Wednesday, 26 August 2015


This weeks Best and Worst and Wicked Wednesday is featuring Alfie as the ring leader causing mischief...... nothing new there haha!

I turn my back for one second and then find Alfie being super cute, or so I think...........

I hear this.....

'Mummy I am feeding Elarna popcorn *grins*.

So in actual fact what I do find is Alfie feeding my 4 month old baby who I am not weaning yet, salted caramel popcorn. Wahhhh, he's such a little tinker and he thought he was being helpful so I could hardly tell him off. I then ended up having to remove some popcorn from Elarna's mouth, thankfully all was ok. Then I realised just how cute the whole situation was and enjoyed them both looking very sweet together.

So a potential disaster was averted and Alfie enjoyed his popcorn while Elarna watched him with fascination. 

What have you and your tots been up to this week?

Best of Worst



  1. Aw, bless. He has a really monkey-like expression in a few of these :-)

    Popcorn was just one of the many foods the baby rejected this week. Can you tell I'm getting desperate?


  2. Oops! I love seeing the bond between siblings! #bestandworst

  3. Aww that's nice that he shared! I've been getting Ollie to share things with his toys so it's not a big deal when he has a little brother or sister! :) #bestandworst

  4. Bless his heart! He was trying to help, cute.

    I've been at work the last two days so this is my first day this week with my 2 year old. Since the weather is so awful we'll be chilling at home and I may try baking with him for the first time (if I can face the mess!). Thanks for sharing :)


  5. Awwww bless him for trying to help out! Cheeky monkey x

  6. That is so lovely that Alfie shared his popcorn. I immensely disliked my baby brother until he was 16. I would never have shared my popcorn. Mmm salted caramel. #bestandworst. Peonie & Me x

  7. Ah the joys of 2!That last pic is my fave,looks like he's letting her in on some awesome secrets x

  8. So nice of him for sharing food with her little sister... my little boy have done that too, and even want to feed my little girl when I was weaning her, I suppose they just want to help as they don't know the risk yet. #bestandworst

  9. I love this post! Sibling love is just so gorgeous! Pop corn is just the best too so I'm seriously impressd with the sharing!! #bestandworst

  10. Too cute!! :) It's lovely that he wants to share with his sister. I don't think I'd share my salted caramel popcorn with anyone!! ;)


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  11. Ahhh what a sweet older brother (and helpful little one!). Our oldest is always doing 'helpful' things like offering the six month old some of his cows milk to drink from a cup. What a blooming mess! #bestandworst

    Becky at And Then There Were Two

  12. Oh bless him, im sure a time will come when he will be far less happy to share his popcorn :-D

  13. Hey well done Alfie for being a lovely big brother! Elarna looks like she loves him very much :) Very cute snaps x #bestandworst

  14. Aww sweet! Yes, my oldest was prone to this sort of thing with the baby! #bestandworst

  15. Aww cute :) It's lovely when they share together, even if it is a little early lol. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  16. haha Helen the little monkey! I bet Elarna was loving having a sneaky taste of that popcorn! xx #bestandworst

  17. Haha, ah bless him - lovely seeing them so close though (popcorn aside!) Makes me very excited for number 2's arrival and the chance to watch the sibling bond grow. #bestandworst

  18. Ah that's so cute (popcorn aside!) Makes me very excited for number 2's arrival and the chance to watch the sibling bond grow! #bestandworst

  19. Must be so cute to see them together... Even if he is feeding her things he shouldn't #bestandworst

  20. Ah, love that he was sharing just a shame it was food!! Lovely photos of them together :)
    Becky xx

  21. omg I love this!!! Exactly what we are going through. Well baby is already 6 months and just started solids but just a few weeks ago my toddler would be like "No! Baby does not get any food! Only milk from mummy!" (yelling)
    hehe love sibling interaction (most of the time) :)
    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  22. omg I love this!!! Exactly what we are going through. Well baby is already 6 months and just started solids but just a few weeks ago my toddler would be like "No! Baby does not get any food! Only milk from mummy!" (yelling)
    hehe love sibling interaction (most of the time) :)
    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  23. :o :D
    x Alice

  24. Oh dear. It's so sweet that he's trying to help feed her, but yeah, salted caramel popcorn is probably not the ideal first baby food. I mean, maybe if you mixed it up with baby rice... Hmm, still no. :) #bestandworst

  25. Aww! Bless him for trying to help and sharing! So cute x

  26. So sweet of him actually! #wickedwednesdays

  27. Haha ! Bless him great post thanks for hosting#bestandworst

  28. Aww bless him, at least you know he has the sharing thing sorted!! #bestandworst xx

  29. Ha ha that is classic! What a pickle, but so cute. Becky xx #bestandworst

  30. How sweet! My son always give his baby sister things he shouldn't, usually when she's crying but it's lovely to see them interacting!

  31. Oh look at his cheeky grin! Thanks so much for linking up to Wicked Wednesdays! Hope you are having an amazing bank holiday! See you next week x

  32. At least there was no disaster. I have to have eyes in the back of my head with my older 2 trying to feed my youngest. He's 7 month so can eat normal food but the amount of times I've found them sticking a lolly in his mouth and I then panic!

  33. Aww, this is so cute and really made me chuckle! #bestandworst


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