Thursday, 10 September 2015

Throwback Thursday - Train Station Antics

I thought for our first #ThrowbackThursday it would be apt to include a stunningly, beautiful (hahaaa) photo of myself and Sarah. Now I did feature this photo a little while ago but it just makes me laugh and reminds me of good times! It was a messy old night full of drunken debauchery circa 2010......before kids, obviously!



  1. ha ha ha you two are the NUTS!

  2. Brilliant! I kind of miss nights like that! Drunk, not a care in the world just wrapping your legs around a pillar. Looking good ladies!! Xx

  3. Love the "sexy faces" lol x #throwbackthursday

  4. Lol, that's a brilliant photo - love your expressions! :-) #throwbackthursday

  5. hahaha! it's funny where alcohol can take you... as long as you had fun, that's all that matters, isn't it?! Thanks for hosting! #throwbackthursday

  6. This cracks me up as I have a photo of me doing the exact same pose somewhere! Though I think it was a multi-storey car park in Swindon!!! #throwbackthursday

  7. Dunno what it is with ladies and swinging on poles after a few drinks lol

    Looks like ye had a blast.

  8. Sarah's face is priceless. Actually yours is too! Becky x #ThrowbackThursday

  9. Ha ha! I think we've all done this at some point while tanked up on alcohol. Of course I'm much more demure these days as I'm sure the two of you are too :-) Looks like you had a great night and you're very lucky to have each other. You obviously have a very good friendship and great times together.

    (Stopping by from #throwbackthursday)

  10. Hahahaa what are you two doing? Lol. Think I have a similar photo somewhere!

  11. Haha can't beat a good lamppost photo ;) #throwbackthursday xx


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