Monday, 7 September 2015

A Moment of Panic.

We had an absolutely great day out on Sunday to Dinosaur Adventure in Lenwade, Norfolk (review to come soon!). It was a fun filled, busy day with lots to do and see for kids and parents alike. Amongst all the dinosaurs and small animals were tons of play areas filled with climbing frames, swings and Jurassic themed equipment. Truly brilliant. 

One of the awesome pieces of equipment that Alfie went on again and again was a giant dinosaur with a slide at either end, entered via steps in the middle. Inside were various ramps to play on before sliding down the tail or out of his mouth. It was great, but pretty big and to see each of the slides that your child comes down on is quite tricky. 

Alfie wanted to go on it for about the third time in the day and raced on over while Daddy dutifully followed behind. I was pushing the pram and taking a few snaps so was ambling over in my own time. As I was taking a few pics and just generally taking my time to get over my husband started doing this wild (almost crazy man) gesticulating action at me. Clearly I had no clue what he was trying to tell me so started to hurry over, my initial feeling was christ, has Alfie hurt himself. 

Image courtesy of Flickr

As I got closer I realised my husband actually looked quite fraught........oh god.

Him: 'Have you seen Alfie?!'

Me: 'Errr no he was with you!'

Him: 'Yes I know, he went on the dinosaur but I didn't see him coming down the slides and I've had a look inside and he's not there.......'

Me: 'Whaaaat???!' *panicked face*

Him: 'Well you weren't paying attention as you were on your phone!' (thanks hubby for pointing the finger!).

Me: 'You were the one watching him!!'

Both of us: *panicked faces*

This then led to us both frantically looking around seeing where the hell he was, we couldn't see him, it can't have been more than a couple of minutes that my husband noticed he hadn't seen him but it honestly felt like an eternity. We haven't experienced this situation before, we normally keep such a close eye on him because otherwise he is off like a shot and he can cover alot of ground for someone with such small legs! 

I see my husband legging it over to the OTHER SIDE of the park from where we are and thank god I see my son in his white tee and denim shorts quite happily playing (in the mud, of course!). Thank f*c* for that is the first thing that went through my mind, closely followed by relief. Hopefully the colour came back to my face quite quickly because I was silently panicking inside.

My Mum once told me a story of how I once went missing in Egypt, I don't fully know the details but I think I just got carried away into the crowd but I always remember her telling me of the sheer panic that she felt that day. I think I felt close to that on Sunday, my heart literally leapt into my mouth and my heart was thumping, I knew deep down that realistically he couldn't have gone far but irrationally thoughts of him being kidnapped did come into my head. It's such an awful thing to think but in this day and age you never know who you are standing next to, chatting to or walking by. The sheer relief that washed over me as I saw my husband running over to him was immense. 

After giving him a cuddle and telling him that he needs to stay close to Mummy and Daddy (we could hardly tell him off in his eyes he hadn't done anything wrong), we carried on our day just being more vigilant, but yet not over the top because we still like him to have his independence.

It was just one of those horrible moments, made worse by the fact that for the rest of the day we were then analysing our parenting and if we had gone wrong somewhere? Crazy really. In hindsight we did nothing wrong it's just we were in different places and Alfie is just quick, and I really do mean that he's quick he can cover a football pitch in lightning speed! I am surprised that he didn't stop to see where we were as he's normally quite good as staying close but I think he just got over excited. 

Anyway, all's well that ends well and that's the main thing, it didn't spoil the day but I think it made me somewhat more aware and that I clearly need to invent actual eyes in the back of my head for instances like this!

Please tell me that I'm not the only one who has had this happen before? It's certainly not an occasion I fancy repeating, that's for sure.


Binky Linky



  1. This must have been absolutely terrifying. I think this happens to every parent at some point so please don't beat yourselves up. I have no doubt this will happen to us now T is a toddler and out and about, and the panic must be awful. So pleased everything was fine in the end.

    Looking forward to your review of the Dinosaur place, we often go to Norfolk on hols and I've always fancied visiting that one.

    L x


  2. How scary!! My youngest is only 12 months but has been walking since 9 months and he's all over the place and so so fast. Im always on at my OH to stay right with him but he often stands back and lets him explore & it scares me!!!! #MagicMoments

  3. How scary for you and your hubby! You're not the only one....Kids can be so quick! It is terrifying when you lose sight of them. Don't worry! It has happened to most of us x

  4. Oh that must have been a scary moment for you. It literally can take a few seconds with your eyes off them and they are off. Thankfully he was just playing and doing what kids do best; getting muddy!

  5. Everybody has at least one story like this. Don't beat yourself up over it

  6. Oh it is the worst feeling ever and I panic and she's usually behind me where I can't see her. All things go through your head. Thank god you found him. Big hugs xx

  7. I am pretty sure this has happened to everyone. I have 3 boys so can tell you it has happened to me more than once! We went to that park a few years ago - had a lovely day x

  8. That much have been terrifying! We lost one of ours in a big adventure playground before - the thoughts that run through your mind! Glad all is fine now! I think everyone has experienced something like it, don't worry too much! xx

  9. Omg so scary! It happens. So glad he was ok but must have been horrible! Not had this yet as my grem a bit young but I'm sure it will come!! xx #maternitymondays

  10. Ah hon that must have been terrifying! Can well and truly imagine the panic. We've always been quite lucky that Monkey stays close but have a feeling our Little Miss is going to push us a bit harder I think. Eek! Glad all is well that ends well and he wasn't too far away in the end xx

  11. Oh you must have been so scared. I once lost Emma in an enclosed toddler soft play pit and I panicked like never before. I knew she couldn't have got out so I immediately thought someone had taken her. Turned out she was right there hiding where I originally looked. You're not bad parents though, not at all! x #TwinklyTuesday

  12. I couldn't even imagine how terrifying that must have felt. Thank goodness you found him quickly and he was ok x #twinklytuesday

  13. What a scary experience you must have went through, they never fully understand what a panic they throw you into! Suz x

  14. I can really imagine how those few minutes felt forever!!! I think something like this has happened to most of us! I lost my eldest a few times. Once in Matalan when he was little and he ended up being half way around the store and the other time in a huge Tesco's when he walked off!! The panic you feel is absolutely horrifying! I'm glad all was ok in the end! #MagicMoments

  15. oh i have had moments like this in the past especially in a busy park I'm trying to watch all three and have lost sight of one for two seconds instantly my stomach drops and then I realised she was just led in the sandpit thats why i couldn't see her still that spilt second is horrible isn't it #twinklytuesday

  16. O have been their ony how holiday and so much to do there.
    I can imagine how nerve wreaking it own when you.lose sight, done self so scary X

  17. I'm sure every parents been there at least once! Thankfully it ended well and he's none the wiser how panicked you both were

  18. Yep — I've been there with one of the twins! We were at our first festival as a family and Cosmo — aged 18 months — went off on a walkabout. Absolutely terrifying — the colour totally drained from my face when I realised he'd gone. So scary!! Thanks so much for linking up with us #TwinklyTuesday

    Caro |

  19. That is one of the worst feelings in the world, you blink and they have gone (usually in supermarkets for my two) If we went out for the day, I always put rhem in super bright teeshirts to make thwm easier to keep an eye on. #binkylinky

  20. I have a feeling of panic everywhere we go. Soft play places I find the worst! Thank god it ended well for you. Kerry x #BinkyLinky

  21. I can't imagine how you must have felt. My girls always stay close to me thankfully, but I know I would have panicked too. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  22. Brilliant post this is my worst fear it has never happened to me but the thought justs freaks me out thanks for linking to the binkylinky

  23. Oh I've been there! Lost my daughter on a beach in Cornwall when she was 3! Felt like she'd been gone ages, my 5 year old daughter telling me she's probably in the sea mummy - didn't help! SHe had gone to an ice cream van at the back of the beach with her cousin, and got herself lost. Luckily my brother in law found her!

  24. How terrifying!! I cannot imagine anything worse! So pleased it ended well!! #busydoinglife

  25. Oh my! My kids would flip over that place! That are obsessed with dinosaurs. But we live in Florida, so I don't think we will make it over there;)

    So sorry you had to go through that trauma of missing your son! Don't worry you are not alone;) It's absolutely impossible to avoid some things from happening. But I think it does help us to be more aware and vigilant!
    Linking up with you at #busydoinglife :)

  26. Had a similar experience at a festival earlier this year when I'd nipped back to the tent, convinced our 3yo was staying with his mum and sister... turns out he'd started to follow me... had a frantic five min looking for him but found him happily watching some fire juggling! Phew! Enjoyed reading your post via #busydoinglife

  27. Oh how horrid! I know the exact feeling you are talking about, I had it with Monkey in a park he was out of my sight for maybe a minute but it felt like an eternity. I obviously looked terrified as when he came round the corner and saw me he started crying!! Its impossible to watch them 100% of the time try not to blame yourselves xx #Busydoinglife

  28. There is nothing quite like that terrible feeling of panic when you realise your little person is not where they should be!! IOt sounds like you handled it very well though and I'm glad that it didn't ruin your day! Thankyou so much for linking up to #busydoinglife!

  29. Oh god how scary! We visited here in the summer (amazing place!) and I was actually terrified of the same thing happening, especially on that slide! So glad you found him quickly x #magicmoments


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