwahaha), jokes on me though when he called me Mummy! There is a much better picture but I'm saving that for Wicked Wednesday, hehe! So with Alfie deciding to protest it was definitely time to call it a day and head on home.

You may notice that we still use reins. We have to, he will hold hands but has the knack of squirming and wriggling free from us and legging it, he is aware of roads and cars but I do not trust him yet to be off his reins and walk near us so the lead reins are still very much in use for peace of mind! 

Earlier in the week Alfie went through a phase of 'I just want to run around all day in nothing but my boxer shorts. I'd dress him, he'd take his clothes off. I'd redress him and he'd strip again, in the end I gave up and let him run around as nature intended but with his boxers on'. It's been one of those weeks where I've been picking my battles for an easy life! Less stress equals a happier Mummy and a more cheerful threenager. The only major issue I had was on answering the door to the post man Alfie decided he wanted to try and leg it out the front, thankfully I managed to scoop him out to prevent an almost naked child gallivanting down the street with a fraught Mummy chasing after him!

So this is an update on my life with my very own little threenager. He's mad, he's always on the go, he's opinionated and at times a sod but he is amazing me every day with his speech, his memory and development. Would I change him from the crazy child he is? Never! He is his own little person and I love him for that (even if one doth protest lying in the middle of a path!)

How has your last week been?




Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sunday Style #5

This weeks Sunday Style is featuring Elarna again. Alfie has mostly been running around in just boxers this week. Don't ask. It's been one of those weeks. 

Slowly we are now heading into 3-6 month age clothing. She is still fitting just about into 0-3 but gradually I'm dressing her in a few of her new clothes as we have loads of 3-6 month in her wardrobe! 

I am absolutely loving this pinafore dress and tights set, it looks lovely on and is a nice change from the frilly dresses! I teamed it with one of my favourite head bands which is a pink satin spotty flower with a pearl in the centre, gorgeous.

Blue Pinafore Dress, Vest and Tights Set - M&S (unsure of cost as was gift)

Headband - Cute Baby Hair Boutique (approx £1.50)

I had to take a picture of the back of the dress as I didn't realise that it features a beautiful heart! I love little details like that, really adds to the look of the outfit. I also want to mention just how well the item is made featuring a fair amount of poppers to make the dress easy to get on and off but also adjustable for her size. The quality of both the dress and the tights are fab too, then I've always thought that about M&S baby clothes.

The second outfit this week I am calling pink fusion! We popped over to Southwold for the day yesterday and met our bestests, the weather wasn't supposed to be overly warm so I opted for a leggings and t-shirt combo to be on the safe side. When I planned the outfit I honestly didn't think it was so 'in your face' pink, clearly I was wrong as these pictures tell me otherwise! That's ok though, I love pink so for me I think it's an awesome outfit hehe.

Everything, bar the shoes and headband are from TU at Sainsbury's, I really do rate supermarket clothes and Sainsbury's is no exception, they have a great range. I am unsure of any of the prices as they were all gifts but I imagine they were all excellent value as they usually are! The pink watermelon cardi is absolutely gorgeous with watermelon slices on the pockets and little bows down the front (you can see in the picture below). The leggings are so bright, they are gorgeous and I love the little bow detail on the ankle. The t-shirt underneath which can't be seen has the slogan 'mummy's little princess' printed on the front, I confess I forgot to take a picture of it.

My love for headbands continues, in fact originally during today she was wearing a small white flowery one but when I arrived home the new ones I had ordered from Ebay (£1.39) had arrived and I just had to try it with this outfit, I think it looks amazing!

Finally I have to share these little shoes that I bought last week, how gorgeous are these which are from Next (£8.00), they are beyond cute and look lush on.

What do you think of the featured outfits this week?

The Knott Bump & Us

A Slice of My Life Wales

My Sunday Photo - 30/08/15


Friday, 28 August 2015

If I Could............

I've been tagged by Sarah over at Run Jump Scrap to take part in another tag, this time all about If I could.............sounded fun and I've been taking a little step back from blogging in the last few days so this seemed a nice and easy post to do!

If I could live anywhere...

I have spoken about my love for France before in this post, so if I could live absolutely anywhere it would have to be the South of France. I love the way of life, it's chilled out, it's a beautiful place and the food and wine are sublime. Obviously I would need to speak the language to get by but if I could live in the Dordogne I would be one happy lady.

If I could have any home...

That's such a tough question, I think if I was to have any home which would be my dream home and money was no object I would design my own! It would be big, modern, probably quite imposing and full of gadgets, it would have a swimming pool and a hot tub too!

If I could have any garden...

I would love to have a hidden, secret, enchanted garden. I don't know if you ever watched the film The Secret Garden (one of my childhood fave's!) but it's all about a little girl who gets sent to live with some estranged family after being orphaned. She discovers an overgrown hidden garden and it's amazing. I would love something like that with lots of things to discover and little cubby holes and wild flowers.

If I could be on holiday right now...

Depends on the budget, if there was no budget I'd hop on the plane to somewhere exotic then head over to New York for a shopping spree. If I was on more of a budget I'd be heading to France (no surprise!)

If I could have any job...

Well as much as I love blogging I'm not sure I'd want to quit my current job for it, too much uncertainty with income. I've always wanted to own my own shop though, so maybe a traditional sweet shop or a wedding dress shop would be fun and I could be my own boss.

If you could have any talent...

I used to adore dancing and singing when I was younger, I wish that I could have pursued it more and maybe ended up on the West End stage so if I could it would be a talented singer and dancer.

If I could live any day again...

My answer is the same as Sarah's. It would have to be my wedding day, it was such an amazing day and I would love to relive it. I love the thought of getting my wedding dress on and walking down the aisle again, ahhhh the memories. 

If I could have any superpower....

Oh it would have to be invisibility without a doubt! The trouble I could get up to, hehe.

Now it's over to you...... I tag the following to take part!

The Reading Residence

Binky Linky

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Best and Worst Linky #15

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hello and welcome to the fifteenth week (where is the time going?!) of our linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself, we're really pleased to welcome you. If you're new to the linky we're delighted for you to join in, please do have a read of the rules. If you're a regular then thanks as always for the support. Sarah and I will be splitting commenting again this week, it working well doing it like that you should have received a comment from one of us so if you are missing one please do drop us a tweet or email. We've had some great posts over the last few weeks!

This is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

We're delighted to see you here and hope you enjoy taking part and we're really looking forward to reading your posts. We had a cracking week last week with 58 link ups which was incredible, would love to hit 60 this week so do spread the word if you can.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our Twitter feed. 

My favourite link up came from Laura over at Life with Baby Kicks. She talks about how she is a mother and reflects on life before babies, I love the way it is written so please do pop over and have a read.

Sarah was from Debbie over at Random Musings about the 5 things that annoy her about blogging, this is a great post and I have to agree with some of things she mentions. Capthca, arghh! 

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one post each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too. We've noticed that some people have just been link dropping and not commenting on the 2 in front, please do return the favour so everyone gets some comments and linky love, thankyou. We continue to see that some people aren't commenting which we are monitoring and introducing a three strike rule and then posts will be deleted.
  • Please add the badge to the bottom of your page so everyone knows where you have linked up
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap once linked up so we can retweet you. When tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from

Best of Worst



This weeks Best and Worst and Wicked Wednesday is featuring Alfie as the ring leader causing mischief...... nothing new there haha!

I turn my back for one second and then find Alfie being super cute, or so I think...........

I hear this.....

'Mummy I am feeding Elarna popcorn *grins*.

So in actual fact what I do find is Alfie feeding my 4 month old baby who I am not weaning yet, salted caramel popcorn. Wahhhh, he's such a little tinker and he thought he was being helpful so I could hardly tell him off. I then ended up having to remove some popcorn from Elarna's mouth, thankfully all was ok. Then I realised just how cute the whole situation was and enjoyed them both looking very sweet together.

So a potential disaster was averted and Alfie enjoyed his popcorn while Elarna watched him with fascination. 

What have you and your tots been up to this week?

Best of Worst


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

My Little Gypset Box - Review

It's time for the August My Little Box review, a little bit later than planned but time has been getting away from me this month! The August theme is 'gypset', I admit when I read the box I was a bit like eh, what is gypset? Do they mean gypsy? Having a quick google it would appear that 'gypset' is a fusion between the carefree and relaxed life of gypsy and the glamorous life of the jet set.

As always this months box design was gorgeous and looked like such a happy box from the outset if that makes any sense!

More and more I am loving the little quote cards that are enclosed, I'm going to start keeping the ones I love to frame and display around the house I think.

First item was one that I really wasn't keen on initially. I'm not really a boho person and this design is really not me.....but once I'd actually started to use it for a few makeup bits and pieces I've decided that despite the design it's very handy! No price on the info card unfortunately!

Next up is these gorgeous multi use hair ties/bracelets. Love these, they are really soft with pretty patterns and I like that they can be worn in the hair or as a bracelet when not in use as a hair tie. Again no prices included on these so I'm unsure of their value. Great item to be sent.

On to the beauty items, first item is a really nice Korres Body Milk in Bergamont Pear (RRP for 200ml £10.00), this is a fab item, it smells delicious and is really light and moisturising, perfect for a Summers day.

The second item I was soooo disappointed to see, So Susan Colour Hybrid Lip Colour (RRP £14.50), as I have mentioned previously when we have received this brand in Glossybox I have been far from impressed, the packaging is usually cheap and the product itself not worth the RRP (in my opinion). Admittedly this item isn't too bad, but I am really not a fan of the brand so I hope that we don't see many more of this brand appear in future boxes.

The last item is My Little Beauty Bronzing Powder, again no RRP on this item which is unusual as there usually is costing on the product card, I couldn't even find it online. Anyway, this is quite a nice bronzing powder with a slight shimmer to it so a nice item to prolong the Summer glow (if you have one!). Lovely packaging too which I do always find with the My Little Beauty items, they are generally great items.

I have to admit this box has left me feeling a little underwhelmed, it's not been the best in my opinion but then it's going to happen once in a while as you can't be happy with every single item in these boxes! Never mind, there is always next month!

What did you think of the items sent in this months box?
Family Fever

Monday, 24 August 2015

10 Things I'd Tell my Kid Self

I've been nominated by Sarah from RunJumpScrap to take part in 10 things you'd tell your kid self. 

Hmmm now this is an interesting one!! Where to start. I was quite a rebellious teen so I reckon most of my warnings will be to my teenager self but looking back there are things I would definitely tell me younger self so things!

1. When there are huge boxes stored in your parents bedroom (which I still to this day have no  idea why they had a box the size of a wardrobe in their spare room!) don't climb into it head first and get stuck. It makes for a very unflattering sight, your best friend will remind you of it forever more and from what I remember it was quite distressing being stuck upside down in a box!

2. Don't try and steal your best friends My Little Pony because it smells nice, she will notice and will cry.

3. It's best not to jump down from your parents bed onto their dodgy floor, you'll end up smashing the floorboards. The funny thing is they still have a wonky floor where I did this, oops. Oh the memories!

4. Don't laugh when your Dads legs come crashing through the loft where he missed his footing and ended up falling through the plasterboard (this happened more than once, ha!). 

5. The whole green stripy tights and denim shorts was not a good look then. I looked like a witch, awful, awful fashion choices. 

6. Stealing pints of milk from people's doorways when horrendously drunk is mean and nasty. I can't believe we actually used to do this..... *hangs head in shame*.

7. Calling the Spanish teacher a wan*er is never going to end well, take note!! 

8. Starting to smoke while at school is not cool nor is it clever. Was the start of a very bad habit!

9. Using 'Sun In' (dodgy spray for hair to apparently make it blonder and lighter) is sooooo not good, you end up looking very much like a satsuma, literally my hair was orange, not good

10. Finally,  don't drink almost a whole bottle of vodka (straight) the end results are NOT pretty. Like I said, I was a rebel when I was a teen!! Tut, tut and smack my wrist, I was such a tinker of a teenager! 

So looking back there is definitely a fair few things that I wish I hadn't done and if I could change time these are things that would take priority. Overall though, even with all of these things I don't think I've turned out too bad! 

So over to you guys!! I now tag the following: 



A Cornish Mum