Monday, 24 August 2015

10 Things I'd Tell my Kid Self

I've been nominated by Sarah from RunJumpScrap to take part in 10 things you'd tell your kid self. 

Hmmm now this is an interesting one!! Where to start. I was quite a rebellious teen so I reckon most of my warnings will be to my teenager self but looking back there are things I would definitely tell me younger self so things!

1. When there are huge boxes stored in your parents bedroom (which I still to this day have no  idea why they had a box the size of a wardrobe in their spare room!) don't climb into it head first and get stuck. It makes for a very unflattering sight, your best friend will remind you of it forever more and from what I remember it was quite distressing being stuck upside down in a box!

2. Don't try and steal your best friends My Little Pony because it smells nice, she will notice and will cry.

3. It's best not to jump down from your parents bed onto their dodgy floor, you'll end up smashing the floorboards. The funny thing is they still have a wonky floor where I did this, oops. Oh the memories!

4. Don't laugh when your Dads legs come crashing through the loft where he missed his footing and ended up falling through the plasterboard (this happened more than once, ha!). 

5. The whole green stripy tights and denim shorts was not a good look then. I looked like a witch, awful, awful fashion choices. 

6. Stealing pints of milk from people's doorways when horrendously drunk is mean and nasty. I can't believe we actually used to do this..... *hangs head in shame*.

7. Calling the Spanish teacher a wan*er is never going to end well, take note!! 

8. Starting to smoke while at school is not cool nor is it clever. Was the start of a very bad habit!

9. Using 'Sun In' (dodgy spray for hair to apparently make it blonder and lighter) is sooooo not good, you end up looking very much like a satsuma, literally my hair was orange, not good

10. Finally,  don't drink almost a whole bottle of vodka (straight) the end results are NOT pretty. Like I said, I was a rebel when I was a teen!! Tut, tut and smack my wrist, I was such a tinker of a teenager! 

So looking back there is definitely a fair few things that I wish I hadn't done and if I could change time these are things that would take priority. Overall though, even with all of these things I don't think I've turned out too bad! 

So over to you guys!! I now tag the following: 



A Cornish Mum


  1. Ha ha ha they are great maybe you should have said wankerio ;)

  2. I did most of these what a lovely nostalgic post. We used to take orange juice of doorsteps oops xx

  3. Ha ha I can relate to some of these #maternitymondays x

  4. hahaha love this brilliant brings up so many memories of my own teenage years lol!

  5. Number 7 made me giggle haha! #mummymonday

  6. haha love it! The one about the hair spray made me laugh out loud. What a rebel you were!! xx #mummymondays

  7. this post made me lol and I can totally relate to too many of them... sadly hahaha!

    WOO!! To the rebels in life :D

  8. Oh my goodness - sun in was never a good look! Neither was fake tan.

    Lizzie Dripping

  9. OMG no. 4 actually happened!? Some of these really gave me a nostalgic chuckle espesh the Sun In one - god awful stuff which I used to plaster all over just my fringe - go figure! x #twinklytuesday

  10. A seriously funny read! I can relate to almost all of it too.


  11. I too hang my head in shame but at no.2. I once tried to take my friends Barbie. And Yes! She noticed and cried. Great post xx #TenThings

  12. Ahaha, too funny. Oh man, I remember Sun-in - dreadful stuff but every holiday without fail I'd take it with me and try and give myself 'highlights' #fail.

    And oh yes my many fashion faux pas...though thinking about it, that probably hasn't changed that much :P


  13. Love this list! Full of funny stories! There were a lot of falling through floors / ceilings in your house!


    Gemma xx

  14. I used to love those stripy tights - I once sunburned stripes onto my legs from wearing them. Not a great look at the swimming pool the next day! :)


  15. That first one is HILARIOUS! Thanks for being part of #TwinklyTuesday!

  16. I was once sick as a teen on a bottle of this day I have never managed to make myself drink it again, and I can't stand the smell of it - some definite learning curves growing up! Thanks for linking up to #TenThings you've given me a giggle,

    Stevie x


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