Thursday, 29 August 2019

Awesome Bloss'ems *Review*

{Gifted} We have recently been sent Awesome Bloss'ems to review. If you have a child like my youngest (age 4) they will be into cute and quirky surprise toys. These sweet little things are all the rage at the moment. Water the plant pot and see what grows!

Included in each Awesome Bloss'em (RRP £7.99) are: 

- 1 pot with a dome and lid 
- 1 pack of sparkle soil 
- 1 leaf spoon
- A selection of decorations 
- 1 seed containing the doll 
- Instruction sheet with collector guide

The concept is very simple. Remove the outer packaging and take out the seed, remove the tab on the seed and pop it into the plant pot. Sprinkle the sparkle sand which is really sparkly and pat it around the seed. Using the very sweet little leaf spoon water the soil and seed and watch what pops out of the top! You begin to see which doll appears and you can start to identify her by her crown! Very sweet indeed.

There are 26 dolls to collect and there are 5 themes available, each doll smells sweet.....although I personally couldn't make out a scent...... and each ones comes in a little outfit and unique crown which represents her theme. They are fab little pocket money presents.

What did we like?

- They are cure little toys, very much the 'in' thing at the moment and I'm sure will be a hit

- The surprise element is sweet, Elarna loved watering the seed to make her blossom doll appear!

- Would make a great pocket money gift or sticking filler or similar

- We like that there are several characters to collect

- It's a nice little interactive toy that the child can get fully involved with

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- The dolls themselves are really quite small, less than 5cm in fact and I was expecting something a little more if I am honest 

- There is limited playability, once the doll has been removed from the seed although the base and leaf can be used there is little that can be done with the doll other than play with it away from the leaf and base.

- As usual with these toys the packaging is a bit of a pain, I can never really understand just why so much single use plastic is needed especially when these days we are trying to be more environmentally aware

Overall, we did quite like the Awesome Bloss'em dolls. I feel I wanted to like them more but there were a few niggly things such as having to throw away the seed pod and the glitter soil which kind of went ever where as we did it in the garden.....I did try my best to clear up but it was a tad tricky when the wind blew it everywhere!

Mostly, it was a hit but I wouldn't say that it's a toy that Elarna came back to again and again which is a shame. Would we buy more? Maybe but I think we have more popular toys in our house that she would prefer to collect. However, if you have a child that adores collectable, surprise toys then they will love this. I will leave you with a few more pictures of us growing the Awesome Bloss'em!

* Please note we were kindly sent the items free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. All thoughts are my own, thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

3 Things we probably shouldn't Ignore!

{ Collaborative} We all think we know our body. We can all be extremely stubborn from time to time too and ignore some of the random things that happen to our body.

What if these things that we ignore are, in fact, warning signs from our body? Today we are going to look at some of those little warning signs and what to do if they occur.  Often we can help ourselves with supplements and vitamins and minerals to promote good health and wellbeing, the good news is we can often support our immune system and mind using certain things, the New York Observer goes into further detail about one such option out there.

Image Credit - Pexels - CC0 Licence

Chest Pain

Now, most people now choose to ignore chest pain or put it down as wind. In fact, the majority of the time, chest pain of any sort can be your body trying to communicate something to you.

The good news is that 80% of chest pain is not related to the heart. It doesn’t mean, however, that is isn’t something you should ignore. The pain that you are feeling could be pulmonary, referred stomach issues or even pain that is caused by stress and anxiety.

Stress is the number one cause of chest pain, and this is not the only worrying symptom that it causes. If you do feel any form of chest pain, no matter how slight, you should contact your local medical professional.

Of course, if you do feel a tightening or a crushing pain in the chest. You should definitely go to your local ER and get this checked out.

Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is one of those things the majority of us will suffer. It is often known as one of the worst pains we can experience. Sometimes the pain can only last a short term, others it can last a few days. The majority of the time, we ignore the pain and wait for it to go away.

Ok, so nobody likes going to the dentist but what if we look at the scary truth. That pain you are having is possibly the start of an infection, there is, in fact, a 10% chance that infection could spread to your brain and have fatal consequences. Still, feel like ignoring that pain?

The best advice you can be given, if it’s the middle of the night and you are experiencing severe pain, go to an emergency dentist it may be one of the best things you ever do. In an extreme case, it may even save your life.

Stomach Pain

Ever since we were little, we have been trained to ignore stomach pain and just put it down to bellyache. 

When we look at what belly ache is, it is actually quite scary. That pain that you are feeling could be caused by one of many things. These could range from a blockage to a viral infection. 

Another cause of stomach pain that goes ignored is unbelievably food poisoning. There are, in fact, more cases of food poisoning that go unreported every year, than there are reported. Most people just don’t realise they have it. So visiting your doctor should you have abdominal pain is an absolute must, if only for peace of mind.

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Nanable's Your World, Your Way *Review & Giveaway*

{Gifted} Sometimes we are sent some toys that are just so cool and these little Nanables really are. I knew as soon as I saw the cute and colourful little houses I knew they were going to be a hit in our house. We were sent a selection of the little Nanable houses and I have to say, despite their teeny tiny size these are great and certainly encourage the imagnation!

So what are Nanable's?

Nanable's are teeny, tiny dwellings that are inhabited by little nanos, each building or shop is intricately detailed and you can even peek inside for a little glimpse of goings ons inside.....but more of that later.There are currently two towns 'Sweetness Town' and 'Rainbow Way' each have their own little set of shops and buildings. In 'Sweetness Town' there is cupcake place, dusted donut diner, gumdrop gazebo, kettle corner bistro, lolli-pop stars dance studio and milk and cookie mill. In 'Rainbow Way' there is make it rain-bow arcade, over-the-moon macarons, rainbow-tique, sparkle day spa, the gilded wing and twinkle, twinkle inn. Included with each nanable are two nano's and believe me when I see they are SO cute! There are currently 20 nano's to collect and a total of 12 buildings but I'm sure in the future there will be more added to the collection. 

We were sent a selection of nanable's and both myself and Elarna took huge delight in looking at them and playing with them. I have to say the level of detail on them is so cool! They are so lovely to look at and each way you turn it there is something else to see. The peep hole is something extra special which really adds an extra dimension to the already cute nanable's, simply look through the window and see what's going on inside, again the level of detail and imagination is brilliant. To further enhance these you can even down an app where you can customise the world and enjoy activities and games.....brilliant!

They sort of take me back to my childhood somewhat and remind me a little of Polly Pockets, ahhhh I used to spend hours playing with them. The little nano's that come with them are super tiny and can be placed around the houses in a variety of ways, for example you can open the door and put them in the door or sit them in a seat or place them around the garden, my personal favourite is the day cute!

What did we love? 

- Let me put it like this, there is very little to dislike about these colourful little imaginative toys. From the unbelievable detail to the peep through windows there is so much going on in a tiny space, adorable. 

- With an RRP £4.99 they don't break the bank and they offer endless imaginative play and encourages children to make up stories and pretend play

- Because of their size they are great to pop in an ice cream tub and take them out and about to occupy the kids! Elarna recently took hers to a restaurant and it kept her occupied for ages!

Anything we weren't so keen on? 

- I have to mention the size of the nano's that come with them, they really are teeny tiny so there is a safety aspect to them. My daughter isn't really a child that chews things or puts things in her mouth but if she was I wouldn't be letting her play unattended with them. Under supervision there shouldn't be an issue. Head further down the post to see a photo for size reference.

- There are not that many to collect at the moment but hopefully in the future there will be more available.

We can't wait to discover more of what Nanables has to offer and see what else is added to the range in the future. If you love the look of them and think you'd like to see what it's all about then I have an exciting chance for you to WIN a couple of Nanable's, all you have to do is enter via the rafflecopter below and I will be in touch if you are the lucky winner! Easy peasy!


- UK entries only please
- The prize will be sent directly from the supplier, I cannot be held personally accountable 
- There is no monetary alternative
- I can't guarantee which ones you will receive
- Entry is via the Rafflecopter alone
- Invalid entries will be disqualified

Good luck! Scroll down to the bottom of the post to enter.

* Please note we were kindly gifted the items free of charge in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts are my own. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, 9 August 2019

The Bellies Interactive Baby *Review*

{Gifted} Bellies are interactive little baby dolls that originate from 'Bellyville', these tiny little babies come with a variety of surprises which are discovered when taken out of the packaging. On first impressions, I have to be honest they look a little creepy but to my four year old daughter thought she was just really cute! We received 'Yumi-Yummy' the crazy little pink haired, pig tailed baby. She likes all things sweet and loves to eat anything, she loves the colour orange. Strange little thing she is! There are six varieties available each with different personalities and likes and dislikes.

Within the pack is: 

- The interactive baby with birth band
- A little pack of stickers
- A 'poopypaedia'
- A magnetic dummy
- A bottle 
- A little blanket and nappy (easy to take on and off with velcro)

Once taken out of the pack you activate her by pulling the 'umbilical tag' and she will start saying her name and babbling, her heart will beat and start to glow red. She really does babble quite alot and I struggled to pick up many words other than her name. She sounds kind of cute though!

You can take her nappy off and inside there is a poopy surprise! I was expecting something slightly more than just a sticker within the nappy but Elarna thought it was amusing. You can pretend feed her using the bottle and she will babble all the time and you can put the dummy to her mouth where it will stay as it's magnetised and she will make contented little noises. For further ways to look after your bellies doll you can use the 'poppypaedia' to make sure you are taking the best care of her.

What did we like?

- They are cute little things and the interactive feature is a nice touch, my daughter is four and enjoyed playing with her

- Cute little accessories that are included within the pack

- The little birth mark on her bottom is a sweet idea, undo the nappy to discover what birth mark is there!

- Encourages the child to be responsible and interactive play through sensory involvement

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- It has to be the price....a whopping £29.99 which in my opinion is far too much for what it is, I would expect to pay around £15 for this kind of toy

- The babbling is a little odd and I couldn't really make out much of what was being said other than the name 'Yumi-Yummy'

- I wasn't keen in the magnetised dummy, it wasn't very secure and would have preferred it to actually fix into the mouth

Overall we mostly liked it, Elarna played with her alot and took her to bed with her so she could go to sleep when Elarna did. I wouldn't say it's a toy that she keeps going back to but I think she will play with her on and off. Elarna is a child that likes to role play and interact so that part of the toy definitely appealed. Aimed at age 3 and up I would agree with this age recommendation due to the small parts.

Available from leading retailers such as Smyths and Amazon amongst others this would be a great toy if the price was perhaps a little lower! These interactive toys are all the rage at the moment so they will definitely appeal to children that enjoy role playing and having some interaction with their toys.

* Please note we were kindly sent the item free of charge in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts are my own.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

How To Get Your Skin Ready For The Big Summer Reveal!

{Collaborative post}The temperature is rising but the sun isn't getting low. It's summertime, which means it's time for the big reveal. You're about to show more skin for the next couple of months, and you don't want to get any nasty looks or sideways glances. Ladies around the world have been there and it isn't pleasant.

Getting your skin summer-ready sounds like a hassle, yet it doesn't have to be. Forget constant shaving and waxing because these tips are going to take the stress out of wearing shorts and summer dresses. Anxiety be gone!

Here's what you need to remember when the mercury is off the charts.

Not All Cosmetic Surgery Is Created Equally

Cosmetic surgery? You? Never! It's tempting to feel this way because of the horror stories you hear and see involving lip fillers and Botox. However, laser hair removal is a different animal altogether. According to Skin Perfection London, it has almost no side-effects, is safe and has little downtime. So, you'll be ready for the summer in no time whatsoever. More importantly, your skin won't have any access hair and there is no need to shave or wax regularly. If you think a laser is risky, wait until you see the red blotches a razor leaves on your arms and legs!

Your Throat Isn't The Only One That Gets Thirsty

Your skin gets thirsty too, and you need to top it up with moisture regularly. Otherwise, it will crack and dry up and you won't be able to get it out of your head. After all, it's the season of shoulderless tops and midi skirts. The key is to lock in the moisture with your morning and nighttime routine. That way, your skin won't get dry when the sun is at its hottest. Please don't over-moisturise though as then it will look greasy. A bonus - moisturiser helps you keep your tan for longer.

Tanning Starts In Spring

When we are tan, we look and feel our best. Still, there's no reason to wait until summer to start your base tan. What happens when there is the inevitable break in the weather during April and March? You don't want to get caught out, which is why you should gradually build your tan in the early blooms of spring. Aside from having the smooth brownness being eye-catching, it stops you from overegging the pudding. Sorry, but nobody should be the sunbed queen whose skin looks fake and tacky.

Manis And Pedis Are Non-Negotiable

Everyone has been on public transport when a guy gets on wearing flip-flops sporting crusty feet. It's disgusting and you don't want people to move on the tube because you're feet are stuck in winter. A mani/pedi is the perfect solution as it removes the excess skin and leaves the nails shining. If you can't get to a salon, you should use chip-resistant polishes to avoid having to reapply every couple of days. Come on - we all get lazy and don't stick to our routines, so why deny it?!

What are the secrets that help you get your skin summer-ready?  

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Fun with Little Brian Paint Sticks *Giveaway & Review*

{Gifted} Mess free and painting. There are two words I bet you wouldn't expect to hear! However this is where the Little Brian paint sticks step in......these nifty little paint sticks are pretty cool no need for brushes or water and they dry within minutes and are super versatile enabling the child to unleash their creativity! We have recently been sent an assortment of Little Brian goodies including the new art station (RRP £30.00) We have long been fans of the paint sticks, as I'm not really 'crafty mum' these are ideal for the children to have lots of fun while making minimum mess. They can even draw on windows with them.....I kid you not.....and it washes off leaving no trace!

To add to our Little Brian collection we were also sent a tub of 12 paint sticks (which we have one to give away over on Facebook!), a 24 pack of paint sticks including metallic and day glow neon colours, as well as the great art creation station. Elarna was very excited to get creative she just loves to draw and squiggle little notes. These items couldn't be more suited to my little artist as she loves to colour and quite happily will sit and make pictures. What I love about the art station is how useful it will be when Elarna starts school, she can practice her writing, numbers and letters on it. Dual sided they can even both have a side to write and draw on which will hugely reduce arguments......always a bonus!

As soon as she saw the art station she was so excited, we had to open everything straight away and get on with drawing, colouring and experimenting with what both the paint sticks and the chalks would do. The art station is a decent size and included in it is a dual sided writing board, black board one side and white the other. A selection of Little Brian pain sticks and chalks, paper and an orange squeegee wiper. There is an area to store the paint sticks when not not in use, there are pots around the station that the pots or chalks can be put in when in use which makes it all very easily accessible for the the child when using the art station. I particularly liked the chalks and chalk board, it was really effective.

The art station is the perfect solution to mess FREE messy play! No water or paint brushes makes the whole product very appealing. The station also folds away for ease of storage and for table top use. This would be ideal  to take away on holiday as you can store all the paint sticks away in the handy storage area and it's fairly flat so doesn't take up a great deal of room. 

So what did we love about Little Brian Paint Sticks?

- The lack of mess is simply marvellous, the children can use the paint sticks and be as creative as possible and I can be stress free knowing that there will be no huge mess to tidy up afterwards.

- The art station is a brilliant addition to the range, I love that it folds  up and the chalks are amazing on the black board, so colourful! 

- The range of Little Brian paint sticks/chalks is fantastic and there are so many things you can do with them from stamping, dotting, thick lines, thin lines, watercolour effects and so much more. They dry really quickly too.

- The choice of colours is great and the addition of the metallic and neon sticks is brilliant, the metallic ones really do glimmer away when applied.

- As mentioned above the paint sticks can be used on windows! We have tried this and they do wipe off easily leaving no residue. 

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- The art station is a little flimsy and the paper doesn't often stay held with the clip. 

- The pots don't stay in if carried, it would have been a bit of a better design if the pots were either stuck in or some way, also the area where the chalks and paint sticks are stored will only hold a few, if too many are in these areas then it won't close

- Not really a dislike but be aware the orange squeegee needs to be sightly wet to remove the paint sticks, there didn't seem to be anywhere in the box that advised of this!

We have a wonderful giveaway over on my Facebook Page where one lucky Blogging Beautifully reader is in the chance to win their very own paint sticks bucket (RRP £12.99), included is all that is needed to create bright, imaginative and beautiful art work. Head on over to enter and good luck! I will leave you with some more images of my daughter having a wonderful time playing with the paint sticks and unleashing her creative side! Such a wonderful selection of colours to choose from!

So if you like the look of these gorgeous paint sticks and you love the sound of MESS FREE painting then do head over to the Facebook page and give the post a like to be in with a chance of winning your very own pot of Little Brian paint sticks. We just love them in our house and would highly recommend. 

* Terms and conditions of Facebook competition* 

-Entry is via the Facebook page but is not in any way endorsed by Facebook
-UK entries only I'm afraid
- The winner will be contacted by Facebook so please keep an eye on your messages when the time is up

Good luck!

* Please note we were kindly sent the items free of charge in exchange for a review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.