Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Festive Films!!

On this very frosty November (nearly December) day it got me thinking....... I could really fancy curling up on the sofa and watching some proper festive films to get me in the mood for Christmas. I have so many films I love to watch around this time of year and thought I'd share them with you. So these are my festive film choices that either put smile on my face or make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

The Holiday - Ohh ohh this is probably my most favourite film that I watch each year. I just adore it,  it makes me smile, it makes me cry and it just is a lovely, lovely film. In a nutshell it's all about 2 women who do a house swap and unexpectedly find romance. If you haven't seen it go watch it!

Image result for the holiday
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Miracle on 34th Street - This is one of my childhood Christmas films. This films screams festive, if you don't believe in Santa Claus after watching this film you never will.

Image result for miracle on 34th street 1994
Image courtesy of

Harry Potter - If Christmas isn't a good opportunity to watch any of the Harry Potter films I don't know when is. I've been a big fan of Potter for years now and I can't wait to introduce the kids to the books and films when they are a bit older, I love seeing the wintry Hogwarts with all the snow!

Image result for harry potter

Home Alone - I'm fairly sure that anyone who is anyone will have watched Home Alone around December time. It never fails to make me smile and definitely one to watch each year. 

Image result for home alone
Image courtesy of Wikipedia.

Bad Santa! - This film is hilarious!! I remember watching it a few years ago late one night and it was so refreshing to see a 'black comedy' type film over during Christmas and it's worth a watch if you fancy a giggle. I won't give anything away so go watch it!!!

Related image

Of course there are so many other Christmas films to watch and these are a handful of my choices, I have lots more. There truly is nothing better than getting the family together and watching a film in front of the TV and what's even better is watching a film on one of the new Panasonic 4K televisions to ensure your festive films are crystal clear and in ultra high definition. 

So what do you like to watch over the festive period? I can't wait to hear your suggestions!

* Collaborative Post. 

Best and Worst Linky #76

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hi everyone and a huge welcome to the best and worst linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself. If you're new to the linky we're delighted for you to join in, please do have a read of the rules. If you're a regular then thanks as always for the support. Sarah and I split the commenting now, it is working well doing it like that. You should have received a comment from one of us so if you are missing one please do drop us a tweet or email. We've had some great posts over the last few weeks!

This is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our Twitter feed. 

So as always, on with the linky........please have a little read of the rules and we look forward to reading this weeks posts.

We are continuing to notice that some people aren't getting the comments they deserve, linkys only work if people spend time to read other blogs and comment on them.

On with this weeks featured posts!! My featured post come from the hilarious Dawn who blogs over at Rhyming with Wine this post had me howling, go have a read!

Sarah's featured post is from The Little Book of Sick and this pretty much sums up any mums night out, go have a read!

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one or two posts each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too. We've noticed that some people have just been link dropping and not commenting on the 2 in front, please do return the favour so everyone gets some comments and linky love, thankyou.
  • ***Please add the badge to the bottom of your page so everyone knows where you have linked up***
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap once linked up so we can retweet you. When tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Best of Worst


Monday, 28 November 2016

A Little Yorkshire Break!

We've recently returned from a lovely half term away in North Yorkshire. The week was a packed, we knew there were several things that we wanted to do so it was a busy few days. The time seemed to fly! You perhaps might have read in my recent post that it wasn't the most well of times and sadly there was quite alot of snuffles and illness which then to led so sleepless nights but we had a great time. North Yorkshire holds so many wonderful memories for me, many childhood holidays were spent here. 

We used to stay on a farm, I remember collecting the milk from the farmhouse, the sounds of the farm animals early in the morning, the mist across the fields, watching piglets being born, feeding chickens, messing about on the river....paddling from one side to the other in jelly shoes but most of all I remember happy times and memories aplenty. My Dad turned 70 on the 24th this month and when I was trying to think what he would like to do or receive as a gift I suggested to my Mum that perhaps he would like a week away to Yorkshire just like we used to and after discussion with them it was agreed that we would go away together just like the old times. 

I was so looking forward to going away and we were going to staying right in the middle of my favourite little market town, Helmsley which was even better. We stayed in a fabulous house on Bondgate which is pretty much in the centre, although Helmsley isn't that big so to describe it in the centre is not really that accurate! The house really was great, a 3 storey town house which was immaculate and so well equipped. I wouldn't hesitate staying there again. Sadly I didn't take any photos but you can have a nose by clicking the link above. 

We were so lucky with the weather for the week, we had mainly dry days and it wasn't hugely cold. As we were fortunate with the weather it meant we were able to do lots of outdoor activities, walking and enjoy the scenery. There are a couple of days out that I'll be expanding on in the next few weeks as they were great days out but otherwise I'll give you a quick overview of our week with pictures and a few sentences. 

So we arrived on Saturday afternoon after a really good journey, it only took 2 1/2 hours so a very acceptable journey time. We arrived in time to dump our stuff and quickly scoot to the shops to stock up on a few things.  The evening was going to be a quiet one just chilling out. It was a lovely Saturday evening. 

On Sunday we went to visit the National Centre for Birds of Prey at the beautiful Duncombe Park. Just the walk up to the centre is absolutely beautiful and the views are simply stunning. I took alot of photos! The bird of prey centre is an excellent afternoon out and well worth the visit. Do you know what else was amazing here, the peace. Walking up to the park and walking around centre was just so peaceful, it was a great way to start the week. 

Monday we'd arranged a little family get together for Dad, when we used to come years ago we always used it as opportunity to meet up with some close family and friends and it's kind of a halfway point for our all northern relatives. We'd kept it quiet from Dad so he had a surprise when he saw some familiar faces in the market square! We had fish n chips, cake and a good catch up with everyone, it was lovely!

We had decided that Tuesday would be 'train day'. Over in York there is the National Rail Museum which for any train buff like our Alfie was the perfect place to visit. The great thing about this is it actually free to get in (well they ask for a donation so we purchased a kids activity book as our donation) but otherwise no charge. This place is mental, there is trains and train related items every where you look. Alfie didn't really know what to do with himself, from the Eurostar to the Japanese Bullet train to the royal collection to an ambulance train, there is so much to see. Personally, for me I got a bit bored after about 90 minutes, there is only so many trains that I can look at it before being a bit look 'ohh look another train' and I was on my own as Adi was chasing Alfie around and my parents were looking around at their own pace so it kind of left Elarna and I wandering around aimlessly! We eventually managed to leave after a good 3 1/2 hours (or more!) with a trip to the gift shop and one very happy little boy with his very own wooded 'Virgin Pendolino' train! Even though I was a little bit bored towards the end, seeing Alfie happy did make me happy. We ended the day having a lovely little family meal back at Helmsley at the cute Italian restaurant that we always used to go to. A great day and a fab end. 

On Wednesday it was Flamingo Land day! My parents very nicely agreed to look after Elarna so we could dedicate our attention to Alfie for the day. I have to admit to quite looking forward to a day at Flamingo Land, and what I knew that Alfie would love was that it was both a theme park and zoo. We had alot of fun, we went on loads of rides, Alfie discovered that roller coasters were great and we walked miles looking at the animals (well the ones that were out and we could see!). Although it was a pricey day out, we all had a good time and it was finished with a fab 10 minute firework display to music which we all really enjoyed. I think we'd visit again if we get another opportunity. 

As we'd had a few busy days on Thursday we decided to take it easy. Neither myself or Adi felt like driving anywhere and since we were all knackered from disrupted nights we thought we'd just stay around in Helmsley and take a walk later in the day. We spent the morning in the house and then took another lovely walk to Duncombe Park and let the kids let off a bit of steam, I managed to snap a few more pictures and we then finished the afternoon off with a drink in the local brewery pub. My parents had decided to go to Whitby for the day and in the evening we all had a gorgeous steak dinner cooked by the chef (aka my husband). 

On Friday (our last day, booo!) we all went over to Scarborough for the day. First stop was the absolutely brilliant Sealife Centre it was great!! We all split up again as Alfie was racing off so I walked around with Elarna (occasionally catching a fleeting glance of Alfie!), I spent an age watching the sea lions they were so cute to watch and Elarna was fascinated by them. After Sealife Centre we headed over to the South Bay (I think) and spent a couple of hours walking up and down the seafront, having some chips and letting Alfie have a paddle in the (freezing) sea. We then sat and watched the sun setting and I tell you something I've never seen such a stunning sky in the UK for a very, very long time. We sat for quite some time just taking in the beauty and letting Alfie have an ice cream before heading home. 

We had such a fantastic week regardless of the illness and lack of sleep. It was so good to be back in Yorkshire again and enjoyed every minute. I was going to spend sometime editing my photos but I get terribly bored of taking ages to edit each one individually so I apologise that several of these are 'au naturel'. I'm already hoping that we'll be returning to Yorkshire at somepoint soon but for the moment we have made some wonderful memories from this week away and lots of lovely photos to look back on. 

Sunday, 27 November 2016

My Sunday Photo - 27/11/16

We're not quite ready to put our tree up but I loved the Christmas trees in Bury St Edmunds yesterday, how gorgeous are the baubles and lights! They were also so tall that I couldn't fit the whole tree on my camera! I'm so ready to get into the festive spirit.


Friday, 25 November 2016

Our Week!

Well it has been rather a lovely week. A varied, mixed and happy week I am pleased to report. After leaving work last Wednesday I took the Thursday and Friday off before starting me job on Monday. I had a quiet couple of days as which was needed. It did feel all a bit weird to be off technically unemployed for a couple of days! 

On Saturday we were off to meet our fab friends Sarah from RunJumpScrap Chris, the grem and little peewee, I was just a little excited for baby snuggles! It's been a while since we'd seen them all so I was looking forward to spending the day with them at The National Space Centre in Leicester which is an hour away for both of us so it worked out perfectly! Alfie and the grem are very much into space and the planets so it was a fab place for them to visit. We were also luck enough to get a free annual pass, which is a good job really as Sarah and I didn't see half of it through the youngest ones keeping us busy and us nattering away. From what I did see though it was really interesting and very interactive so for the kiddies was great. There was alot of information to take in so I'm sure that if we go over again there will be lots more to see and learn.

After we'd parted ways Adi and I decided to grab some dinner, we were initially going to pop to a chain restaurant and then thought why don't we stop at one of our local country we did just that and it was delicious! The kids were pretty well behaved up till the last 0 minutes but otherwise they were fab. I tell you what we all slept well after that!

On Sunday we saw friends in the morning which was great to have a catch up, sometimes it's just nice to have a coffee and chat while the kids entertain each other!

On Monday I had the start of my new job, cue first day nerves and all that. It went ok, appeared to be very different to my past surgery but too early to tell how much I'll enjoy it. I was thrown in at the deep end with a clinic at the end of the day. I got home and was a bit deflated about things though, not too sure why but I was a bit worried that I'd made the wrong choice. Tuesday went better, although I kind of just got on with things and didn't really see many people but did have a few patients to see which was nice. 

I've had Wednesday and Thursday off which has been lovely. On Wednesday I went over to Rockingham and the big Joules sales. I love the brand Joules so was looking forward to picking up some bargains. I had to drop Alfie off at school and the sale opened at 11am so I aimed to leave the house not long after dropping Alfie off. I got there for bang on 11 and there was already quite a big queue. After 90 minutes of waiting in the freezing cold with Elarna I did get in. It was ok, perhaps not as great as I was hoping as there wasn't a huge amount of sizes for Alfie and Elarna's ages but I did manage to grab a few things. 

Thursday was my Dads 70th birthday, I couldn't quite believe it, a few years ago I didn't think we'd see him at this age so I had a lovely couple of hours with him, Elarna and Lenny before heading back home for the rest of the afternoon. The rest of the day I was on a bit of a cleaning mission, I hoovered, steamed, sorted out our tip of a study, cleaned the toilets and did a whole load of filing! Fairly productive day I'd say! I'm exhausted just writing about it. 

So this is what I've been up to, what have you been up to? 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Clever Storage with Phil Spencer!

I have long been a fan of Phil Spencer, Location, Location, Location is a total guilty pleasure of mine and I always like to tune in to see how he envisages properties to be and how you can maximise a property making small but effective changes. When it comes to doing up your home getting advice on how you can make the most of your property can be difficult to find. 

Recently Phil has been working alongside British Gas on some short videos surrounding a variety of home related subjects. These videos are short bursts of information, tips and tricks to help you achieve amazing looks but for a fraction of the price and clever tricks of the trade which will help you maximise on space and storage. 

The video below is all about creating the perfect bathroom with clever storage ideas. As we're currently redoing our ensuite these videos couldn't be more perfect. I've already nabbed a few ideas to help us in our quest to the perfect bathroom, we are going to be adding under sink storage to maximise on the space and try and keep things clutter free and in one of his other videos he suggests using larger tiles in the bathroom to give the illusion of space which we are also doing. 

Also featured in the video is this brilliant kids storage ladder, it looks super simple to make and it is such a good idea as somewhere to store the toys but to be functional at the same time. 

So if you're redoing your bathroom or doing odd jobs around the house please do have a nose at the videos over on You Tube.

* Collaborative Post.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Best and Worst Linky #75

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hi everyone and a huge welcome to the best and worst linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself. If you're new to the linky we're delighted for you to join in, please do have a read of the rules. If you're a regular then thanks as always for the support. Sarah and I split the commenting now, it is working well doing it like that. You should have received a comment from one of us so if you are missing one please do drop us a tweet or email. We've had some great posts over the last few weeks!

This is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our Twitter feed. 

So as always, on with the linky........please have a little read of the rules and we look forward to reading this weeks posts.

We are continuing to notice that some people aren't getting the comments they deserve, linkys only work if people spend time to read other blogs and comment on them.

My featured post from last weeks linky comes from Caroline who blogs at Becoming Stay at Home Mum our lads are pretty much the same age so I'm loving seeing how he is getting on too. Like Caroline I'm amazed at how well they seem to be progressing! It's such a lovely post, please do go read. 

Sarah has chosen the fab Jeremy from Thirsty Daddy which talks about his fearless daughter! This is a great post and it had me smiling so please do have a nose. 

Musings of a Thirsty Daddy

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one or two posts each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too. We've noticed that some people have just been link dropping and not commenting on the 2 in front, please do return the favour so everyone gets some comments and linky love, thankyou.
  • ***Please add the badge to the bottom of your page so everyone knows where you have linked up***
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap once linked up so we can retweet you. When tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Best of Worst


Monday, 21 November 2016

Freya, Bras for Bigger Boobs!

Having bigger boobs can be both a blessing and curse. In my case, mostly a curse! However you have to try love what you got and over the years I've kind of learned to just get used to them, they are after all here to stay! One thing though that bugs the hell out of me is finding decent underwear and stuff that actually looks pretty and fits well, not something that looks like your Granny would wear. Once upon a time I remember that all I could find was grotty white or black bras that didn't exactly make you feel good or look nice!

Fast forward a good few years and thank goodness things have moved on alot. Now there are companies that specifically cater for the bigger boobed among us and you know what it's now a pleasure to wear bras and not depressing! The bras that are available are gorgeous - girly, feminine, structured and sexy but at the same time remembering that there is a whole load of boob to support so functional at the same time.

The brand Freya has been a long time staple in my undie draw, I remember buying a couple of bikinis from the brand (pre kids I may add) and they were the only ones that I felt fully comfortable wearing. Yes you pay a premium for the brand (and similar) but it's well worth the money for well fitting underwear and swimwear. 

The brand Freya has been going from strength to strength since 1998 and over the years has steadily grown the brand into catering for the bustier woman with a huge amount of items to choose from, think bras, swimming cossies and active ranges. The brand continues to grow and regularly updates collections with a wonderful choice. Currently, Freya goes up to a size K so it really appeals to a range of women which is fab. 

I was recently sent this beautiful pulse semi sheer plunge balcony bra to review and it is gorgeous. On first impression I was a bit worried that it might not offer me enough coverage but it was a full cup, incredibly supportive and looked lovely when on. I loved the design, the sheer look of the bra makes it quite sexy but it's also pretty, I love the royal blue bows featured adding a little pop of colour. It really is gorgeous and retails at £34.00 ( I always do feel a little bit hard done by having to pay a bit more for bras that cater for big boobs but I just suck it up!).

So if you're struggling to find a nice bra for bigger boobs then I can't recommend Freya highly enough, I love the brand, love the products and love the fit. 

Have you ever tried Freya products before?

* Please note I was kindly sent the bra free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased post, all thoughts and opinions are that of my own.

Look After your Back!

It is so vitally important to look after your back, after all you only get one of them and once damaged it's hard to fix. There are a variety of things you can do to help keep your back safe, especially in the workplace. Having been a long time sufferer of sciatica, which at the moment is thankfully under control I can honestly say being careful and aware to prevent injuring your back is a high priority. 

So what can you do to look after your back I hear you ask......

  • Use a decent and properly designed chair such as these from cheap office chairs
  • Keep your manual handling training up to date!
  • Risk assess what you are about to lift of move
  • Ask for help when needed, if you think something might hurt your back get someone to assist!
  • If you do hurt your back it's important to keep mobile and take regular pain relief
  • Take regular breaks from sitting and screen time
  • If you do injure your back don't make it worse by trying to do more than you can
  • Be realistic and look after your back!!
For some more advice and some interesting information check out this cool infographic below......

* Collaborative Post. 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

My Sunday Photo - 20/11/16

Well we had rather alot of fun at the National Space Centre yesterday! Well worth a visit if you're near Leicester.


Friday, 18 November 2016

Another New Chapter.

I usually write my weekly round up post ready for today but for some reason I'm struggling to sum up my week because only one thing has been dominating it. 

On Wednesday I left a job that I love and that's why it was so difficult to leave because there wasn't a day that went by that I disliked it. Of course I had days that weren't so good but I can hand on heart say that I am so pleased I made the decision at the beginning of the year and took the step in practice nursing. 

I don't even really know where I'm going with this post, so bear with me! I'm going to rewind back to the end of last year, we'd just moved and I knew that my maternity leave was soon going to be coming to an end and a new job was going to be on the cards. I'd already been offered a community nursing job which I'd accepted but it was for 4 days a week which was 1 more day that I ideally wanted and I was having lots of concerns about it but accepted it non the less as having a job was better than being jobless once my mat pay had stopped. 

Image result for a new chapter quotes
Image courtesy of
In the run up to starting this job I entered quite a dark place. To be honest I haven't talked about it much, I did offload to a couple of people and they know who they are (thankyou for keeping me sane) and up until this post I haven't really talked about how low I was really feeling. I felt incredibly overwhelmed with the return to work looming and not returning to a job was familiar with or colleagues I knew was hard to digest. I finally accepted that things weren't good for me emotionally when I had a 'new to the area' visit from the health visitor. She was one of the nicest health visitors I've ever met and she randomly asked me how things were with me which is a question I wasn't expecting. All my concerns, worries and emotions kind of came tumbling out and I had to fill out another PND questionnaire (I was borderline after I had Alfie but managed to sort myself out quite quickly), this time I scored quite highly, naively I never even gave PND a thought 9 months after birth but I guess anything's possible. I just want to add that I didn't have PND but I was on the borderline which improved over a few weeks. I was also struggling with Alfie's behaviour at this point which was making things even more tricky for me trying to manage my feelings, remain calm, unpack a house and get used to a new area and all of this really got on top of me. After chatting about things with the health visitor and knowing that I absolutely didn't want any medication I agreed to being referred for some talking therapies.........this all seems incredibly ironic considering that where I was referred to is where I refer patients to now for help! I had my reservations but thought what have I got to lose. I saw the health visitor every couple of weeks for a couple of months, this was purely for me to chat to her nothing to do with the kids as she was so complimentary towards them which when you're feeling like a crap parent and a total let down is reassuring.  

Fast forward a few weeks and I had a phone consultation with the talking therapies people who did feel I'd benefit from some CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy), I was still feeling really quite anxious about things and having loads of irrational mood swings and teary moments (which is very unlike me), things weren't good between myself and Adi and I was spending every day worried about something. I'd convinced myself I should be a stay at home mum and Elarna was still far too dependent on me for me to leave her yet. Not long after I'd had this phone consultation I had a face to face appointment for my first appointment. After my first session I decided that it most certainly wasn't for me and didn't attend anymore and knew I had to dig deep and get myself out of this crazy way I was feeling. So I tried to start looking forward to my new job and starting a new chapter. 

I started my induction, it was hard as it was miles away from me and it was taking me 90+ mins every day to get there and then back again, it was horrendous and I had 2 weeks of it but knew it had to be done, but on day 3 I had a phonecall........was I still looking for a practice nurse job and would I like to go for an interview. Well rightly or wrongly I thought what the hell, might be interesting so I went for it and got offered the job on the spot. I do believe in fate and I think in this instance fate was trying to tell me something so I took a leap into the unknown and accepted it. 

So I started my new job as a practice nurse a couple of weeks after having the interview. I was looking forward to it, they could offer me 3 days a week (all be it long days) and slightly more money than I'd be on as a community nurse. It was the best thing I could have done. As soon as I started I had a good feeling about things, the team was lovely, everyone welcoming and I liked the concept of what the surgery offered (same day clinics, triaging as well as normal practice nurse competencies). After a month or so I started to feel like me again, I was happier, the weight that I was carrying on my shoulders slowly lifted and I started to feel positive about the future. Taking this job was one of the best things I could have done at that point in my life and that's why it's been so hard to leave. 

I was never actively looking to leave this surgery the only thing I'd said to myself that if a job came up closer to home I'd be interested. The surgery I was working at took about 40 minutes (on a good day) each way and often longer as the road is rubbish. I have been working 8:00am - 6:30pm so I'm out the house a good 12 hours so yes it's been tiring but still I've never been miserable. 

I randomly applied for a job in the summer, I was browsing, I'd had a bad day and I applied as I saw a position 5 minutes away from where I live and thought what the hell I'll apply, I genuinely thought nothing of it until they offered me an interview (weeks later)........and then offered me the job. Ohh crap were my first thoughts, I hate decision making!! I knew deep down that working closer to home on slightly less hours and been offered a bit more money was a no brainer so I took to the job. I've had a 3 month notice period to work, it's such a long notice period, it makes you question whether the decision you've made is the right one. Who knows, time will tell I guess but I'll never know if I don't try so although I'm very sad to leave my current surgery behind I'm looking forward to starting (yet another!) new chapter. 

So I left on Wednesday, I had a great last day, lovely nurses on that day, we had a lunch out and I was treated to some lovely gifts.I did leave with a heavy heart and it was awfully hard to say goodbye but I'm not going to lose touch with the girls, definitely not, they are too nice to not see again. I have alot to thank this surgery for, it pulled me from a dark place and I'm pleased I took the job. If all goes to pot I've been told I can go back which is lovely to hear but for the moment I'm looking fotward to being able to spend a bit more time with the littlies and seeing what the future holds. 

In other news, a quick round up of this week, the weekend was ok, we had a little birthday party to go to, then I had some Lenny time and snuggles and the rest of the week was spent working and washing the huge mound of clothes that had appeared!

So what a week eh!! 

The Reading Residence

Twin Mummy and Daddy
