Monday, 21 February 2022

Pain after Physical Activity: What you need to Know.

{Collaborative Content} Do you experience pain after physical activities? If so, you're not alone. In fact, many people experience some level of pain after working out or playing sports. While this pain can be frustrating, it's essential to understand what's causing it and how to best deal with it. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of pain that can occur after physical activity and some tips for reducing or preventing it.

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Muscle Soreness

One of the most common types of post-workout pain is muscle soreness. This type of pain usually peaks one or two days after exercise and subsides within four to five days. Other types of post-workout pain include tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and shin splints.


Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon resulting from repetitive motion during exercise or other activities. The most common cause for this type of injury is overtraining on the same muscles every day without giving them time to rest between workouts. 

Plantar Fasciitis

Another type of post-workout pain occurs when there's too much pressure placed on your feet; this causes plantar fasciitis as well as heel spurs which are bony growths at the bottom of each foot just above where it meets the ground (also known by its medical name 'heel spur syndrome). 

Shin Splints 

Shin Splints occur when there's swelling in the muscles or tendons along either side of your shin bone (tibia), causing intense pain during movement.


The most common causes of post-workout pain are overtraining and not giving yourself enough time to rest between workouts. Suppose you want to avoid experiencing this type of discomfort. In that case, it's vital that you don't push yourself too hard when exercising or doing any other activity involving repetitive motions such as typing on a computer keyboard all day long; try taking breaks at least once every hour so that your body can recover from its exertion before going back into full force again. It's also good advice for anyone who has suffered an injury previously: remember what caused it so they'll know how hard they can go without hurting themselves again.

Take Breaks

Consider why you're experiencing pain after exercise. If it's due to overtraining, then try doing fewer repetitions or taking more breaks between sets during your workout routine. If this doesn't help, then stop doing the activity altogether and take some time off from exercising until all symptoms have subsided completely before starting back up again slowly with shorter workouts spaced out over several days per week instead of every day (if possible). 

Decrease Intensity Levels

Another way would be decreasing intensity levels on machines like treadmills while increasing incline settings so that there's still some resistance but not as much pressure being placed directly onto joints which could cause further damage down the road. 


Don't forget about stretching too! You always stretch before and after exercising, right? Well, you should also be doing it throughout the day (every few hours) to help alleviate tension in muscles and improve overall flexibility.

Photo by Mary West on Unsplash

How to Resolve it?

In most cases, post-workout pain can be resolved through conservative methods like rest, ice packs, compression bandages/wraps, cbd oil, and elevation. Still, if there are any underlying conditions causing the discomfort, then surgery may become necessary.

If pain persists more than a week or two despite taking some time off from your usual routine as well as implementing the tips mentioned above, then consulting with a sports medicine specialist is highly recommended. They can help identify what's wrong and create an individualized treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Friday, 11 February 2022

How to Teach your Child to be more Independent.

{Collaborative content} There are many challenges that come alongside parenting - from getting a full night’s sleep with a newborn to helping them with their maths homework. However, as they get older, it's equally vital that you help them to develop a sense of independence. While this does not mean they cannot turn to you whenever they need help or support, encouraging independence in your children develops life-long confidence faith in their own reasoning and can help them develop a range of life skills. 

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to help teach your children to be more independent. 

  • Give them some responsibility. Independence and responsibility come hand in hand, so giving your children more responsibilities around the home is a great way to get started on their journey to independence. For example, you could encourage them to help out with cleaning by organising their toys or tidying their room. Alternatively,  welcoming a pet into your home is another excellent way to get your children to become more responsible. 

  • Encourage them to go on school trips. When your children are younger, you may be a little reluctant to allow them to participate in residential school trips, especially if they have not spent a night away from you previously. However, there are many benefits to these school trips - they make learning fun, strengthen friendships, and show your child that you trust them to spend some time ‘alone’ or away from home. In short, they’re a great way to help your child become more independent. 

  • Let them make some decisions. Part of being independent is being able to make your own decisions. Therefore, you should let your child make some of the decisions for the family. Of course, this should not extend into anything all that important - but they could get to choose the next family day out or which film you watch at your next movie night. Another great way to encourage independence is to let your children pick out their own outfits instead of laying them out for them. Be sure to have your cameras at the ready as this often results in some ‘creative’ outfits, to say the least. 

  • Praise them for showing initiative. Kids tend to learn through positive reinforcement, especially when it comes to growing more independent and making decisions on their own. Therefore, whenever they begin to show initiative, you should praise them for it and let them know how proud of them you are. This is a great way to help your children feel more confident in their instincts. 

  • Let them make mistakes. Part of growing up involves making mistakes - and it's essential that you let your children make their own mistakes without interfering too much (unless it is a matter of health and safety). This is due to the fact that it helps them to learn and adapt to any situation that they may find themselves in - which is a great way to trust their judgement logic and become more independent.