Monday, 31 May 2021

K'Nex Battle Bow & Rad Rides *review*

{Ad/gifted items} I have a 9 year old child who just loves to build things. For the last few years his interests have strongly centred around creating things out of bricks, blocks and things that can he put together to bring his imagination alive. Give him a box of clicky things and blocks and he will bring it to life, I love seeing this creative side come out, learning through play is just so valuable.

If my son sounds like your child then you should definitely check out K'Nex because I know it will appeal. K'nex is one of the best STEM toys available on the market, build beyond the box with innovative and interactive products that encourage the child to let their imagination run free and have independent play. We were kindly sent a couple of kits to test out, Alfie was delighted. 

The battle bow set contains over 165 classic pieces and there are various different options that can be made from the included pieces. You can build 4 different items which are all so cool! Alfie chose to make the gun which using the included foam pellets which can fire a pretty long way! He needed a little help to make it and clip various bits into place but otherwise was able to make unaided. If you don't fancy following the instructions there are plenty pieces included to make your very own personal weapon!

Also sent was Rad Rides, once again another great kit which contains pieces to make more than one vehicle, the possibilities really are endless. The items fit together with the most satisfying 'click' noise! There are so many varieties of K'nex available there really is something for everyone. 

What do we love about K'nex?

- We love that it a true STEM item, it encourages all of the STEM categories and opens up a childs imagination

- Learn through play

- A wide variety available on the market

- A variety of prices to appeal to all

- Lovely and colourful and bright 

- Build beyond the box! There are SO many options. 

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- The instructions could be a little clearer, sometimes the pieces featured don't match what is in the kit so it takes the child a little longer to figure it out.

- It can be quite hard to connect the pieces but the more you play the more you get used to how they fit together

Overall we love K'nex, we love that the possibilities are endless and the creation is drawn from the child. My son just loves it. There are so many different choices and price ranges that these would make a perfect gift. I will leave you with some images of Alfie playing and his amazing creation! This was following the instructions, I have to say I was very impressed with how far the foam pellets go! So much fun!

* Please note we were kindly sent the items free of charge in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

Friday, 28 May 2021

Managing the Return to Work After Being a Stay at Home Parent.

{Collaborative Content} Being a stay at home parent is a beautiful thing; you get to spend as much time with your kids as you’d really like, and you’re around to experience all the big and small things with them. And at the same time, being a working parent is a wonderful thing as well - there are a lot of benefits to working during the day and getting to spend time with your family from the evening onwards. 

And managing to mesh the two together, by going from a stay at home parent to stepping out into the working world again, can be a tricky thing. And because of that, we’ve got some tips you might be able to put to use in such a situation. 


Be Sure on Child Care

Of course, the thing you’re most worried about is just how your child is going to fare without you during the day, and that’s a completely natural worry to have. This is an adjustment period for the both of you, and dealing with these fears in good time is key to having a smooth transition. 

Make sure you get in touch with a childcare agency, such as the Angels by Day nursery, a long time before you’re due to head back to work. You want to be sure there’s a place for your little one, and that any feeds due have been fully paid, and that there’s always going to be somewhere safe for your child to be in case you or your partner are suddenly indisposed. 

Change Your Schedule Ahead of Time

You don’t want your new schedule, i.e. only being there to give your child breakfast before rushing off to work where you’re needed, to be a surprise to anyone. You need to practice at it, to ensure you’ve given yourself enough time for both handling the new arrangement and settling your child into it as well. 

Change your schedule a little right now - maybe take your child to daycare a little earlier than you were planning to, or leave them with a babysitter or family member whilst you run an errand without them. In the warmer months of the year, you could explore opportunities like Summer Camps in Bristow, VA , or in a more suitable location, which can provide a fun and enriching way to adjust to spending time away from you. This’ll give the both of you the chance to get used to being away from each other, and you won’t toss and turn the night before you head back to work worrying over how you’ll manage! 

Talk to Working Parents

You’re not in this alone! There are so many other working parents around you, and it’s a good idea right now to get in touch with them and ask them how they’re managing. What did they do to change their setup? How did their children settle into it? Are they enjoying their time now? Ask as many questions to help yourself feel comfortable, and make sure there’s an understanding support circle there when you need it. 

Returning to work is a big adjustment, and you can have a lot of doubts during this time, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. 

Why Larger than Life Stories Can Improve Your Life At Any Age

{Collaborative Content} Have you ever noticed how children tend to be highly imaginative and optimistic about the future, whereas as adults we so often end up becoming jaded?

Of course, there are many different potential reasons for this dynamic – but it might be that at least part of the equation is the fact that we encourage children to engage their imaginations and enjoy fun and larger-than-life stories on a regular basis, whether that involves structuring their birthday celebrations around Disney's Frozen party ideas, or dressing up to go trick-or-treating.

Here are some ways larger-than-life stories – in the form of films, books, and more – might improve your life at any age.

By helping you to get back into a worldview and outlook of wonder and appreciation

One great thing about larger-than-life stories is that they move your mindset from a fixation on the regular practical routines of your everyday life, to a frame of mind that causes you to once more notice things like wonder, awe, and adventure.

Sure, you may be accessing these feelings through a fictional tale – but this very often ends up helping you to experience a sense of wonder in the various dimensions of your everyday life as well, as well as a bit more of an outgoing temperament and some extra appreciation for the great things you have present in your own life.

The world tends to be a magical and exciting place when we aren’t moving through it on autopilot. Larger-than-life stories can help you to see things with fresh eyes again, and renew your sense of being enamoured with the world at large.

By encouraging you to dare to dream big

Whenever someone watches a film or TV show, or reads a book that focuses on a great adventure, the overcoming of challenges, intense drama, and all the rest, they are naturally conceptualising things in terms that are a lot more lofty than the small chores of everyday life.

One good thing about this is that it can encourage you to dare to dream big. It can remind you that there are many different ways to live, and many different adventures out there to pursue.

It’s not that you need to live an extravagant lifestyle, of course. But being reminded that there’s more to life than just making it from one day to the next can be very uplifting.

By shifting your perspective to the extraordinary in everyday life

There are many things that happen – or can happen – over the course of everyday life that could seem exciting, dramatic and remarkable, if only we would take time to notice them.

Engaging regularly with larger-than-life stories can remind you of the significance of things that you might normally take for granted in your everyday life. It might remind you, for example, that the hobbies you spend your time on are essentially threads that you’re weaving into your life story.

In one sense, great stories can remind you that you are always in the process of writing your own story – and in that way, virtually everything can be very significant.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Most Authentic Laser Hair Removal Reviews to Rely On.

In this age of lightning- a quick world where technology and information travels faster than rockets, it becomes even more difficult for humans to keep themselves abreast with everything happening around the world. With such situations, one also finds himself/ herself trapped into old customs and antique styles, which also need to be done away with.

In this quest, one also wants to look as perfect as possible. This usually comprises the basic things such as getting implants, surgeries, et al. to change the way one looks and also makes one look more attractive. Be it anyone of any group, from any background; most people these days are looking for easiest and least time- consuming procedures to get it all done. And like everything else, getting rid of unwanted hair, too, is on a priority list for men and women alike.

These days, hair removal has become a full- fledged industry having a lot of competition as well as the advent of technology almost every other day. In this cut- throat competition industry, the clients are the winners as they get to have their hair removal procedures done by the best names in the industry and within a specified budget bracket. In most procedures such waxing, threading, shaving, IPL, use of chemicals, laser hair takes the pole position as it is the most permanent as it gets.

It takes just about three to six sittings to get hair removal procure done; which is followed usually by a couple of visits a year. In this type of procedure, getting help from an expert is a must have and searching for an expert definitely depends on the available laser hair removal reviews that are present all over the internet. You just need to check your country, city/ town where the nearest expert is. This, in turn, helps you make the most informed decision about the experience that an expert has as well as the technology/ techniques they use.

Since a laser hair removal treatment focuses on a specific area of hairs that are burnt by focusing light waves on them, it is also a great thing to check with the expert of the little side effects that can be present for a few hours to a few days. And since, the technology and the techniques in this field are always changing for the better, it is even wiser to check it up online by doing your own research. It is also a great way to take appointments with the expert and discuss the whole step by step plan to get rid of your unwanted hair. So, getting a hair removal expert these days is not a big deal. But to find and take services of a genuine name in the industry is definitely a big deal. It always pays off in the longer run if you, as a client, do your research about your hair and skin type online before going for an appointment with the expert as it always gives you an upper hand on the same subject.


Monday, 3 May 2021

8 Ways to Become More Eco Friendly at Home.

{Collaborative Content} There’s more to being eco friendly than just recycling your trash at home, and many people don’t realise how easy it is to become that little bit more eco friendly in their homes and with their lifestyle. Being eco friendly doesn’t mean you have to cut out things you love from your life, and it can actually save you a ton of money in the long run. Interested? Take a look at these tried and tested ways of being more eco friendly at home.

Switch to one vegan day a week
Veganism is on the rise and if you don’t want to cut out animal products from your life, you don’t have to! However, switching to vegan meals one day a week can dramatically reduce the impact you’re having on the environment. Plus, you’ll be surprised at how delicious vegan meals can be!

Bamboo is a product that many people only associate with being in the garden or for pandas. However, bamboo is an extremely sustainable product that can be reused and recycled. Things like toothbrushes and kitchenware can be traded for bamboo versions and not only help the environment, but look great too.

Create your own vegetable garden
Growing your own salad, fruit and vegetables is not only great fun and rewarding, but also a very sustainable option compared to buying produce that’s been sprayed with pesticides and packaged in plastic. It’s also a great way to get the kids involved!
Start a compost heap
If you love gardening then this one's for you. Starting your own compost heap with veg peelings and other recyclable waste will leave you with super nutritious soil that you can use around your garden - and on your vegetable patch!

Install water butts
Have you ever stopped to think about the amount of water you’re using to water your garden? The amount in litres will stagger you! Installing water butts around your garden to collect rainfall will dramatically reduce the amount of water you’re using from the hose, not to mention the amount of money it will save you. Rain water is free!

Switch to eco friendly light bulbs
The next time you have to replace your light bulbs consider switching to an eco friendly version. They may take a minute or two to kick in, but they’ll save you money and they’re more friendly to the environment!

Think carefully about replacing appliances
Appliances can use a lot of energy to run - at least older appliances can anyway! These days, appliances are tested rigorously for their energy rating and performance. Check the 5 star energy rating the next time you need to replace an appliance around your home.

Only use reusable containers and packaging
Finally, plastic bags and containers are not good for the environment, so why not make the switch to cardboard, paper, and even glass containers for your groceries and storage? Not only are they environmentally friendly, but they look much better and last so much longer! Don’t forget to switch to reusable shopping bags too!