Friday, 15 May 2015

Why? Why? Why?

Image courtesy of

My word of the week is why.

Why, why, why, why, why. Arghhh this word is driving me round the bend. I knew that it would be asked by Alfie at some point and up till now I think we've been quite lucky that he hasn't started asking it sooner, he was much  more favouring the word no! Currently, after the majority of sentence's at the moment we are asked why (why, why, why....).

Here are a couple of examples:

Mummy: 'I'm just going to the toilet'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: 'Errmm to have a wee'

Alfie: 'Having a poo Mummy??'

Mummy: 'No, poo's just a wee'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: 'Because I need to'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: 'Because I need a wee'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: *bangs head against brick wall*

Mummy: 'Can you tidy your toys up please?'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: 'Because Mummy has asked you to'

Alfie: 'Why?'

Mummy: 'Because I've asked you to and good boys tidy up'

Alfie: 'But why Mummy?'

Mummy: *sigh*

I love the fact that he is being so inquisitive and asking why and I know it's just part of the toddler way of life being inquisitive, but oh my god it gets irritating after the hundredth time in a day! I run out of things to answer with in the end and my response then turns into, just because! In fact as I'm writing this Alfie has just had this conversation with Adi.

Alfie: 'Daddy what you doing?'

Daddy: 'I'm on my computer doing some work'

Alfie: 'But what you doing?'

Daddy: 'Working'

Alfie: 'But, whyyy????'

Mummy: *laughing*

So as we journey into another adventure into toddlerdom, I find myself wondering if I will always have an answer for the why questions! This is what I love about being a Mum, everyday Alfie is learning something and that little brain is holding so much information, the constant questioning and curiosity may at times be annoying but I know that this is all part of him developing into a child with an independent mind.

According to website zero to three, the main reason as to why toddlers suddenly decide to question things and ask things like why is because they have developed the cognitive ability to make logical connections between things and begin to understand why things happen. Fascinating! Thus in turn helping them in turn to gain a much greater understanding as to how the world works.

So quite simply the more the child asks why, the more they learn. (I must try and remember this after the fifty millionth 'why' in the day!).

The Reading Residence

Binky Linky


  1. Oh I can so relate. My four year old can be like that too and there's the questions asking about certain things. She's obsessed with her human body book and keeps asking questions about everything. The good news is that, it's just a phase right? ;) #wotw

    1. Hmm haha yes it's going to be a long phase I think!! I just wish I had a £ for everytime the word 'why' was uttered! x

  2. But why Helen??? Haha! So cute but I'm with you I'd have to have a little scream in the garden after the 10th why. At least his little clever mind is developing well!! #binkylinky #wotw

    1. Why, why, why???? We've started to ask him why in the last couple of days, turning it around! x

  3. hehehe.....So cute! Keep telling yourself it's just a phase. :)

    1. Thanks Kim, I wonder how long this phase will last? x

  4. It is true that the more they ask the more they learn, but it is also true that parents go crazy at this stage!


    1. Oh completley, today has just been a complete 'why' and 'Daddy what you doing' fest! Cute but slightly irritating ha! x

  5. LOOOOL Hayden hasn't started this yet - I think it will absolutely drive me nuts when he does thought. It is fascinating how their little brains work. Alfie is so cute!
    Great post hun - made me laugh
    Charlotte x

    1. Thanks for the lovely comment and oh your time will come hehe :-) x

  6. Aaw, bless him! This really made me laugh. Just because, OK?? ;-) xx

  7. My colleague's son is at the same stage.

    Lizzie Dripping

    1. Think it's a common theme in that case, why??? Haha X

  8. Oh, I can relate! Little Man has just hit this phase, too. It is so hard to keep on answering, isn't it? I do find myself ended up with 'I don't know' or 'because..' a lot of the time! It's lovely to know that they're developing and curiosity has most definitely kicked in, but please slow up on the whys!! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I know, kind of hard of hard to keep thinking of answers to the various 'why' questions asked! x

  9. One of our twins went though the why stage it's funny to begin with but became really annoying thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

    1. Thank for the comment Nigel :-) I wonder what the next phase will be? x

  10. As Nigel says, one of our twins went through this stage. She's over it now, but I found it helped to respond to a 'why' with 'why do you think?' Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    1. That's what I've started to do and turn it round to him, will be interesting to hear his answers when he realises that we're asking him! x

  11. I loved this but also found it tough at times. I loved imparting information but had to stop myself when I found myself getting too scientific. Why is it windy? 'Well when warm air meets cool air, it creates turbulance and..... no never mind, it is because the weather has changed, it does that'

    1. This is just like my husband but I guess he is a Physicist by nature so it figures really! x

  12. I am dreading my toddler starting this stage as i remember it well with my oldest xx #binkylinky

    1. It's an interesting phase for sure, you never know when the 'why' is going to come haha X

  13. Goodness! My son's fave word too and he is no longer a toddler! I am so glad that he is asking me this less and less =P #wotw

    1. Ohh nooo don't tell me it just continues haha, noooo!! x

  14. We haven't quite got to the why stage but we have got to the saying the same thing 20 million times stage! It is frustrating sometimes!! xx


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