Wednesday, 20 May 2015

The Red Light of Doom.

The lack of froth on the top, it doesn't taste quite as good, it always happens in the bloody morning when you need a coffee. 

The red light of doom. 

The thing that you really, really, really don't want to happen when you've been up in the night with a newborn. Yup, you guessed it the coffee machine needs descaling. This, without a doubt always happens on a morning when I'm tired, a little cranky and need my goddam caffeine fix. Arghhhhhh!!

This morning I consider myself lucky, I was actually able to get a coffee out of the machine, tomorrow I doubt I'd be so and I will have to do the laborious (and dull) task of de-scaling my beloved Tassimo today *boring!!!*. Cue lots of grumbling and moaning on my part about 1. having to de-scale the blooming thing and 2. having to have a cup of instant coffee.

I know I sound quite dramatic but it is one of those 'head in hand' moments, I simply do not know how on earth I'm supposed to cope/deal with the day/manage the children etc etc without my Caramel Latte Machiatto (#firstworldproblems I know)!! Ok, so that is a little tongue in cheek and a cup of instant would get me through until the machine has been de-scaled but it just doesn't hit the spot like my Macchiato does!

Actually, reflecting over the last week I have two 'worst' moments that have happened, the coffee machine being one and the second being my little boy having a massive tantrum and throwing his juice cup on the table which then hit my full cup of coke which then spilt straight over my laptop (this tantrum was caused by Mummy not giving him the correct juice cup, I can't win!). This was potentially the worst moment and I'm still a little traumatised to discuss *sad face*. It's ok though my marvellous husband managed to save it and check it all out and thankfully my laptop is ok, it survived the wrath of my toddler so it wasn't actually the worst moment of my week but oh it so easily could have been! 

So there you have my worst moment of the week. I'm now off to de-scale the coffee machine so I can enjoy, pah who am I kidding, more like try to drink the coffee before it gets cold with a crazy toddler and a newborn,  chances are it will be stone cold by the time I actually get to it. Ahhh, oh well, caffeine is caffeine, right?

What's your best or worst moment this week?

Best of Worst


  1. Oh dear! I don't have a coffee machine so that's that problem eliminated! I did just buy some @Little Coffee Bags' at the London Coffee festival, they are like big tea bags but with ground coffee in them, I haven't actually tried them yet but will have to do a blog post when I do :) Glad the lap top got saved...phew!!

    1. I am so glad that my laptop was saved too or I wouldn't be writing this today haha! Thanks for the comment X

  2. I don't drink coffee but I can totally understand where you're coming from when it's just one of those things that you don't need in the morning! Mornings are stressful enough!xx

  3. It's moments like this I am so glad I don't like coffee haha (although I know my other half feels exactly the same when this happens to him). Although some mornings I wish I liked it - pregnancy and a toddler is bloomin' hard haha xx #bestandworst

    1. I'm not sure what I'd survive on without my morning caffeine fix, I only drink a couple of cups a day but it keeps me going for sure. Thanks for the comment X

  4. Oh no, descaling if the *worst* job, but at least your coffee will taste much better (if you ever find the time to drink it!)
    But what a result about your lap top! I bet you felt sick when it happened. These toddlers, so funny but such hard work! x

    1. Isn't it just!! So dull but it;s done now and I've had my morning coffee, wahoo! x

  5. Ah I feel your pain not with coffee but with the descale button on my iron!!! It is so irritating when I'm all set to get through my ironing and beep beep the iron needs descaling!! *sigh* I'm sure it would be even more irritating if I had a coffee machine though ;)

    1. Very irritating and I bet it happens just as you get in the flow of ironing too! What a pain. Thanks for the comment X

  6. I'd feel the same if I was you! It's the first thing I do when I wake up!! I couldn't cope! eep!! xx

  7. I feel your pain, I really do. I've had a similar type week but I had run out of instant coffee one morning and my husband was away, the thought of putting my three year old and seven month old in the car to go and get some at 7am on a saturday morning didn't rock my world. No coffee = a very grumpy mummy.....ALLLLLL day, it was the longest saturday in history - Amy

    1. Oh my god the thought of running out of instant coffee as well as the coffee machine needing scaling would be my worst nightmare! Thanks for the comment! x

  8. Hope the next week has many great moments!! I know how important coffee is.....

  9. Don't do coffee unless it's in cake, but I'm the same with my morning cup of tea.

    1. I imagine that it would be the same feeling if you ran out of tea......not good.

  10. Oh nooooooo!!!

    We suffer terribly with limescale here as the water is so hard. I've lost count of the amount of kettle's we've gone through.

    1. Same here, absolute nightmare, things are always scaling up X

  11. Oh no! This is an actual nightmare and you know it'll happen at the worst possible moment! Bright side is that your coffee will taste so much better now! #bestandworst

    1. I know! Never good at all! Thanks for the comment :-) x

  12. oh dear. Im a tea kinda girl so I can get my cuppa without issues but this would make me cry too x

    1. Thanks for the comment, never a good situation to be in! x

  13. Oooh no! I'm lucky not to be a coffee girl - just tea but I can totally feel your pain with the tired and cranky mood and the need for caffeine!!! xx #bestandworst

    1. Exactly, it would be like running out of tea bags for you, not good! x

  14. I almost had a 'no milk for tea' crisis this morning so I know how you feel. I hope you manage to successfully descale your beloved coffee maker! Thanks for starting up the #bestandworst linky! :-)

    1. Noooooo!! Thanks for linking up for our first best and worst linky and see you next week! x

  15. I don't drink coffee and thankfully can get tea whenever I want but I hate having to descale the iron! I hope you get the perfect cup tomorrow :-)

  16. If that's the worst thing that happens this week be thankful lol. I'm useless without a coffee in the morning so feel your pain. Stephen :o)

    1. Haha thankyou for your sympathy, very glad you concur! x

  17. Oh what a dire situation, i have no idea how i would cope! Surely someone ought to create a self de-scaling version?! And also i think i would actually cry if something was spilt all over my laptop!! #bestandworst xx

    1. Like I said #firstworldproblems haha!! Thanks for linking up with us X

  18. One of the great things since we moved from berkshire is our local area has soft water!

    1. Oh I bet that makes a huge difference! Thanks for the comment X

  19. Not a good moment for coffee drinkers thankfully I'm not great post good luck with the new linky

    1. Indded! Thanks for the comment and for linking up :-) x

  20. Coffee is a daily essential for any parent and well done to your husband for fixing the laptop! #bestandworst

    1. I know, he's a star that would have been my week ruined! x

  21. I gave up caffeine but the worst thing is waking up before my alarm went off, not a few minutes but hours x

  22. I need my coffee too :) Eeek about your laptop! This week both my cars broke, first one the clutch (goodbye £££) and then this evening the other car has a engine temperature problem. Such a pain.

    1. Ohh noo! Sounds like you have had a rubbish week, hope next week is much better x

  23. Nooooo, that naughty red light! I have to admit I don't drink coffee so I am equating it to the kettle breaking for my tea - which is BAD. x

  24. urgh! How horrible but so glad the laptop survived it's coke dunking!

  25. I hate it when this happens - must do mine before it does

  26. I don't like to think about my worst moments - too depressing - but my best moment would be a trip to Amsterdam with my three best friends to celebrate one of our birthdays.

    1. This is true but your best moment sounds great :-) x

  27. oh i have heard of this before lol, similar to the xbox saying too lol , i hope i dont have to deal with it with mine though

  28. Wow the spilling drink episode is epic! #bestandworst.

    1. Oh don't I dread to think what would have happened! x

  29. I feel your pain, us mums need little things of joy to get us through, for me it's tea and cake. I just hate any sort of dull maintenance jobs! Thanks for hosting and lovely to come over to your blog for the first time! xx

    1. Me too, these kind of jobs are just so unnecessary aren't they! Thanks for linking up with #bestandworst x

  30. Oh no!! Is it bad that I didn't even know coffee machines need descaling?! I leave those jobs to my OH!! I can't start my day without coffee!!

    1. Haha well I normally would leave it to him but sometimes it's just easier and gets done quicker if I do it :-) x

  31. How did you focus to do all that without a coffee?? Feel your pain :)

  32. my best moment was spending some much needed family time together and worst was paying out for an unexpected bill :-(

    1. You can't beat family time but paying out for a bill just sucks :-( x

  33. My hubby was summoned to work today almost 3 hours earlier; I had 30 minutes to make him dinner and supper for later... stressful time


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