Monday, 21 December 2015

Keeping Warm in Winter.

It can be difficult to keep warm during the winter months, sometimes even with the log burner on the rest of the house can still be a tad chilly. I'm going to share some tips to ensure you try and stay warm in colder months. 

1. Layer up!! I usually wear a few layers (such a strappy top, then a cardi or jumper) so it's easier to take a layer off if I become too warm. 

2. Make sure all the window vents are closed. When we moved into our new house it was absolutely freezing and it was only when we discovered that the vents were all open and that was why it was drafty. So check all the vents and close them to ensure maximum warmth in the house. 

3. Shut doors when you are in a room.....and when you go outside! Sounds simple but leaving doors open can really mean the difference between a warm and cold room so shut those doors behind you.

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4. Use draft excluder's along the underside of doors, this can make a huge difference to unwanted drafts through the bottom of a front door.

5. Candles. I think using candles in a room makes it so cosy, it might be a bit mind over matter but I feel it makes it warmer when you are sitting and winding down. 

6. Snuggle up on the sofa, not only romantic but keep each other warm!

7. Keep nice throws on the sofa and bed, we have a few strewn around the house so if it does feel a little chilly you can wrap up all snuggly in a blanket or throw. 

8. Invest in a cat or dog......a little more extravagant but I remember when my Labrador used to snuggle up next to me he used to keep me ever so warm!

These are my tips to keep warm and snuggly in the colder months, what are yours?

* Collaborative Post.

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