Thursday, 28 January 2021

Helping Your Child Follow your Dreams.

{Collaborative Content} Every child has dreams of being something when they grow up. In the past, kids wanted to be famous footballers or singers. Now, they might want to be a YouTube star with millions of subscribers eagerly logging on to watch every new video. Most of the time, these dreams don’t come to fruition. Your child grows out of it, or they try something new and realize their original dreams are not what they want. But, regardless of what they want, you must help them follow their dreams, and here’s how.

Get To Know Them 

It sounds strange to suggest that you get to know your kids. You see them every day. You’ve known them all their lives. But, do you know your kids? Chances are they have interests that you don’t know about. If you want to encourage them to follow their dreams, you must get to know them. You can spend time with them as they practice and ask them about what they are doing or how they are doing it. Not only will you learn more about their hobby, but your child will also be pleased that you're showing an interest in their life.

Help Them Gain Self-Confidence 

Generally, there are two types of kids. There are the boisterous, loud children who love being the centre of attention, and there are the shy kids who prefer to stick to the sidelines and won’t put themselves out there. There is nothing wrong with either personality, but if your child shows signs of shyness, you can help them boost their confidence to give them the driver to show off their skills. If they have dreams of performing or being in front of an audience, this confidence is vital for helping them feel comfortable in all situations.

Look For the Best Clubs and Schools

If your child gets to the point where they grow out of local clubs and schools, you can help them achieve their potential by identifying the best institutions in the country. Football academies or the Royal Academy of Dance are renowned places that will give your child the skills to make it and achieve their dreams. There’s only so much you can teach them, so working with professionals will ensure they have all the support they need, potentially leading to success in the future.

Don’t Live Vicariously Through Them 

Parents who live vicariously through their kids are the worst. They are usually parents who had their own dreams of success but never made it, maybe because of an injury. While it’s reasonable to be happy for your child following their dreams, you mustn’t make it about yourself. You shouldn’t push your child if they don’t want to be pushed. This can make them fall out of love with their dreams and damage your relationship with them. 


If you’re a parent, you already know how fickle kids can be. They might show an interest in one hobby today, only to forget about it entirely tomorrow. But, if your kids show a genuine, lasting interest in something, you must do everything you can to help them achieve their dreams. 

Friday, 22 January 2021

Things That Change when You Grow Older.


{Collaborative Content} Everyone grows old, and everyone eventually starts to struggle with the little things in life. It is a natural part of life for us to grow old and start a whole new chapter, and today we want to discuss this and consider some of the things you might expect at this time of your life. 

There is nothing to be scared of about growing older and it is important for you to be prepared for what may come in the latter years of your life. Here are just a few of the things you will notice happen to you when you start to grow older

You’ll know the doctor on a first name basis 

As we grow past the age of 26, our bodies start to lose cells at a faster rate than we create them; and as we grow older this gap increases and this is why we suffer from more health issues when we grow older. You’ll notice that as you grow older you will end up visiting the doctors much more often and you will likely eventually know your doctor by their first name. 

You’re less mobile

When you grow a little older, you’ll notice that your joints are much more stuff than they used to be. It is important as you grow older to not be discouraged by the changes in your body and ensure that you do everything you can to adapt to these changes and make life a little easier for yourself. You can consider things such as physiotherapy, Elderly care, or different medications to help you live your life during these changes. 

You don’t work 

When you reach a certain age it will be time for you to retire for good, and this is something that will be amazing. After working for 40-50 years of your life you will now be able to be free and spend the twilight years of your life enjoying everything the world has to offer. The culture shock of no longer working might hit you hard and the best way to tackle this is to find a new hobby to take up your time such as painting or gardening. 

You have more time

Now that you are older and you are no longer working you will have a lot more time to enjoy yourself and do the things you love. Take the chance to go travelling, to learn how to cook new foods, and try new things. Having more time to enjoy the little things in life can be amazing and it will make you so happy and feel amazing every day. 

You struggle to see 

One of the health issues you will likely suffer as you grow older is a loss of your sight. Losing our sense of sight is common and it is something that affects people of all ages so it is nothing to be worried about. If you do start to notice that you can’t see or things are blurry you can go to your optician and either get some glasses or contact lenses to help you see. As your eyes grow worse, you may find that you need the help of a home care agency for day-to-day tasks. This can ensure you keep your independence and are still able to live at home.

You may lose hearing

Your sense of hearing is something you will also likely lose as you grow older and it is something that you will need to get used to. Consider a hearing aid if you struggle to hear what people are saying because often if you don’t address a hearing issue it can impact things such as your relationship with your family and even your confidence if you start to withdraw from conversations because you can’t hear what people are saying. 

Your taste will change

As we grow older our tastes will change and this is natural even from the time we are children. Foods you like now might not be foods you like later, and on the other hand you might suddenly decide that you love certain foods more than you ever did. Enjoy trying new foods as you grow older and even re-try things you used to hate to see if your taste has changed.

You might get lonely 

It is so important when you grow older and you retire from your work that you stay sociable and fill your days with activities that make you happy as well as bring you into places with others. Things such as dancing, art classes, dog walking and more can bring you closer to others and will ensure that you don’t become lonely during your latter years. Make time for family and make sure you don’t waste time on your own. 

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Using a Dance Agency for the First Time.

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{Collaborative Content} If you are currently searching for a dance agency you will notice that you have a wealth of options at your disposal. All you need to do is a quick internet search to see that this is a case. Of course, choice is obviously an excellent thing. Nevertheless, it can make it a lot more difficult when it comes to finding the best agency for you. Yet, that is where this post can help you. If you read on you will discover some key questions you should ask dance agencies before agreeing to use any of their services. So, keep on reading to find out more.

Can I take a look at your portfolio? A lot of dance agencies will have their portfolio available on their website so that you can easily view it. If not, you should ask them for it, so they can send you some examples of their previous work. This is important, as you will be able to get a feel for the type of service they provide. You can see whether their dance shows were well received and if they provide the sort of work you are looking for. This will fill you with confidence that the agency in question is the right one for you. You will also want to find out if they can help with other areas of your production, for example, whether they have connections in the cosmetics industry to help you with the styling of the dance crew. 

What areas of dance do you specialize in? It is likely that you will already have a style of dance in mind. It is vital to ensure the agency can cater to your requirements. After all, you may require an agency to provide you with a tap-dancing routine. You may then come across a company that has an excellent reputation and has won a wealth of awards. Yet this does not necessarily mean that they have produced a lot of successful tap-dancing products, does it? So this is something you will need to enquire about.

Can you work to my budget and deadline? Never simply assume that the agency is going to be able to accommodate your deadline and your budget. Yes, if you have the event scheduled for a set day there is no way you are going to be able to alter your deadline. However, the agency in question may not be able to move heaven and earth in order to match your deadline. Therefore, before agreeing to any service it is imperative to make certain you are both on the same page when it comes to the deadline and indeed your budget as well.

What experience do you have in similar projects? Last but not least, you should ask the agency for examples they have of working on projects that are similar to yours. This does not only relate to the type of dance, as mentioned earlier. But you also need to consider the type of event. For instance, if your dance performance is required for a huge arena tour, make sure the company has catered to these before. You want the reassurance that they have the ability and experience to handle the task you are throwing at them.