As of about 5pm(ish) today there will be no more nursery runs, no more cute little pre school productions and scribbly bits of nursery art and suspicious looking cakes/biscuits baked with love and sticky fingers. Back when Elarna was a tiny baby I wrote about the end of having babies, I still don't know if I will ever have a third but reflecting on this now makes me realise just how quickly time has gone. I know it's a total cliche but it really has. Here I am four years down the line and my youngest, my princess will be off to school in September. It barely seems real.
We have had the most wonderful nursery that both children have been to, Alfie spent only a few months in the pre school room before he started school where as Elarna has been in the same nursery since about 10 months of age working her way through the rooms so we have developed quite a relationship with the place! From the moment we stepped into the nursery we just knew it was the right one to choose, from the warmth and natural wooden toys in the baby room to the fab sensory room to the friendly staff in all rooms. We have never regretted our choice and I can honestly say they have brought the best out of my little girl and she will be leaving a confident, friendly and happy girly who can't wait to start school. She is starting to write, is enjoying reading and is an active little bean that loves role playing with her friends. I can't wait to see her develop as the months go on but I really am sad that she is growing up so quickly. In fact I'm sad that both my kids seem to be growing up at an alarming rate. It's certainly true what they say that children make the years fly by.
It really does feel the end of a big, no huge milestone. I have been doing the nursery run twice a week for a good couple of years ago while my husband takes Alfie to school, it works better for me to take her and then go straight to work, I can't believe I won't be doing it ever again. Of course, there will be some benefits like not having to pay the extortionate nursery fees and not having to pay these even when she isn't it (i.e bank holidays!) but it's going to feel very strange not taking her to nursery.
As of September I will have TWO school children, eek! SO much to look forward to of course and I know Elarna is going to love school, she had her first settling in afternoon last week and although there were a few tears she came out beaming which was reassuring but I still have that familiar feeling of the unknown and the anxiety of sending my littlest of on her next adventure. I just hope her big bro looks out for her!
I always said to Adi (even though he is adamant for no more children) that maybe when Elarna goes to school we might consider a third? I feel my mind might go into overdrive as I'm going to have a bit of spare time on my hands when she starts school. I currently have Wednesdays and Fridays off which is lovely and has been wonderful to be able to do this after going back to work full time after I had Alfie. I plan to try and pick up a few extra hours at work when possible and embark on a new course to keep me busy! We will see I guess.
So this is it, the end of nursery. For the next few weeks she will be at home with us and the grandparents, as needed, having a lovely little rest (lucky her haha) before starting at school. So thankyou Kiddi Caru (her current nursery) for giving her the confidence and stepping stones to get her ready for school. Wahhhh!!! Mixed emotions from me right now!