Monday, 3 August 2015

Is She Good?

Is she good they ask? 

Me: *Blank face* Errmm yes I guess so (thinking to myself, what do they mean is she good? She's a baby? Define good for me?.

Image result for angel and devil

Time and time again I'm asked 'Is she good?', 'Is she a good baby?', 'does she sleep at night?', etc, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. 

Now I'm not meaning to be rude but I find these questions a tad odd, much like 'how much did she weigh? . I never really know wtf I'm supposed to say? Plus, is it just me in thinking stop being so god damn nosy! She's a 15 week old baby, is she supposed to be good or god forbid......bad?! How can a baby actually be 'good' or 'bad', they can't determine their behaviour at this age. All newborn babies want and require is milk, comfort and (occasionally) sleep, I try to remain the eternal optimist.

Of course my response is always yes, she's a good baby. What the hell am I supposed to say? Actually no, she's not good at all. She's a little sh*t. She cries all day, I can't put her down, she just drinks milk all-the-time, shi*ts it out and pukes all over my black sofa? On the contrary, she is actually a pretty good baby and yes of course the aforementioned happens but that's what babies do and I have no issue with something that I've anticipated anyway, I'm well practised now you know! She barely sleeps during the day, likes to be cuddled and likes to have a whinge, but isn't this just standard behaviour for a baby? She does however sleep at night (most of the time) which I'll go with, so in that respect she is an actual gem. 

Honestly, look at that face. I know what you're thinking HOW could she ever be bad?! Like I said, of course she has her moments but then what baby doesn't. 

It is common knowledge that when you have a child people very much like to have their opinion. Clearly, people also like to ask odd questions which seem to get on my nerves! I never mind being approached, honestly I don't and will always chat away to random strangers but if you ask me questions that (in my head) are a bit strange, such as 'how much did she weigh?' or 'is she a good baby' please don't be offended if I bristle somewhat and give you an odd look before my standard response. 

Do you know what, I realise I'm just being a complete moaner here but to save my sanity I would really prefer it if someone just asked me her name, or when she was born, or even 'is she content?' would be a nice alternative to 'is she good?'. Simple things like that I don't mind at all. When I'm asked questions that I just answer in a way I FEEL that I should and perhaps not in an entirely honest way, I always end up questioning myself, I'd prefer to real about it in all honesty. 

Forgive me if I go off on a slight tangent now. What I really want to say is, yes she is a good baby but I'm tired. I have a three year old who is completely and utterly cray,cray who requires my attention, a 15 week old baby who also requires my attention, a house that also needs attention and a way over active brain which means that yes my babies might be asleep but I might not necessarily be, so I'm pretty tired. I have wrinkles (ffs), I can see grey hairs (wahhh) and my 'mum tum' is way tooooo wobbly, erghh. Obviously, it's not about me at all I just had to get that off my chest, ha.

So if you ever stop me in the street, please do speak to me, ask me questions by all means. Ask me something that I find odd however, I may just stop biting my tongue and giving the usual response and I may ask YOU something odd. Like 'are you wearing pants?' or 'what's your favourite sex position?'. Guaranteed I'd get an odd look then! 

Am I being a little unreasonable or does anyone else think questions like this are odd?

Best of Worst


Life with Baby Kicks



  1. I hate that question and never have a clue how to answer it so usually end up sounding like an idiot as I fumble over my words. What does 'good' even mean when it comes to babies? I am totally with you, so annoying! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

    1. I know me too and I keep getting asked it so much! Thanks for hosting Caroline! x

  2. I would love to see people's faces after you asked them *those* questions!
    x Alice

    1. Haha me too although I probably never would as I'm too polite to not just answer the question! x

  3. I so agree. I always found it so funny how the weirdest questions are up for discussion as soon as a baby enters the picture. Like some stranger standing in the grocery aisle looking at my twins(whom are almost 2) and asks whether I had them naturally or not.... Like, hello... Who are you?

    1. Haha, noooo, I seriously don't know why people think it acceptable to ask these questions! x

  4. You're right such a classic question yet so hard to answer, Like you I find there is good and bad in everyday and at every age! #TwinklyTuesday

  5. Completely agree!!! #twinklytuesday

  6. I've always hated that question too!!!Just smiled and nodded grrrrrr x

    1. Good response, I mean really what can you actually say?! x

  7. Completely agree with you, it really is such a weird question. Id love if one day you actually reeled out that little list of all the bad things (that actually aren't bad, they are just a baby!). You should also definitely ask what their favourite sex position is haha! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday - I hope you feel better now it's off your chest. P.S. wrinkles and grey here too and I only have one!

  8. Totally agree with you! I still get asked this now and my twins are three! They're like all other children, they have good and bad moments! #bestandworst

  9. I guess those standard questions are quite strange when you stop and think about them aren't they. I mean why do people need to ask how much the baby weighed lol, and you're right no baby is bad, and with a face like that she is too cute to be anything but perfection! #bestandworst

    1. Ahh thanks haha :-) She is good at times but don't be deceived by her pretty eyes :-) x

  10. I've encountered that question a couple of times too from strangers. Of course our kiddies are good, they're are our little angels although they can be wicked sometimes, lol Great post! #bestandworst

  11. Aww, look at that fuzzy hair. What a cutie. 'Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day' -- that's a brilliant way of looking at it. #bestandworst

    1. I wish it would grow a but quicker haha, thanks for the comment :-) x

  12. Haha. Guilty! I think I've asked this question! Small talk. Completely nonsensical. But I get it all the time too... The answer is obviously always yes. Imagine if we told them the truth! #bestandworst

    1. I imagine I probably ask it too but I'm more aware of it now haha X

  13. They're just those vague questions people ask without giving it any thought, aren't they? I entirely agree, though, it is not an appropriate question. A baby who is less content should not be classified as a bad baby. No baby is bad. #bestandworst

  14. I really think you should ask those questions :) They wouldn't ask you anything else lol Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  15. How cute that photo is! You do get some odd questions - I suppose with a 15week old, there isn't a lot to ask about (which is probably why all mums of newborns get asked their weight...) What winds me up is people talking about my three-year-old in front of her. I want to point out that she can hear/understand them! #bestandworst

    1. Yes!! I agree, thee year olds are very astute aren't they X

  16. Not unreasonable at all! Some people do ask the oddest questions and also babies attract anybody! And they touch and ask sooooo many questions #bestandworst xx

    1. They do, everyone likes to coo over a baba and ask weird questions! x

  17. I love this! Those questions baffle me too. They're the standard questions everyone asks out of politeness, when all I want to talk about is the latest gossip, after not having much adult interaction all day. Babies are the best! It's when they get old I assume the question 'are they good' would fit quite well. Even then you wouldn't spill the beans if your child was 'bad' :) #bestandworst

  18. Children sometimes they are good and then they are not I really don't understand why people ask great read thanks for hosting

    1. Exactly, I thought people just knew that, clearly not hah X

  19. Oh just keep your silly questions to yourself.... I hate when people ask these things. We want to talk about adult stuff, music, tv, friends not about how much sleep I got last night!!!

  20. I think people just want to engage with you about your baby but don't really think about the question. I always thought the question is so broad that it was really a question about how we are finding it but in the usual British way is not said like that. You sound a bit like me when I was pregnant and people would rub my stomach which really annoyed me although I know they only meant well. #twinklytuesday

    1. I agree, I guess it just rolls off the tongue as conversation :-) Thanks for the comment X

  21. Yeah they are weird questions, but I guess people don't know what to ask but want to interact? Who knows! Because I have a redhead, I sometimes get asked 'Does she have a temper?" Yes of course she does, she's 4! But I manage to smile and come up with some polite answer. And if you've had a reasonable nights sleep this is easier. No sleep, it becomes very tricky!! Becky x #bestandworst

    1. Ahhh that's so unfair, my son is light brown and his temper is fiery! x

  22. I also hate this question! Of course she is good, she is a little angel! But yes she cries and fusses and doesn't go to sleep like a light switch! I would love to answer "No she is not good" and stare back, but we have to be polite, don't we?!


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