Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Burning Questions.

There are many burning questions that I long for so the answer to. I suspect that I'll continue to be wondering for the rest of my life but for the moment these are some of my ponderings.

Why does my husband insist on throwing his boxers on the floor NEXT to the washing basket? Don't be a tool lad and pick your grungy undies up and put them in the basket!

Why does the Postman come at stupid o'clock in the morning to deliver parcels? I'm likely to be in a sleepy haze, my bra/boob is potentially hanging out my pj top as I've not noticed how low my top is, I'm wearing my glasses and I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards. Mind you if you don't come early you tend to come when I'm in the shower. God damn it.

Back to my husband again. Why oh why leave the wet towels on the bed?! How many times do I have to tell you to just hang the sodding things back up, it's not hard.

I take the rubbish out in nothing but my shorts and strappy pj top and normally see noone but when I do this I generally see every.single.neighbour (fml).

I paint my nails with care and attention and leave them to dry. I get up off the sofa half an hour later think they are dry and then proceed to smudge them and I've no idea how. Annoying.

Why is it the same delivery driver that delivers ALL of my clothes orders. He must think I own the entire range from Next/New Look/Boohoo/Amazon. We're practically old mates. You alright John!!

Why does Alfie do a steaming crap when a sales man comes to the door? The sales man keeps on yapping to me with the stench of shite wafting from the bathroom and Alfie is behind me asking me to wipe his bum with his pants and shorts round his ankles. Said sales man continues to yap n while I try to deal with Alfie who just keeps shouting at me to wipe his bum. Now Mr. Salesman take a hint and sod off!!

The moment I bump into someone I used to work with and I ask where they work, they tell me they still work in the same place that I used to and my response is ohhh you work there still?!! Awkward!!

Why oh why does my child repeat everything I don't want him to? Mummy shout at Alfie!! Mummy done poo!! Weeing Mummy??! Mummy broke the TV etc etc the list goes on, shhhh child!!

When you realise that your child is a sponge for information. That f*ck or sh*t that I used earlier suddenly gets repeated. Over and over and over again. Arghhhhhh!!!

Why do I always seem to double book? I wrote it down on the calendar. I bloody know I did. I did!!!

Why do children's songs get into your head? I constantly find myself singing Wind the Bobbin Up or Alice the Camel or I'm humming Blue Mountain Mystery or the Thomas Rap (which admittedly I quite like, it's dead funky ha!).  I know, I know can you believe there is a Thomas rap?!!

I'm promptly puked on. Of course I am I just put on a brand new black top.

The minute I start dozing off the littlest starts to whimper and then erupts into full blown 'the world is ending' crying.

Where is the end of the sellotape?!

Why is it you put something in a safe place but yet can never remember the safe place when you need find the item you've put in said safe place?!

There are of course many other questions that I often wonder the answer too and I will probably be adding to this list for as long as I'm alive but in the meantime I'll leave you with this little list.

What are your burning questions?

Best of Worst

My Little Babog


  1. Haha loved this! The same delivery driver delivers most of my parcels and always tells me off for ordering too much stuff! Truth is, he doesn't know I am a blogger so I've always just laughed it off haha!

    Ashleigh x

    ♡ Being Ashleigh - Lifestyle, Food, Photography and Fashion blog ♡

    1. Haha, brilliant! My usual delivery driver did reassure me that he goes to a woman daily with stuff which made me feel slightly better :-D Thanks for the comment X

  2. It's always the way isn't it? Why is it I discover that I am out of something after I get back from my big shop?

    1. Oh yes!! That also happens alot here, cue alot of grumbling and moaning about who has to go back to the supermarket to pick up forgotten item! x

  3. hahaha! This is brilliant! My postman judges me for all the deliveries I

  4. Haha hilarious and so true! What is it with throwing dirty boxers NEXT to the washing bin, my hugest pet peeve! Men! #bestandworst

  5. I appear to have the only husband who doesn't put his washing next to the basket. He does the washing though so maybe there's a connection. Hilarious post! #bestandworst

  6. My hubby leaves his dirty socks in the middle of the living room floor.Every morning I pick the buggers up!Grrrr x #bestandworst

  7. Love this list. I would definitely be patting Alfie on the back for giving you a good excuse to shut the door on the salesman! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

    1. Yes bless him, the salesman picked a crap moment to come around haha X

  8. Great post - lots I recognise. I often wonder why my son can't turn lights off and also why I always have the same part of the same song going round and round in my head....

  9. I like the idea of this and yes my husband is guilty too, the washing bin is invisible to him! Mich x

  10. Ha ha 100% with you on some of these, especially the nails (how?) and boxers on the floor. I have many more concerning my hubs but I worry if I start to list them that it will become a very long comment! Xx #bestandworst

  11. Eurgh I can relate to some of those definitely, why.... just why xx

  12. The nail polish thing........ argggggggh, why?!

  13. Haha brilliant. My other half is the same with boxers and wet towels! Drives me bloody insane! My burning question is... Why can no one but me refill the sodding toilet roll?

    1. Well yes there is that too...ohh that reminds me haha X

  14. I really relate to your question about kids waking up at night - we had years of that. These days it's our dog who wakes us all up though!

  15. haha theres a few i can actually pair with you here my husband also throws his socks and boxers right next to the wash basket not in it

  16. Wet towels on the bed!!!! Arghhhhhhh

  17. I can relate to most of these haha especially toddlers retaining every word you use and the nail varnish issue!! #bestandworst xx

  18. Oh yep, yep, yep. I'm so with you. The dirty undies next to the washing basket - eurgh - just open the lid!! I'm useless with nail varnish. I think you have to sit still for about 2 hours and that's just not going to happen with me. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

    1. Same, I have to pick me times to paint my nails as it is! x

  19. I could have written this lol. I'm very forgetful these days so I'm constantly wondering about what I was actually doing... sometimes I remember and others I don't. Funny really! Thanks for linking up with #linkalist

  20. Ha ha this really made me laugh...and yes, I can totally relate!! So funny!

  21. hahaha I recognise SO many of these!

  22. This is just great, and my husband is just the same, he doesn't put his dirty clothes in the washing machine, he puts them in front of the washing machine. ARRGHHH!!

    1. For you to pick up and do? My husband is the same, grrr. X

  23. Love this list!! Pickle has just discovered the delightful word 'friggin'!! Not funny really :/ Kaz x


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