Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Why Having a December Birthday Sucks.....

It's my birthday on Saturday, wahooo for a celebration (another year older, boohoo). It's a well know thing that having a December (or January) birthday is pretty sucky.  Both myself and my best friend have our birthday exactly a month from each other and it's been something that we've moaned about for many years now! So what makes a December birthday so sucky? Lets discuss.......

1. Do I want a join present. This hasn't happened for a few years as I think my nearest dearest know my answer. Thankyou very much but no, my birthday is my birthday and Christmas is Christmas, 2 unrelated occasions. The sentiment is nice, it really is but please don't ever ask me this question (and I mean this in the nicest way possible!).

2. I book a meal for my birthday.....if I can get a table where I'd like to go due to all the Christmas parties booked in. Do I want the festive menu? No I bl*ody don't, every time I book my birthday meal I have to make a point to say that I'd like the a la carte and not the festive menu and if all I get offered is the festive choice then you've lost my business I'm afraid.......some of us were born in December, arghhh! 

3. My birthday usually clashes with the works Christmas do, I can count at least 5 that I have missed because I want to celebrate my birthday with friends, so annoying!

4. I'm certain that people will moan, it's sooo near Christmas, it's more's not my fault that I'm a December baby though and to be fair my birthday hasn't changed in the last 31 years so plenty of time to get used to it!

5. It's easy for a December birthday to be over shadowed by the festivities and I admit, sometimes I get drawn along with it. When I was younger it used to upset me that my birthday became part of a Christmas celebration now being older I'm not as fussed but it is nice to have them separate if possible.

6. Wrapping my present in Christmas paper.....haha. Come on, it's not hard to buy some nice, non Christmassy paper.....this one is a bit tongue in cheek, I'm not that bothered about the paper but it is nice for it not to be covered in holly!

7. My husband moans. I mean he moans alot in general but come this time of year I get in the ear that he's got to buy for my birthday and then Christmas. Pfffttttttt!! 

8. Post takes forever. All of a sudden the post goes at snail pace and my cards often arrive a few days late getting snagged up in the Christmas mail. I then have a mixture of birthday and Christmas cards around the house so my birthday cards never stay up very long.

This is of course written slightly in jest, yes it is annoying at times to have a December birthday but really as long as people don't try and confuse the 2 I'm ok with that, I@ve had 30 odd years to get used to the fact! 

Any other December birthdays here? If so what, if anything, annoys you about it?

Best of Worst


  1. My brother is a January child (the 5th) so I was well versed in the frustrations of the christmas birthday when mybown child was born on January 2nd. I always made sure Christmas in our house ended by New Years eve. Decorations were taken down and christmas was over. And woe betide anyone who used christmas paper to wrap presents (I was looking for that one in your list, that is joint top of my brothers hate list along with the offer of joint presents). #Bestandworst

  2. December birthdays aren't fun. My friend had one and always got joint presents for Christmas. Hopefully, you get lots of birthday presents this weekend.

    Who Let the Mum Out?

  3. Happy birthday for Saturday Hun!! I can imagine the frustration but hey you get to celebrate so much bigger than the rest of us ;) #bestandworst x

  4. I feel for you lovely. My brothers birthday is 20th December and we have always made a point to not let it be over shadowed and make a big point of it. I think one year my mum waited to put the tree up lol #bestandworst xx

  5. This does sound sucky! I'm lucky as I have an August birthday so it spreads the year out! #bestandworst

  6. I can see how it must be frustrating! I'm a summer birthday which is very lucky as it breaks the year up nicely, but I can see how your birthday could easily get swamped by your Christmas. At least all the best gift sets are out in December so no excuses for a naff present! Happy birthday for Saturday xx #bestandworst

  7. Hehe. Totally understand. I'm a June baby but every other member of my family celebrates their birthday from late Nov to early Jan - - even extended family! It's so painful for them, let alone us poor sods that have to buy what seems like hundreds of presents this time of year. #bestandworst

  8. My brother's birthday is in January and he forever gets joint presents - or not much presents as it's before payday! Very bad planning by my parents :) #bestandworst

  9. Haha this funny and frustrating - I like "youve had 31 years to get used to it!" lol!! My husbands bday is the 21st and he too seems to get short changed ha. Hope you have an amazing birthday, with a normal menu and separate gifts x #bestandworst

  10. Ha ha. I'm a January birthday which means everyone is short of cash post-Christmas and still fooling themselves that they're going to keep a new year resolution to be sober until March - boring. I moan about it but then use my January birthday woes as a massive excuse to continue my celebrations on into February most years!

  11. Totally get this! I dated a girl who's birthday was on Christmas day. She hated it, especially for the joint presents! In the end she changed her day on fb and told everyone it was the 25th of February just so she could separate the days. I know it's slightly deceitful but worked well for her. I don't think I'd like it if my birthday was that close. #bestandworst

  12. Mine's January, its so annoying when I want to go out for it and everywhere is like a ghost town! I think I might start having two, an official one and a night out one in July lol :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  13. My birthday is in February. It used to fall in the half term, which meant lots of my friends were away when I was a child, so could never have a big party on the day. And I now have to get use to sharing my birthday, as Caspian arrived on it this year. So I guess I have to get used to celebrating my birthday with lots of animals, children's entertainers and toys in years to come :) But I don't mind. And my OH thinks it's amazing as he only has to remember one day! As long as we don't have to share a present I don't mind ;) #bestandworst

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  14. My birthday is the 20th of Nov and I get annoyed about the joint present thing, so I totally feel your pain! I am juts taking down my birthday cards (begrudgingly) to make way for the Christmas cards, grrr. Ava's birthday is the of 14th December so I;m afraid she's doomed to your fate! I'm going to put a separate string up for all her birthday cards so they can be separate. Also I know she will get loads of pink cards, which she will love, but they won't go with my red Christmas decoration scheme! Happy birthday, I hope you have a fab day with no joint presents! Becky x #bestandworst

  15. One my besties was born on Christmas Day. He always gets joint presents / cards. Really annoys him.

  16. aww bless you. I can imagine that. Joint present!! Hell no! lol. Chris is January and I think that is pretty sucy too. Reminded me to send you a card hun. #bestandworst xx

  17. Aw I can see why that can be a bit rubbish!! Happy Birthday for Saturday though! #bestandworse xx

  18. I totally understand your frustration. My best friend in primary school had his birthday on Boxing day and always got joint presents and hated it. I would be exactly the same as you if my birthday was around Christmas especially when you make effort for other people's birthdays!! Happy birthday for Saturday, hope you get inundated with prompt cards, birthday presents wrapped in birthday appropriate paper and are generally spoilt rotten! #bestandworst

  19. Ha, Taylor turns one next week and I know that she's going to hold it against me forever that I had her so close to Christmas! I am very guilty of using Christmas wrapping paper for presents for my friend who also has a December birthday - I will definitely not do this again! I think we are going to have to make a big thing of Easter in our house and maybe have a summer party each year so Taylor doesn't feel like she's missing out! #bestandworst

  20. My daughter, Me, My step mum, my father in law, and my dad all have early january birthdays so this time of year is just crazy for us! I was lucky that my family always understood I didn't want joint presents but now that I am older and have developed a love of designer handbags I am grateful for the option to have a joint present! haha #bestandworst

  21. None of my family has December birthday, although my husband's birthday falls on January, which means I'm skint by the time his birthday comes. I know it's not fair for him, although it's confusing sometimes... most of the time, I just ask him what he really wants, more practical that way and he's not bothered with it. #bestandworst

  22. Bless you! I've always felt a little bad for people with Dec bdays I must say. My Godson's bday is also this Saturday and his mum always struggles with it for all the above reasons. Happy Birthday for Saturday! Hope you can enjoy it, tinsel/free ;-) #bestandworst

  23. My eldest is going to have his birthday next week, and I have cursed since I found out I was pregnant, that we have ruined his birthday for him... It's totally sucky to have a birthday in December, and I feel so sorry for him to have to have to put up with it! When I went to my first midwife appointment, my EDD was Christmas Day, and I was horrified! You may aswell not even have a birthday if it's on Christmas Day! At least he came a little before, but it's still rubbish...!

  24. My step mothers birthday is on the 30th December and I totally admit that twice now I have forgotten over the years due to Christmas completely taking g over December. When I do remember I never knew ow what to get her because of course she has just had all she wanted for Christmas. My daughters birthday is 8th Jan and I never know what to get her either for the same reason so I do feel for you.

    Thanks for hosting bestandworst :-)

  25. Well Happy Birthday, Helen!!! And YES!!! My birthday is this Sunday, so I completely hear you! Not only that, but I have to share the day with my brother-in-law, which kinda knocks out the sister I live close to for 'my' day. The other issue I have, has just cropped up this year. Husband has decided to cook a lovely meal for dinner (which I am lucky in that he normally does on the weekend) but now wishes to invite (his) friends along as it will be 'killing two birds with the one stone' and be a good chance to see them before Christmas. So it seems I will be playing hostess to thers on my birthday. At least they are lovely people, but still...:( I am such a big, selfish, ridiculous baby!!) #bestandworst

  26. I can see why its a bit sucky, but have a great birthday!

  27. That sounds rubbish....My dad's birthday is on the 23rd and he still hates it and he's 60 odd year

  28. Yes I feel your frustration but I do love my December birthday, it's just my favourite time of year. I wait all year and have tons to look forward to at once, am I convincing you??? Lol! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst x firstooth

  29. My sister's birthday is December 23rd. Actually, she was always more likely to get birthday presents - people remembered she had a birthday near Christmas and so got her two presents, whereas my February birthday was often forgotten! She always was annoyed if people wrapped birthday presents in Christmas wrapping though. She only ever once in our childhood had to go to school on her birthday (the latest we ever broke up), so I always thought that was quite lucky. My birthday was sometimes in half term, but only on occasion. #bestandworst

  30. I don't know how anyone could do a double-up birthday/Christmas present and look the recipient in the eye! My sister's birthday is 23rd Dec and she got this a lot. I hadn't considered the other issues such as struggling for a night out, slow post etc. My birthday is in January and as everyone is skint it generally passes without much fuss. At least any birthday money goes far in the sales though!

  31. I do not have a December birthday, as I child I would not have coped with having to wait that long. The other day my husband suggested that when my son is older we could get him a joint Christmas and birthday present as they are relatively close together. I was outraged - how unfair!

  32. Hehe. Oh deary! My son's birthday is 28/11 so almost December however I am quite glad he didn't go over into Christmas month. I do feel a bit bad now though as my Godson was born on Christmas day last year. We got him a rocking horse as a gift but decided it was a pretty big (and expensive) gift so I've wrapped it in half birthday paper and half Christmas paper as a joint present. I know he wont understand as he is only 1...however I hope I am not offending other Christmas day babies out there....!!!
    Vix x

  33. I know how you feel I am born before Christmas and Em is straight after Christmas it's a pain totally relate to everything you say great post thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  34. I have a mid-Jan birthday so no one wants to go out. No one has any money left as it's well before pay day, and my presents still get wrapped in Christmas paper :)

  35. Awe! At least you get overshadowed by christmas. I don't what what my family's excuse is for forgetting mine in September hahaha. ;) I have a friend who's bday is the day after Christmas. I always felt bad for her, I think she finally gave up trying to celebrate her birthday. Our busy month is August. My father, father in law, husand, and 2 of our kids have birthdays in the same week of August. I feel bad for my 2nd to youngest..she didn't get a party one year because I had a baby 2 days after and wasn't in the mood. Then the next year it was a big celebration for the baby's 1st birthday. Next year I owe her big! People also hate going to joint birthday celebrations where they have to come up with 2 gifts. I've started despising birthdays all together. Happy Birthday to you, though! May your gifts be wrapped in non-holly paper ;) #bestandworst


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