Thursday, 25 June 2015

Glossybox June 2015 - Review

I can't believe I'm writing the June review for the latest Glossybox, I feel like I only just reviewed the May box! We are now half way through the year and hitting the Summer festival season so it was only natural that Glossybox would theme this months box around this. You may remember the sneak preview in this months box was for some temporary tattoo's which I wasn't exactly thrilled about, you can read the May review here.

On opening this months box I have to confess to finding it a little underwhelming, I can't exactly say that anything jumped out at me. 

I received a pack of Halo fragrance free facial wipes (travel sized received 10 wipes RRP £1.20). A handy item yes but a little dull, I will pop them in to my toiletries bag for my holiday. I get that they would be a useful item for a festival enabling you to freshen up on the move though.

Next is probably the best item in the box even though it's not a brand I'm familiar with. Kueshi Anti-cellulite Booster (full size 15oml received RRP £14.55), designed to stimulate the blood circulation and reduce cellulite it's a decent item to include, applies nicely too.

Third item, Essence The Gel Nail Polish (full size bottle received RRP £1.71), as mentioned before I'm quite loyal to the nail polish brands I like (Nails Inc, Essie, Ciate) so this is not a great item to send me, plus I have about 10 shades of red all similar, but then Glossybox obviously aren't to know that!

Fourth items in the box are the dreaded Glossybox Tattoos (full size pack received RRP £6.50) , really dislike these they look like something I used to wear when I was a teenager, not a fan at all. Also did you see the price?! Crazy.

Lastly, Monuspa Rosewood Revivigin Mist (small bottle received, RRP for full size £11.95), I really like the brand Monuspa but not a massive fan of facial sprays, although that been said this one smells really nice and I have packed it to come away with me. 

Overall, as I said in the beginning a very underwhelming box this month. When they send boxes out that are like this I really question why I don't cancel my subscription, but yet I keep it going month after month and eventually a decent box is received. I'm considering trying out Cohorted which looks fantastic, or Birchbox as I read lot of good things about this or maybe You Beauty, I will have to see. Has anyone got any recommendations?

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Best and Worst Linky - #6

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hello and welcome to the sixth week of our brand new linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself, we're really pleased to have you here. Sarah is back from her holidays but I am now on mine, my commenting may be a little slow as my wifi connection is a tad rustic so to speak!

Last week we had another great turnout welcoming a few new faces which is so nice to see. Both myself and Sarah are really thankful for the support, it can be difficult starting a linky and we're really trying our hardest to make a go of it and make it successful. So thankyou ever so much to everyone who has retweeted us and helped us get the word out. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every single post last week so thanks ever so for linking up.

To remind you, this is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

We're delighted to welcome you and hope you enjoy taking part and we're really looking forward to reading your posts.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our social media pages.

The link up I enjoyed reading last week comes from Something Crunchy Mummy and the irrational tantrums her sons have. As a Mum to a toddler myself I could very much relate to this, I never know whether I'm coming or going at times with Alfe so it's reassuring to know I'm not the only one.

Sara's favourite linkup last week came from Whine or Wine? Written in a diary format it included excitement, carrots and a birthday!

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one post each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too
  • Please add the badge to the bottom of your page
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap so we can retweet you and when tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from

Best of Worst

Monday, 22 June 2015

How to Please your Cat.

I am a big cat lover, I've two of my own, Winston and Louie. Winston is our tabby ASBO cat (he's well known on the street for causing trouble) and Louie, my very own 'Felix' cat who pretty much just sleeps and eats, he is in all day just kipping on our bed. He's very lazy but very playful at times. Winston not so much, we have to play by his rules. 

Over at Purina they have created an amusing video featuring Felix exploring a new cat bed, a new play gym and a new cat toy. I have to admit when watching the video is was pretty much like watching my little trouble makers. Winston sees a box and he's in it, we buy Louie a new cat bed and he'd much rather be on ours and we now shut our bedroom door at night to prevent any unwanted attention from our two small furries! That Felix he's a cheeky scamp!

Seeing Felix in the video taking a rest on the laptop reminded me of Winston a few years ago damaging my husbands laptop, he used to get his claws under the keys and flick them off! Needless to say he was very much in the 'cat house' because of this.

If you are a cat lover like me then you must give the video a watch, I'm sure that you will relate.

What trouble have your cats got themselves into? Are they as cheeky as a Felix cat?

* Collaborative post.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Best and Worst Linky - #5

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hello and welcome to the fifth week of our brand new linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself, we're really pleased to have you here. Sarah is back from her holidays now so you should be seeing comments from both of us this week! 

Last week we had another great turnout with 25 link ups. Both myself and Sarah are really thankful for the support, it can be difficult starting a linky and we're really trying our hardest to make a go of it and make it successful. So thankyou ever so much to everyone who has retweeted us and helped us get the word out. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every single post last week so thanks ever so for linking up.

To remind you, this is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with ius. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

We're delighted to welcome you and hope you enjoy taking part and we're really looking forward to reading your posts.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our social media pages.

My favourite link up from last week was from Unhinged Mummy and how she just wants a bit of peace and quiet to have a bath. It had me howling because I have been there in that same situation and  it just shows how life changes with children. Delightfully honest and funny you must have a read.

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one post each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too
  • Please add the badge to the bottom of your page
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap so we can retweet you and when tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Best of Worst

Previous weeks Best and Worst can be viewed below:

Burning Questions.

There are many burning questions that I long for so the answer to. I suspect that I'll continue to be wondering for the rest of my life but for the moment these are some of my ponderings.

Why does my husband insist on throwing his boxers on the floor NEXT to the washing basket? Don't be a tool lad and pick your grungy undies up and put them in the basket!

Why does the Postman come at stupid o'clock in the morning to deliver parcels? I'm likely to be in a sleepy haze, my bra/boob is potentially hanging out my pj top as I've not noticed how low my top is, I'm wearing my glasses and I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Mind you if you don't come early you tend to come when I'm in the shower. God damn it.

Back to my husband again. Why oh why leave the wet towels on the bed?! How many times do I have to tell you to just hang the sodding things back up, it's not hard.

I take the rubbish out in nothing but my shorts and strappy pj top and normally see noone but when I do this I generally see every.single.neighbour (fml).

I paint my nails with care and attention and leave them to dry. I get up off the sofa half an hour later think they are dry and then proceed to smudge them and I've no idea how. Annoying.

Why is it the same delivery driver that delivers ALL of my clothes orders. He must think I own the entire range from Next/New Look/Boohoo/Amazon. We're practically old mates. You alright John!!

Why does Alfie do a steaming crap when a sales man comes to the door? The sales man keeps on yapping to me with the stench of shite wafting from the bathroom and Alfie is behind me asking me to wipe his bum with his pants and shorts round his ankles. Said sales man continues to yap n while I try to deal with Alfie who just keeps shouting at me to wipe his bum. Now Mr. Salesman take a hint and sod off!!

The moment I bump into someone I used to work with and I ask where they work, they tell me they still work in the same place that I used to and my response is ohhh you work there still?!! Awkward!!

Why oh why does my child repeat everything I don't want him to? Mummy shout at Alfie!! Mummy done poo!! Weeing Mummy??! Mummy broke the TV etc etc the list goes on, shhhh child!!

When you realise that your child is a sponge for information. That f*ck or sh*t that I used earlier suddenly gets repeated. Over and over and over again. Arghhhhhh!!!

Why do I always seem to double book? I wrote it down on the calendar. I bloody know I did. I did!!!

Why do children's songs get into your head? I constantly find myself singing Wind the Bobbin Up or Alice the Camel or I'm humming Blue Mountain Mystery or the Thomas Rap (which admittedly I quite like, it's dead funky ha!).  I know, I know can you believe there is a Thomas rap?!!

I'm promptly puked on. Of course I am I just put on a brand new black top.

The minute I start dozing off the littlest starts to whimper and then erupts into full blown 'the world is ending' crying.

Where is the end of the sellotape?!

Why is it you put something in a safe place but yet can never remember the safe place when you need find the item you've put in said safe place?!

There are of course many other questions that I often wonder the answer too and I will probably be adding to this list for as long as I'm alive but in the meantime I'll leave you with this little list.

What are your burning questions?

Best of Worst

My Little Babog

Monday, 15 June 2015

I'm in Charge.I am.Really.

I'm in charge. I am, I really am. You're only three, how can you possibly be in charge. I'm the adult, not you. You should be listening to me! 

But sometimes  most of the time you never seem to listen to me, it's all on your terms. I say do something and you say no. I say don't do something you do it anyway. I say stop and sometimes you laugh. 

Where are the instructions kept for a toddler? Someone pass me the remote so I can reprogramme this thing, I think I'm doing something wrong. Or am I? Is this just the way that toddlers are? Is it that actually I'm not doing anything wrong at all but this is just how it is in a three year old world?

I'm not the most patient person and I readily admit it. I find it hard to keep my cool at times, especially when tired and cranky and you have this little person who just keeps pushing your buttons (and my god he knows the buttons to press). I genuinely never knew that such a little person could make me so cross at times. 

For example take the other morning. This was a nursery morning and my husband had gone to London so I had to deal with both kids myself. Elarna was still dozing at the point Alfie woke up which made things easier for me. He starts screaming down the monitor 'daddyyyyyyy!!!', 'daddyyyyyyyy' so I trudge upstairs in a sleepy haze to be greeted with 'no mummy, want daddy go downstairs'. Excellent. Always a great start. NOT. I then have to practically drag him out of bed protesting. Then comes the battle for him to brush his teeth which is like playing some warped game show. It turns into some bizarre minty, foaming rave....almost, amidst all the wailing and screaming. I am saying to him 'mummy is in charge, not Alfie. Mummy is bigger than you and will always win'. Yeah right *insert sad/frustrated/annoyed face here*.

After that battle then comes the time to try and put his clothes on. Seriously HOW does a toddler manage to get their limbs in such a way you end with an arm in a trouser leg and pants on an arm? Serious question. 'Nooooo Mummy, nooooo, noooo want clothes on, nooooooo!!!'. Jesus Christ, I can feel my patience wearing thin. I can feel the rage starting to build, I hate feeling like this, why can't he just do as he's told? It's at times like this I start to feel a little broken. Have we made him this way? Is it our fault? 

I then lose my temper and shout, I shout at him to listen to Mummy and do what I'm asking. I bribe, I tell him he can watch Milkshake before we go to nursery. It doesn't work. I tell him he can play with his trains before we leave. It doesn't work. I threaten the naughty corner if he doesn't get dressed. It doesn't work. I feel like crying right now. I then really shout at him. I mean really shout and he then starts to sob. Shit. What must the neighbours think? They probably think I'm some sort of child abuser. Shit. Through the tears and screaming (and my tears) he then lets me get him dressed. He snaps my necklace, arghhhhhh!! I then shout again (more tears, shit again). We eventually, in a sobbing and miserable fashion manage to complete the getting ready for nursery mission. We go downstairs together with him still sobbing and asking for his teddy bear, I give him said teddy bear which he clings on to for dear life. I feel drained and it's not even 8:30am. He can sense that I'm miserable and cross and lets me put his socks and shoes on with no bother and we then hug it out. 

As quick as it started it finished. He hugs me like his little life depends on it and I can't stop apologising to him and telling him I love him. I say sorry, he says sorry, my heart melts. I then wonder why the hell am I apologising? He started it!!! Rahhh! Kids.

I get him into the car with no bother (Mummy win). I then get Elarna into the car (bless her she just slept through all the screaming!).We chat, he tells me 'Alfie cry this morning, Mummy was cross. Mummy shouted'. Shit. (Mummy fail). All I can think about is please, please don't repeat this at nursery, seriously!! 

Nursery drop off complete I then spend the rest of the day feeling like utter crap. I pick him up from nursery a little earlier than I would normally and in the car he's lovely. We get home and the day ends like it started. 'Want Daddy!! Where's Daddy?'. More screaming and wailing and then eventually Daddy walks in the door. Thank f*c* for that .......

Let's not forget that I also have the small responsibility of a newborn to look after too, this multitasking malarkey is hard! I love him with all my heart, that obviously goes without saying buy my god he can be hard work at times!

I've genuinely no idea how to deal with his behaviour some days. Sometimes he is the sweetest boy, he is kind and caring and loving but sometimes he is the devil incarnate! Enough said. 

When it's just us he can be quite well behaved, I just find the whole Mummy in charge thing tough. I sometimes take the easy route out (I know, I know not a great option) but for an easy life I give in and let him have the tablet or the green crisps (not the red ones Mummy!!) or let him run around with no shorts on. Call me a bad Mum but for some peace and quiet (at times) I'm ok with that.

So I leave you with this thought. I am in charge. I am. Really.

How do you deal with toddler tantrums? Does anyone else sometimes feel the toddler is in charge?!



Saturday, 13 June 2015

Latest in Beauty - The Glamour Edit

It's been absolutely ages since I've purchased a Latest in Beauty box, in fact the last one was back in 2013! You can have a nosey at that review here. Latest in beauty is not one I currently subscribe to but when they release one off special editions like this one I can't resist. I saw this pop through on my email a couple of weeks ago and loved the box, I knew I had to order it.

This is the Glamour edit filled with loads of Summery goodies. The box is gorgeous, I was completely sucked in by the watermelon design!

You can see from the picture below that the box is crammed to the brim. Unlike Glossybox and My Little Box you generally know what you're getting where as with the Latest in Beauty boxes they preview the items online rather than them being a surprise. I don't mind this as you then know what you're getting for your money. 

First up is a full size Nails Inc Polish (RRP £11.00) in shade Uptown, annoyingly I already have this shade which is a shame but seeing as I have a fair few Nails Inc polishes not surprising that it's already in my collection! Great item to include though. 

Next a shampoo and conditioner from one of my favourite brands, L'Occitane. Aromachology Repairing Shampoo & Conditioner (35ml bottles received, RRP various depending on size starts from £6.50 for 75ml), designed to intensely repair, hydrate and protect the hair, these will most definitely be in my toiletries bag for my holiday! Perfect travel size, a great brand to be included in this box. 

Third item received Balance Me Super Toning Body Polish (50ml received RRP for 150ml £18.00). This is a great item and another that shall be coming on holiday with me, designed to be cleansing and smoothing, a great Summer item to banish some unwanted cellulite (not that I have any cellulite, ahem)!

Up next a gorgeous chunky lip crayon. Bourjois Color Boost Lip Crayon (full size received, RRP £7.99) in shade Peach on the Beach. This is probably one of my favourites in the box, initially a little dubious about the shade but once on it's really not as bright as it looks, it's just a muted peach which is nice and really Summery so very pleased with this, it also feels really moisturising when worn.

This item I've been hearing alot about recently. Pixi Skintreats Glow Tonic (15ml received, RRP £18.00 for 250ml). I think this is supposed to be some sort of wonder product, designed to firm, tighten and enhance by removing dead and dulling skin cells. I'm yet to properly test it out but used a little on the back of my hand and it felt ever so smooth after so I'm looking forward to giving it a proper whirl.

This item definitely is a cult beauty favourite, I've used the Caudalie Divine Oil (15ml received, RRP £27.00 for 100ml) and I've really liked it. Multi purpose it can be used on your hair, face or body. I've used it overnight before and woken up with incredibly soft skin and in my hair it is brilliant. A little goes a long way too so this bottle will last ages. A fab item to include in this box.

I also received Eucerin Sun Protection Fluid for face (RRP £12.00 for 50ml) this is great item although I'm always worried about putting factor 50 on my face as I usually use a Factor 30 elsewhere and worry that my face will end up paler than the rest of my body! I will use this though and it will also be handy for the children. 

The next items have me intrigued. Vita Liberta Trystal Minerals (3g received RRP for 9g £35.00) and Kabuki brush (full size received) . I actually thought that this was just a bronzer to begin with but actually what it is a mineral bronzer that slowly builds up a gradual tan over a few days, I have no idea how it works and in the name of beauty I am testing it out so we'll see what happens! I might end up looking like a satsuma. The Kabuki brush is great, really soft and allows for a light coverage.

The last item was not for me at all, a set of temporary tattoos. I already have real tattoos so don't need fake ones and these ones aren't that great! I forgot to take pictures of them but you can see what they're like on the website.

So all in all a great box from Latest in Beauty and for only £17.99 & p&p I think this is great value. For more information you can click here.

Anyone else purchased this beauty box? What are your thoughts?

Family Fever

Friday, 12 June 2015

Car Tyre Safety

The Essential Car Tyres’ Safety Checklist

Checking the tyres of your car can help to prevent accidents occurring on the road. Faulty tyres may not just be illegal to drive on – they can cause you to swerve in the event of a blowout or could even mean that your braking distance is increased, making it difficult to judge the right amount of space to leave in front.

Tyres need to be checked regularly and this is not a matter you should put off or leave to a mechanic to do annually during your car's MOT. All of the steps in this checklist can be done by a driver and they do not require any specialist know how or mechanical expertise. 

Check the Tyre Pressure

All too often tyres are not in a good roadworthy condition simply because they are set at the wrong pressure. Under-inflated tyres will mean that lateral pressures exerted on them from the road's surface are not managed properly and the steering will not be as responsive as it should be, as result. Furthermore, under-inflated tyres wear down in certain areas and they cost you more money in fuel because they create greater rolling resistance. Likewise, over-inflated tyres are just as bad for safe driving. Therefore, check your tyres about every 5,000 miles or so.

Will changing a tyre soon be a thing of the past?

Inspect the Tyre for Bulges and Cracks

Give the side walls of your tyres an inspection every now and again. In good light conditions, you might detect cracks or bulges in the tyres. Either problem can result in unwanted consequences, when travelling. They highlight a problem with the tyre's compound, so driving on a cracked or bulging tyre usually increases the chances of a blowout.

Check for Tyre Tread Wear

Bald tyres are illegal, but a tyre does not need to be completely bald before it is against the law to drive on. The simplest way of checking the tread of a tyre is to insert a twenty pence piece side-on into the groove of a tyre. If the rim of the coin disappears from view within the groove then the tread is deep enough to be street legal. Remember that you need to check all the grooves on the tyre from the outside to the inside and all the way around the circumference of the tyre. This will mean that you need to roll the car forwards a little in order to inspect the section of tyre that was previously in contact with the tarmac.

Check Tyre Compatibility

Although you do not need to have all your car's four tyres made by the same manufacturer, or to be the same model, they do need to be compatible with one another. Under the MOT rules, this means that the front a rear tyres need to be similarly sized. The tyre must also be fitted to a legal wheel which means all of its nuts must be fitted and that the wheel cannot have sustained any heavy damage either.

The Complete Car Tyre Safety

If you perform these checks and find out that your tyres fail any of these, you must head over to a reputed tyre dealer. To ensure the safety of car owners, Point S car tyre dealers in UK are offering free tyre checks for everyone throughout the summer! Take advantage of this offer and make sure the next time you head out, you and your family are absolutely safe!

*PR Collaboration.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Best and Worst Linky - #4

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hello and welcome to the fourth week of our brand new linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself, we're really pleased to have you here. Sarah is on her hollibobs at the moment so you're stuck with me again this week until she returns! 

Last week was the third week and we had a good turnout with 19 link ups. Both myself and Sarah are really thankful for the support, it can be difficult starting a linky and we're really trying our hardest to make a go of it and make it successful. So thankyou ever so much to everyone who has retweeted us and helped us get the word out. I thoroughly enjoyed reading each and every single post last week so thanks ever so for linking up.

To remind you, this is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with ius. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

We're delighted to welcome you and hope you enjoy taking part and we're really looking forward to reading your posts.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our social media pages.

My favourite link up from last week came from Pinks Charming and her post on a day in her life. It had me chuckling I have to admit (sorry Becky!) and yet amazed at how brilliant she copes with 2 young children, she is one brave lady but thanks to her it's making me feel more confident in my ability to mother 2 young children so I thankyou for that.

I chose another post that I really enjoyed this week as Sarah is away and that is from the blog Hello Archie, her post about how your life changes after having children is bang on!! You must have a read for some enlightenment!

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one post each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too
  • Please add the badge to the bottom of your page
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap so we can retweet you and when tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Previous weeks Best and Worst can be viewed below:

Best of Worst