Friday, 1 May 2015

Little Miss Busy.

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My word of the week is busy.

You know after you've had a baby they say try put your feet up, take it easy, sleep when the baby sleeps etc, etc, etc. Well that's not me, I'm not one to sit still and I'm generally on the go alot of the time from doing housework to pottering (I love this word) around the garden to going for a walk or heading to the shops. In fact just last week 8 days after giving birth I was shopping in Next  and M&S having a lovely time, I actually got stopped by 2 little old ladies to have a coo at Elarna and then when I said it was only 8 days since I gave birth they looked at me aghast like I was some freak of nature to be out and about! They actually asked me if she was mine! I mean am I supposed to look like absolute crap or something? 

Truth is I get cabin fever if I'm stuck indoors for any amount of time and I was going a bit stir crazy staring at the walls of the house and man it felt good to get out, I was knackered when I got home though. Anyway, here I go again going off piste! 

This week has been a little crazy, I think I very much filled the calendar up a bit too much. 

Monday my parents visited and watched Alfie while we took Elarna for her newborn hearing check, we then took the opportunity to pop into town and have a couple of hours toddler free which was novel. Tuesday, Alfie is at nursery and in the morning we took Elarna to be registered (yey she's a legal human now wahoo!), then I had a visit from the Health Visitor (nosy question time!) and then after that the Midwife (discharged from there care). Wednesday we had my husband's Mum and Aunt visit and we trekked over to the local Toys R Us, Mothercare and Tesco to stock up on a few things, bit of effort if I'm honest. It was while we were out that (without going into detail) my body decided to tell me that I needed to slow down a bit, funny what the body does after birth to give you a bit of a kick in the bum and tell you to chill out a tad. That been said yesterday Alfie was in nursery and I had a Specsavers appointment that I couldn't cancel but made sure that I didn't overdo it for the rest of the day. Today we have Adi's sister and husband visiting which will be nice as we haven't seen them in such a long time, after today the visiting and appointments are done for a few days and I'm pretty pleased about that, the only thing filling me with the fear of god at the moment is Adi is back at work on Tuesday and I'm going to have to brave it alone with a crazy toddler and a squishy newborn, eek! 

Hopefully if I survive my first week alone with the two of them I'll be back again next week with my word of the week! Please send an SOS if I don't appear, many thanks!

The Reading Residence


  1. You are so like me! Chris says I'm like a dog that needs walking. Sounds very busy and I think I know what you on about re body saying relax! Happened to me last time xx #wotw

    1. I'm terrible, I can never seem to just relax apart from when I get a rare 15 minutes in the bath! I've slowed down the last couple of days which I really needed :-) x

  2. Sounds like a very busy but very fun week. I've got some stitches in my knee so can't get about as much as I would like. Hope your first week with the 2 little ones goes well x

    1. Busy but that's ok :-) Be glad to have a few family days though! x

  3. I couldn't relax either, I was off out and about as soon as I could!


    1. Cabin fever right!! I dread to think how I would have coped if I'd had a section! x

  4. Slow down!!! I know what you mean about not resting up, though, it is hard especially with an older child, too. I had a C Section with my youngest, so to be honest, I had to slow down as it hurt to move! Best of luck next week, I will look out to check you're still OK! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I know, I know :-) I have tried to chill out over the last couple of days but yes it's really hard with a hyper toddler, thank goodness my husband has been here! :-) x

  5. I love it when people say 'sleep when the baby sleeps'. I always used to think 'okay, and do I cook when the baby cooks and clean when the baby cleans'??
    Just do what is making you happy. Don't worry about others :)
    Ami (

    1. Yes I completely know what you mean! Easy in theory not so in practice! x

  6. If only it was that easy to do nothing eh?! I love pottering about too x #wotw

    1. Yup I know!! I've always got to be doing something or other! x

  7. Gosh you are quite the busy bee and I can understand you wanting to keep busy, just try not to over do it to much hon! Good luck next week not that you'll need it I'm sure.xx

    1. Thankyou for the comment and fingers crossed all goes smoothly X

  8. Oh wow busy busy busy! I do like to make sure that Boo and I get out each day. You have to do what is right for you =)

    1. Thanks and I will but I have taken it easy over the last couple of days which I needed :-) x

  9. Sounds like you really do have itchy feet but you must be careful and not over reach yourself;
    If you can - even just for half an hour - take care and take it slow! I know it's hard to do sleep when the baby sleeps - I could never sleep in the day and still can't. But I can sit on the sofa with a cuppa and watch TV! Find your own 'relaxation' method and enjoy it every now and again

    1. I know, silly really I should have been taking it much easier while my husband has been here, chilled out the last couple of days though. Thanks so much for the lovely comment X

  10. Wow you did lots! Congrats on Elarna being regsitered! Hope you will have wee bit time to rest =) #wotw

    1. I know, she's all legal how brilliant is that :-) We now need to get her a passport! x

  11. Congrats on your little one,
    Wishing you a stress free week next week when you go it alone!
    You will be fine ;) #WotW


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