Monday, 28 September 2015

If I Knew Then What I Know Now....

Well having 2 children has been a little bit of an experience. It's had its challenges and I'm certainly not going to say it's been easy but this is life now and I've been learning a few things. So if you thought it was a shock becoming a Mum first time around, be prepared for life with two..... *insert evil laugh here*.

So what have I discovered?

  • Straightening my hair is now a complete luxury. I used to be able to pop Alfie in the bedroom with some toys and I could straighten it. Now with a hyperactive toddler and a nearly crawling baby it is simply far too stressful to even attempt it.  If I'm super organised I will straighten my hair if I can be bothered when the oldest is at nursery or sneak upstairs on a weekend when hubby is around! Most of the time my hair is literally chucked up in some messy bun.
  • I literally have no time by myself, ever.....ever. Apart from when I go to the .....nope. No free time. Ohh no wait I do, the amazing couple of hours that I spend in the hairdressers every few weeks which is actually bliss, but generally my consists of one child either clinging off me or launching toys at my head.
  • Sunday naps, ahhhhhh how I used to love a cheeky little Sunday snooze. I would leave Alfie with Daddy and head upstairs for an hour, not so much these days as something or other usually needs doing. 
  • I have become an actual speed demon at putting a full face of make up on in the morning. Some Mums might not bother but it's one of the things that I make sure I do and quick as a flash within 15 minutes I resemble a human and less like the walking dead.

  • My washing pile is The other day I actually saw the bottom of the basket, did a little happy dance and literally within an hour there was various garments in it. I swear I must do around 1o loads a week! How much washing can one family produce?!
  • I cuddle one the other cries. One cries the other cries. Tag team, arghhhh!
  • I need eyes in the back of my head. With one it wasn't so bad but now I am watching Alfie and then find Elarna has rolled to the other side of the room. I watch Elarna and Alfie has somehow managed to open the back gate and is legging it down the street. Arghhhh and it's only going to get worse!
  • Nothing is sacred anymore. Peeing in peace, that's gone out of the window and I still have to sneak in the cupboard if I want a bit of chocolate without being caught red handed!

  • Trying to get a family photo is nigh on impossible. I think we only have a couple of the four of us all together. Either one is crying and the other is grumpy or none of us are actually in the mood as we're family frazzled.
  • Germs. They spread like wildfire. It's been the house of ill this week and it is tough. With one child it's much easier when the adult is ill to get some rest but with 2 it's a different matter. I've been ill, Elarna has been ill so isn't sleeping well, Alfie is snotty, Adi is starting to hack and cough..........the illnesses seem to last for agesssss. Sad faces all round.
  • I am constantly washing bottles, wiping sticky faces, standing on lego, using endless amounts of wipes, being shouted at, being spewed on, changing nappies, making food, wiping the sides, tidying, then tidying some more, then giving up, then tidying some more. 
  • The more the day goes on the more I hate the sound of my own voice. Alfie, don't take your clothes off, Alfie, stop doing that, Alfie , no don't hit your sister, don't sit on the cat, arghh Elarna has been sick on the carpet....again, nooooo Elarna don't roll under the sofa, NOOOOOOO just NOOOOOOO. 
  • Getting out the house with one was hard enough, getting out with two is hilarious. Even just going out for a simple walk to the park has to be skillfully timed taking in to account nap time for Elarna, lunchtime for Alfie, Elarna needing milk...etc,etc. It's a bit like a military procedure.
Of course I wouldn't change it (well maybe less germs and more sleep at the moment would be nice!) but these days do feel ever so busy! I have no idea how I will fit in work around all of this. Anyone else feel like this on a daily basis?




  1. Love this! Having just had my first baby and thinking I have no time, I genuinely don't know how you manage with two!! Xx

  2. I so think of those days with a smile. At the time it felt like it went on forever but now i see it flashed past. I am lucky I get to semi do it again with grandkids but I can give them back when I have had enough lol. Lovely pictures

  3. i have 5 kids and i get all excited when i finally see the bottom of the wash basket too, but in this house it is rather rare #comp

  4. Ha I can relate to all of this so much! I marvel at how much time I used to have before having a baby and wonder what the hell I used to do! Great post, thanks for sharing #maternitymondays

  5. Well done indeed, I have to say the makeup soon went with me so you are doing well and if it makes you feel better it is worth doing. Popping by from #MagicMoments

  6. Haha! I love that you say it with good humour. I bet it's all kinds of wonderful though. That said, you've made me feel happy about my decision to stick with one for a little while longer! Hehe. #maternitymondays

  7. hehehe!! This made me chuckle! It does get easier as they get older....

  8. Hmm...wish I'd read this before I got pregnant with my second! Lol, my washing pile is already ridiculous, I dread to think what it will be like when the next one arrives :/

  9. Yes! And don't believe anyone who says it is easier with 3 - it most certainly isn't x

  10. Ha ha I'm totally with you. The washing is never ending and I HATE putting it away. I made such an effort the first week boo started school but if I manage to leave the house without sick down my sleeve I've done we'll ;) #MaternityMondays

  11. Yep. Feel all of these, and I only have one child! The thing that really has got to me since being a parent, is no time to myself! It is so unbelievable - in a bad way!! Also, the amount of sickness and germs in the house! That part drives me crazy. #TwinklyTuesday

  12. I hear you mama!!! The washing pile is my nemesis, my 'mum make-up' is on my face within 2mins if I out it on at all and...erm...what's a nap,lol?!!! xoxo

  13. Haha yes yes and yes!! Today I took my two yeR old and 7 week old out the house by myself for the first time, mental! We then had to go out to take the 7 week old puppy to the vet, wow that was an adventure!!!

  14. Oh yes I hear ya! I have no nice how mums with more that one manage to find the time to go back to work I really don't. I have my hands full as it is. I went back after having Harry but no chance after I had Lexie. Life is chaos.

    Visiting from #twinklytuesdays

  15. I have such a similar post in my drafts helen! Life with 2 is bloody crazy isnt it? So much harder than 1 and I have no idea how people manage with more than 2 I really dont!! Xx

  16. I agree to all of the above, I don't think my washing basket has a bottom at least I never find it! I have 3 children and some days can be very long! #maternitymondays

  17. Haha! My kids are 13 and 8 and I have yet to see the bottom of my laundry basket. Wait 'til they start arguing with each other. Fun times! I still can't pee in peace because I have pets (two cats and a dog) and at least one of them is always following me in there. If not them, my 8 year old will talk to me through the door (he's a story teller and me being mom, I'm the one who gets to hear them, even while I'm on the John). My hair is always in a bun too. Sometimes, even though I'm not going anywhere I will curl or straighten my hair just to feel me again. My kids will ask where I'm going of course! Great post! Thanks for sharing! visiting from #coolmumclub

  18. Brilliant post, very true, even with one little one, I completely relate and take this as a good heads up for the future! #coolmumclub

  19. Love this. Every point had me smiling in recognition. I may not be 'smiling' in reality when all of these happen on a daily basis though. Anyway, must dash, time for the speedy make-up application...

  20. Daily basis. I miss having beautifully straightened hair, and washing has become my nemesis. It is relentless, nothing quite prepares you for it does it?! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub

  21. sorry lovely this so made me laugh! ... i am pregnant with number 3 and dreading that ironing pile even more ... and my makeup routine has totally slid by the way side ;-)
    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments

  22. O my word! This is hard; I knew it had to be much harder with more than one child. Many folks tell me it's actually easier because they can entertain each other ... perhaps this happens after a certain age. But it seems there is a whole lot of hard grafting ground work that goes in before they really have each other's back and give you the parent a bit of a breather. My word! Thanks for the honest post; it's going to be one slow walk towards #2, I tell you. Trying to cope with one fills me with wonder for mums who work with two or more. :-) You're doing fab, woman! :-) #MaternityMondays

  23. Ha! I've had this from the beginning!! Having twins really throws you in at the deep end :) That said, I wouldn't change it for the world — I love the chaos! :) Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday


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