Monday, 31 October 2016

Surviving Illness on Holiday.

You can't make this stuff up can you. After sooo looking forward to having a week off and chilling and relaxing what happens....... illness strikes of course. Talk about bad luck. The first couple of days were fine, not a problem (apart from my Dad having a chest infection but on a course of antibiotics so can't really hold him responsible!) then came the sniffles, sneezes and coughing. It seemed to miss Adi and  my Mum and target the kids and myself but I escaped pretty lightly compared to Alfie. He developed such a chesty cough and was streaming with cold for the majority of the break. This was exacerbated by tiredness. Due to layout of the house we were staying in the kids were in the attic room on the top floor. Alfie was sharing a room with Elarna, I was hoping it wasn't going to be an issue as in France we had a similar scenario with them in the same room but they both slept well. Currently Elarna is sleeping like crap and waking up alot in the night so it was fairly predictable that this scenario was doomed from the start. I don't think we had 1 night unbroken sleep. 

Mostly we were woken at between the hours of 4am and 6am (if we were lucky) by Alfie creeping down and appearing next to us complaining that Elarna was being noisy/keeping him awake/snuffling/crying/wailing or he'd woken himself up with a coughing fit. Towards the latter of the week it was hard to be annoyed as he genuinely was looking and sounding so poorly - although during the day, apart from the odd cough he was ok! The first couple of times he came into our room we let him get in the middle and we'd all try and get a couple hours more sleep - not so easy when you have a four year old star fishing in the middle of the bed. The next couple of times Adi ended up going up to the attic room and left Alfie in bed with me. This was all well and good as we had more space but Thursday night......or it may have been Friday I lost track he was coughing every minute or so *in my ear* and insisted on cuddling me, talking about trains and then telling me he loved me - he then drifted off and I was left trying to fall asleep with him sounding like Darth Vader - fun. We went through almost a whole bottle of calpol between the 2 of them, attempted cough syrup (no idea why when I know that it doesn't help a cough) and I ended up as 'that Mum' with a variety of clothes covered in snot on a daily basis. 

Trying not to be grumpy and stressy and aiming to enjoy ourselves was somewhat of a challenge when the tiredness peaked but we did have a great time and I'll be writing about that soon. For the moment, here are some tips, well more like notes to myself for future reference on how to survive illness while on holiday........

  • Remember to take plenty of calpol! I probably jinxed everything by only taking a 1/4 bottle with me, I ended up paying full whack for another bottle at the local supermarket as there was no where else near for miles - I kid you not.
  • Dose yourself up, makes things a little more bearable and makes the day a tad more manageable!
  • It's ok to give cough mixture even though it won't 'cure' it, trust me cough syrup does nothing for a cough other than ease the symptoms slightly but I was willing to try anything. 
  • If you read my other post about over packing well guess what......I didn't pack a bloody hat, gloves or scarf for the kids resulting in a very expensive (but rather lovely) set from Fat Face for Alfie to keep the chill from his chest.
  • Just go with it, illness strikes can't be helped when it happens and better to just get on with things than wallow in it (we tried our best to keep out happy faces on) there was so much that Alfie was looking forward to
  • Get plenty of fresh air, does wonders for the soul
  • Have plenty of sleep (HA, who am I kidding). Let me rephrase this, get early nights then the super early mornings don't feel quite as horrific
  • Carry lots of tissues, I got caught without enough several times and had to detour to a nearby loo to stock up on snot rags!
  • Drink. Booze helps, well it helps relax you but also drink plenty of other fluids too!
Fortunately it seems we are all turning a corner and everyone feels much better and we had a good sleep on Saturday once we were home and all in our own beds. It was a lovely break way, illness and all but I'm glad to be home. 

What are your tips for looking after yourself while ill?

Best of Worst

My Petit Canard

Saturday, 29 October 2016

Going Paperless.

Ever since the introduction of going paperless I have tried my hardest to change paper correspondence to electronic. Not only does it make  a huge difference to the environment but it saves having to sort and file a ton of paperwork every few months - which lets face it is a pain in the bum. I think it is very apparent that in the last few years many companies are promoting a paperless environment. Where I used to work (as a community nurse) we were quite archaic and still used 'old school' diaries to document our visits and kept paper notes in patients homes (which I personally quite liked). however just before I left they were starting to transition into the modern ways and embarking on a paperless work environment thus enabling the nursing staff to document everything with technology as opposed to pen and paper. 

The key to creating a paperless environment and ensuring that its efficacy is being able to have one platform that meets the requirements of an entire business or organisation. I find the concept of this huge, it is after all a mammoth expectation to manage a whole corporation with one platform. It's quite an exciting idea and one that should be embraced to ensure smooth running and professional capabilities from the company. Of course, sometimes change can be met with resistance so encouraging the use of technology to create a paperless environment can be quite a challenge. By using something like the electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) it could offer the solution to making this transition easier. I think the concept of introducing something like the ELN into companies is great - it's simple to use, it's a way of bringing everyone together working the same way, everything you need is there within a mere touch away. It's these scientific developments in technology that is the future. 

I'm all for embracing change and helping to reduce our carbon footprint. I use technology myself all the time and think that it's a really positive move for companies to be embracing this new way of working. I can't really imagine not using technology in the workplace now. Funnily enough, a couple of weeks ago we had a power cut while I was at work and it was pretty horrendous - we had to triage patients with no access to records or previous history and had to write our assessment down, all in all it was not good and just went to show just how important technology is to a company. Here's to the future of paperless environments and embracing change in the workplace. 

* Collaborative Post.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Smoking & Your Skin.

Yes Cigarettes Really Make Your Skin Age More Quickly

When attempting to convince smokers to quit, one of the most common strategies is to warn them of all the health dangers of cigarettes. However, a tactic that might be just as effective is to appeal to smokers' vanity. So what cosmetic claims can be made against cigarette smoke?

Houston-based dermatologist Dr. Milton Moore and Dr. Dina Yaghmai, a dermatologist and Co-Director of Chicago's Physicians Laser and Dermatology Institute, weighed in recently to discuss what the addictive habit of smoking cigarettes does to our skin. Spoiler: the answer is as bad as you might think.

Yes, cigarettes in fact do cause human skin to age more quickly.

Whenever you take a puff on a cigarette, it might provide you with a feeling of calm relief. However, your blood vessels, get the exact opposite effect from this action. They immediately spasm and become thinner. This decreases the level of oxygen in your blood and reduces circulation. Dr. Moore says that anything that decreases the oxygen level in your blood will also affect your skin.

The decrease in circulation and oxygen causes wrinkles and premature ageing, which are especially pronounced around your mouth. According to Dr. Yaghmai, the act of constantly pursing your lips whenever you are smoking exacerbates your "cigarette lines" - which are lines that extend out from your mouth. These lines are a dead giveaway that the person smokes. She also adds that reduced circulation from smoking can can also result in poor wound healing, which is one of the more clear short-term side effects associated with smoking.

Releasing free radicals into the body is another direct result that comes with smoking. This impairs the production of collagen and breaks proteins down that help to maintain your skin. Dr. Yaghmai says that most anti-ageing products have been designed to help with removing free radicals. She says that part of the natural ageing process involves oxidative damage to one's cells and formation of free radicals. When you smoke higher levels of these free radicals get released into your body. This further increases oxidative cell damage and accelerates the skin's ageing process.

Smoking can also dull that healthy glow of yours.

Dr. Moore says that smoking decreases red blood cell production, and when you have a reduced number of red blood cells, it is similar to having anaemia and you look pale. With some skin tones it can have a greyish appearance. Cigarette smoke also affects the glow, smoothness and texture of you skin, particularly in the chin and upper lips areas, where cigarette lines make their appearance.

Dr. Yaghmai says that the skin actually does have lack of softness and lack of glow that can be seen in a healthy non-smoker. It results in rougher skin texture and the pigmentation has an overall unevenness as well.

To even start to reverse the effects of smoking, you would need to undergo some extensive dermatological procedures.

Think again if you think some topical creams, vitamins and water can repair the damage caused by cigarettes. According to Dr. Yaghmai, there is no quick fix once the damage has become visible. Both Dr. Moore and Dr. Yaghmai recommend a comprehensive skin care regimen for all patients that includes, hydrating with water, cleansing and moisturising. In order to reverse the effects from smoking you will have to invest in skincare.

More affordable and simple procedures such as light chemical peels, Botox injections and microdermabrasion might be helpful, however Dr. Yaghmai recommends laser treatments. They can be fairly expensive, but improve collagen production and remove the top dead skin layers. Some people also consider other cosmetic procedure's to enhance and compliment their complexion and appearance, we know that smoking can dull the skin so stopping smoking will prevent this but how about considering some lip enhancements like these lip fillers, Birmingham to make your luscious smile really POP!  These fillers provide a youthful and fresher, fuller lips so a great way to enhance a smile when you've stopped smoking. 

There are some small changes that smokers can also make to help with reducing the damage.

Although the effects of smoking cannot be reduced without assistance from a good dermatologist, there are some lifestyle adjustments you can make to help minimize the damage. Staying active and avoiding sun exposure and alcohol can help keep your skin looking healthier and help with maintaining better circulation.

According to Dr. Moore, people who are more active will have fewer side effects and do better with their smoking than a sedentary individual who is a smoker.

So if you quit will your skin bounce back?

Some of the damage can be undone. The longer that you have smoked, the more serious the damage is and the longer it will take for your skin to be able to recover. After you stop smoking, it will 20 to 30 days before your red blood cell counts begin to increase. You will then begin to see a difference in the texture and quality of your skin. However, don't expect that your fine lines and wrinkles will ever naturally go away.

Dr. Yaghmai says that making the decision to quit means you are doing something really good for your skin and it will result in improvements, also using e cigarettes and eliquid can help you quit smoking for good. However, to reverse damage that has been caused already requires intervention.

* Collaborative Post

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

A New Baby Doesn't have to Break the Bank.

A New Baby Doesn't Have To Break the Bank

There's nothing worth celebrating more than the addition of a new baby to the family, but it's definitely worth remembering that an increasing family will also need an increase in spending. New parents may be baffled with how you can make your money go further so here are a few easy to follow tips:

Home Made Baby Food

It is remarkably cheap and easy to make baby food at home instead of spending money on expensive jars, it's healthier too. It really is as simple as blending fresh fruit and vegetables. This is not only a great way to save money but also to ensure that your baby is enjoying fresh ingredients, particularly if you grow your own.

Designer Baby Clothes

It might be tempting to splash out on an expensive outfit for those special occasions but there is absolutely no need to pay big bucks for the entire wardrobe. Okay, so it can be very tempting to buy the latest fashions from the latest baby boutique down the mall but it really isn't necessary. If you really want to save money you could not only avoid designer boutiques but avoid buying new clothes altogether. Babies grow so quickly that their clothes are rarely worn more than a few times, so why not think about dressing your baby in used clothes. If you don't fancy buying these from garage sales why not speak to friends and family members who may have some clothes which their own children have outgrown.

Don't Buy The Whole Toy Store

Babies outgrow their clothes very quickly and the same can be said for their toys. They may not outgrow these physically but they will certainly move on mentally very quickly. Babies soon get bored of their toys so there's no need to buy every baby toy on the market. Choose a few nice toys to keep baby happy until they grow older, you can also borrow toys from family members and friends.

Cheaper Isn't Always Better

In many things you get what you pay for and although it may be acceptable to opt for the cheaper options occasionally, there are other things for which it is certainly better to spend a little more. Don't be tempted to buy the cheapest diapers for example. You are going to need a lot of them and it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest but these may also be less effective and need to be replaced more regularly than the more expensive sturdier brands. In many things, you get what you pay for and although it may be acceptable to opt for the cheaper options occasionally, there are other things for which it is certainly better to spend a little more. 

Strollers for example are an area you don't want to skimp heavily on, a few of their recent reports show that expensive strollers have more useful features than cheaper ones. And that is before we question matters like durability and longevity. Another area you might not want to go too cheap on is diapers. You are going to need a lot of them and it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest but these may also be less effective and need to be replaced more regularly than the more expensive sturdier brands. Lastly, some very cheap items could be made of harmful materials or coarse fabrics which could cause health problems for your baby. Check reviews very carefully to see if anyone has experienced issues with the product.

Get Free Baby Samples

There are many websites out there that offer free baby samples, most things that include free nappies, free baby formula and a lot more. Sites include FreeStuff Baby which is a fantastic site full of free baby stuff. 

* Collaborative Post.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

My Sunday Photo - 23/10/16

A beautiful Yorkshire countryside view as we made our way to Helmsley.Green fields and animals as far as the eye can see.Beautiful.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Our Week!

Wow where on earth has the last week gone?! It has flown by. It's been a bit of a mixed bag though, some ups and some downs. Friday was the husbands birthday, Alfie had been waiting to give Daddy his present for days and had been telling Daddy that we'd bought him a green drill......we hadn't. He seemed pleased with the gifts that he did get though. I was on a study day which meant that I could make Alfie's school celebration assembly (and a sneaky pub trip that we squeezed in beforehand) which is the first I've been too - it was sooo cute, even though Alfie didn't receive a certificate this week just seeing how happy the kids were being commended was truly lovely. Once Elarna was home from nursery we all had pizza and birthday cake and Adi went to the pub - all in all a good day. Friday night was not so good. Elarna woke at 8:30pm and then 11pm, we're not really sure why she's waking up so much in the night at the moment but it is utterly exhausting. At 1:30am I was woken by Alfie appearing by the side of the bed all upset and not feeling well, cue lots of cuddles and calpol and then a good 40 minutes of us all him chattering and trying to convince him that he needed to stay in his own bed and not get in ours. He did settle eventually but then at 4am Elarna woke up screaming, honestly I was flipping exhausted on Saturday morning! 

On Saturday afternoon we shipped the kids off to the grandparents as we were having a proper 'out out' evening (well mostly), it has been so long since we had no kids overnight and it did feel very quiet and strange in the house, not going to deny it though it was nice! We went out for dinner with friends at a lovely restaurant and then had a couple of drinks after, although it was 'out out' it wasn't an overly late night, I think I went to bed around 12:30am or something like that. It was just so good to be out the house and dressed up.

Sunday was spent looking for tiles and flooring for the en suite and then collecting the kids and chilling out for the rest of the day. The start of the week brought more illness and unsettled children. Tuesday, Elarna took a nasty tumble and put her tooth right through her lip, lots of blood and a few minutes of screaming but considering her injury she got over it fairly quickly, an ice lolly helped. We then had another incident of her slipping and banging her mouth later in the week - she is such a klutz at the moment bless her. Alfie has had a great week at school, he got fab feedback in his book journal about his reading and came home with a sticker for helping tidy the home corner so I'm pleased that we seem to be ending the week on a positive note. We have half term to look forward to, a little holiday and lots of fun things planned so I'm hoping for a good 7 days. 

This is my week, how has yours been?

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Best and Worst Linky #70

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hi everyone and a huge welcome to the best and worst linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself. If you're new to the linky we're delighted for you to join in, please do have a read of the rules. If you're a regular then thanks as always for the support. Sarah and I split the commenting now, it is working well doing it like that. You should have received a comment from one of us so if you are missing one please do drop us a tweet or email. We've had some great posts over the last few weeks!

This is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our Twitter feed. 

So as always, on with the linky........please have a little read of the rules and we look forward to reading this weeks posts.

We are continuing to notice that some people aren't getting the comments they deserve, linkys only work if people spend time to read other blogs and comment on them.

** Please note, next week I am off for the week so Sarah is taking the reins, be gentle with her hehe.**

My featured post from last weeks linky is from the rather fabulous Hayley over at Sparkles and Stretchmarks all about their recent trip to Disneyland Paris, as I'm thinking of booking us to go at some point soon I loved reading this post and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of her posts all about it. 

Sparkles & Stretchmarks: A UK Parenting & Pregnancy Blog

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one or two posts each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too. We've noticed that some people have just been link dropping and not commenting on the 2 in front, please do return the favour so everyone gets some comments and linky love, thankyou.
  • ***Please add the badge to the bottom of your page so everyone knows where you have linked up***
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap once linked up so we can retweet you. When tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Best of Worst


Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Roll on Half Term!

So we are off on a weeks holiday soon and I have to admit I cannot wait. I feel so ready for a break and I'm fairly sure that Alfie will too, after all this will be his first half term away! The last few weeks since Alfie started school have whooshed by and judging by his attitude and whining at home he is also ready for some time off. We not going abroad or anything like that this time but heading to North Yorkshire for my Dads 70th (not actually his birthday till November but we are school parents now ya know!). North Yorkshire will always hold a special place in my heart, it's where I used to visit every year with the parents as a child and I have so many wonderful memories but we stopped going a few years ago and I'm really looking forward to heading back with the kids and showing them a place I love and had tons of childhood memories. It's actually been what feels like a very long time since I've holidayed in the UK and I all of a sudden feel out of my comfort zone? I'm so used to preparing for a holiday abroad and it feels new and exciting to go away in the UK. Where we used to stay was basic to say the least and way before the times I would care about wifi and missing strictly or x factor (priorities) so when me and my Mum started looking for options I was definitely putting wifi at the top of the list to be in the property! Also to be near a pub, we used to stay in a remote farmhouse which was ok but it was about as far away from civilisation you can get. Anyways, as always I digress.

So I am a massive over packer, UK or abroad you can guarantee I will pack stuff that is unlikely to make it out of the suitcase and when back at home it's a case of 'ahhh I forgot I packed that'. It drives my husband mad. This year when we went to France I really tried hard to not over pack, (I meant it's not like we were going to a 3rd world country) and I think I did pretty well, after all I kept telling myself the less I took the more wine we could bring back! Packing for 1 week away is likely to be a challenge, I start out with all good intentions but then the 'what ifs' creep into my mind.

Just a small selection of clothes!

What if it's warm/cold?

What if it rains?

What if I need wellies/flip flops/heels/flats/boots etc?

What if I need a fan?

What if I need this/that/the other?

I'm sure you get the picture, my mind works overtime and end up packing the kitchen sink. Hilariously my parents do actually take 'the kitchen sink' - my Dad once bought my Mum a miniature version of a sink as they also always pack a ton (seriously my Dad packs more shoes than me) and they take it with them wherever they go. 

So I will try pack sensibly. The kids will have their Trunki each and anything extra will go into mine and Adi's small cases, we will take a small toy box with a variety of toys. Alfie will no doubt try and take as many toys as possible and with us being in the UK I won't mind as much, we may even take his train track as I know that would keep him occupied. 

We've got lots of things planned, we're going to Flamingo Land, York, Whitby and the steam train museum amongst other things so it'll be a fairly packed week without a doubt! I'm taking the week off blogging, linky and linking and generally just going to have a fab week away with the kids and my parents. I'm also very much looking forward to having a pub within a few feet from the house and grandparents to babysit!

Anyone else really looking forward to half term?

Fancy a Freebie?

Finding Free Stuff: A Guide To Getting Something For Practically Nothing

It is possible to score great products at no cost, but you have to be frugal about what to do and where to go.

Many people would caution that you can't get something for nothing. However, that simply isn't true; there are freebies available, but you have to be willing to go out and get them.

Be Safe And Smart

Use your head when it comes to what products you bring home and where you get them from. Scoring a freebie might be dangerous; there are also rules that you might have to follow. This guide will go over where you can get freebies and what you might need to think about before you take them home with you.

Street Finds

Waarmakers is a product design company out of Amsterdam. Their designers figured out a great way to re-purpose old stuff.

They came up with the Goedzak, which is a see-through bag that has a bright yellow stripe on it. If you have things that you don't use any more, but that you think still have life left in them, you put them in the bag and leave it on the street.

Because the bag is transparent, anyone that is interested can see what they are getting when they pick it up. However, Dutch law does state that if you take something that belongs to someone else off the street, you are stealing.

The UK has the same rules. You cannot go into skips or bins and just grab what you want, even if no one else wants the items.

Let's say that someone has an old crib that they don't want any more. They put it out on the curb. However, the item is still theirs, which means that if anyone picks it up, they could have charges brought against them.

There is one way around this. If you ask the owner first, you can take the item.

Social Media

Social media has a number of purposes. It lets you connect with family members and friends, both new and old. It helps you keep up with what is going on in the world. And, it lets you express yourself.

For those looking for a deal, social media is a gold mine. Companies use sites like Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to get the word out about their products. Therefore, they often offer free samples to people that perform a certain task. For example, you might get a freebie if you like a company's Facebook page.

However, don't do too much too fast. If you sign up for everything that is out there, you may get spammed. You also don't want to give out your personal details to companies that are less than reputable. The people that are on social media are not always honest.

In addition, be careful with the information that you share. You don't want to inadvertently encourage other people to link up with a fraudulent company.

The Top 4 Free Stuff Sites

There are lots of great sites out there that offer free products. These are our top four.

1. Hot UK Deals

This site lets people put up leads about any special offers they have found. Therefore, you might learn about a certain coupon that makes for a great deal or a special sale at a local store. There is an area for freebies as well!

2. Gumtree

Gumtree is a site where people can sell their old things and also advertise their services. For example, you can find a babysitter on Gumtree. If you search around, though, you can also find free stuff! There is a section dedicated to freebies.

3. Freegle

When you sign up for Freegle, you become part of a local group in your area. You can give people things that you don't want any more and take advantage of what others are offering as well! You can find both big and small items, so it is worth it to keep checking to see what you can find. Remember, though, that the only way that the site will stay in business is if people take as well as give. Give when you are able.

4. WOW FreeStuff

This site allows you to enter your email address so that you can get daily updates for all the latest free stuff. They have been known to offer information to their community about free gym passes, free food and free perfume samples, among other things.

* Collaborative Post

Sunday, 16 October 2016

My Sunday Photo - 16/10/16

A rather candid and off the cuff shot with Daddy for his birthday. I kind of love the happiness that this picture has captured! My gorgeous hubby and our 2 little monkeys.


Friday, 14 October 2016

Our Week!

Other than a few unsettled nights and illness, this week has been really lovely. I ended the week/started the weekend drinking one of my absolute favourite wines (The Ned which you can purchase from Waitrose), if you like your sauvignons then this one is well worth a try, nom!! Usually hubby goes to the pub with his Dad on a Friday but he didn't this week which meant 1. I had to share my wine (shite) and 2. I couldn't watch all my reality and American TV which was fairly annoying - I did however manage to catch up on Ex on the Beach but kind of wish I hadn't as Adi moaned all the way!!

Saturday I was working for a few hours at a flu clinic, it was absolutely fine other than getting home to carnage - a whiny 18 month old, a loud 4 year old and a slightly grumpy husband! The highlight of my day was a visit to the wine shop to stock up on a few bottles! Saturday night was spent chilling with the log fire on and watching Strictly and X Factor. 

On Sunday we went to the Autumn food and country fair which was on just near where we live, judging by the flyer's I'd seen I was fairly sure Alfie would love it with the promise of animals, vintage cars and tractors and fairground rides! Adi walked with Alfie and I copped out and drove ( it was raining at the time), bizarrely Adi was let in a side gate and didn't have to pay entry but I had to pay a tenner to get in......

It was actually a really nice little afternoon out, there was a ton of farm animals there some being paraded about and others to purchase, there was little shows and a variety of foodie stalls to test food and drink so there was something for everyone. I wasn't, however overly sure why we had to pay so much to get in, if we'd had to pay the full £20 for all of us I think I would have been a bit miffed to be honest. As you can see from the pictures above Alfie was quite taken by the giant veg....... haha. Other than the cost it was a nice few hours. 

Monday brought illness to the house (once again) meaning everyone has had quite disruptive nights. Elarna has been up a few times in the night over the last couple of nights, I think teeth as she's had alot of the signs. Hopefully we're over the worst of it now but I guess time will tell. 

On Thursday I popped into town to the French market that was on, it was a complete waste of time to be honest - I would hardly call it a French market! More like a handful of stalls selling french items? Bizarre, but in the end had a chilled couple of hours wandering the shops with Elarna and my parents, well it was chilled until Elarna decided that she definitely didn't want to nap and ended up been horrendously grumpy. I was 'that' Mum with the grizzly, screechy child that needed to be manhandled back into her pram - you know the moment you can feel the stares from passers by as your child turns into a rigid starfish - you get the picture. Surprise, surprise she then fell asleep as I was driving home, which takes less than 10 minutes!

I also just found out that I've been offered a place on my masters - scary stuff, not sure whether I'm fully decided as it is a huge lot of work to do.......

So this is my week, how has yours been?

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Best and Worst Linky #69

Beautiful Things

Run, Jump, Scrap!

Hi everyone and a huge welcome to the best and worst linky run by my lovely friend Sarah who blogs over at Run Jump Scrap and co-hosted by myself. If you're new to the linky we're delighted for you to join in, please do have a read of the rules. If you're a regular then thanks as always for the support. Sarah and I split the commenting now, it is working well doing it like that. You should have received a comment from one of us so if you are missing one please do drop us a tweet or email. We've had some great posts over the last few weeks!

This is the linky where you can tell us about the best or worst things that have happened in the last week or even the last year, this could in the form of a blog post, a photo or even a video. It can be an old post or a new post, we don't mind we just want you to share it with us. We want you to share your babies firsts, the crappy day at work you've had or a makeup disaster basically the good, the bad or the downright ugly! We want to share your excitement and tears, highs and lows no matter what it is.

Each week we will both choose our favourite posts from the week before and feature you on the next weeks Best and Worst, we will also feature you on our Twitter feed. 

So as always, on with the linky........please have a little read of the rules and we look forward to reading this weeks posts.

We are continuing to notice that some people aren't getting the comments they deserve, linkys only work if people spend time to read other blogs and comment on them.

  • The linky will open at 6.30am on a Wednesday and close at 23.55pm on a Friday
  • You can link up one or two posts each week
  • Please comment on the 2 posts before yours and have a nosey at the host's too. We've noticed that some people have just been link dropping and not commenting on the 2 in front, please do return the favour so everyone gets some comments and linky love, thankyou.
  • ***Please add the badge to the bottom of your page so everyone knows where you have linked up***
  • Tweet your hosts @helsy_1983 and @RunJumpScrap once linked up so we can retweet you. When tweeting and commenting use the hashtag #bestandworst so everyone knows where you have come from
Best of Worst