Monday, 8 June 2015

I am the Mum who......

I've been nominated  in the 'I am the Mum who....' tag by A Slice of my Life in Wales here is my post.

Dear Alfie (and Elarna, although mainly Alfie as Elarna is only little!)

I am the Mum who...........

Still uses a monitor in Alfie's room, I don't care that he's 3 I like to know what he's up to while he sleeps, plus we live in a town house so it's useful when we're on the bottom floor. 

Will hide in the cupboard and sneak a couple of marshmallows without Alfie busting me(hopefully!).

(Probably) posts far too many pictures on Facebook of the two of you, but hey who cares you're my life. 

Lies about the Thomas and Friends ride on at Tescos been's been broken about 4 months now!

Will not let you have Haribo unless Daddy is home to deal with the consequences, yes I fear I'm turning into my Mother in Law god help me.

Is not overly  bothered if you don't want to wear socks or shoes in the garden, I'm not going to battle with you, I can see you're happy which means I'm happy.

Treat you way too much, sometimes it's hard to resist that cheeky face.

Hides the Lego, it's just way too messy at times. Sorry.

Threw out the Playdoh, I couldn't cope with all the mixed colours and it went all dry. Bad Mummy.

Gets far too emotional when you hurt yourself, the tears and the sobbing make me want to sob with you and wrap you up in cotton wool.

That feels so proud of you when learn to do something new.

Feels a great sense of achievement when I've looked after the 2 of you , on my own, without any naughty corner trips!

Still loves it when you call me Mummy and you wrap your arms around my neck and give me a big cuddle.

Likes nothing better than a family day out, just the 4 of us.

Strives to be the best Mum I can be but sometimes doubt myself. 

Loves spending time with you but those 2 days in Nursery let me catch my breath and get some energy back.

I now tag the following to take part:



  1. Ha ha this really made you chuckle, I do a lot of these too! My youngest was 4 when I stopped using the monitor and even now I still panic because I can't hear him. You sound like a fantastic mummy x

  2. This has made me smile to read! Such a lovely post to share. #mummymonday

  3. I can relate to so many of those!!
    I often wonder when it stops being bitter sweet?

  4. Aww - how lovely! The lego - yes! It's not just me! (I do now feel a bit like I'm at Lego Hiders Anonymous, though: the first step is admitting we hide lego!) #mummymonday

  5. ah love your post, hiding in the cupboard eating marshmallows made me laugh, I can imagine me doing that when Aria is older!

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life Wales

  6. I totally hide when eating treats too #maternitymonday

  7. Such a beautiful post and I can see so many similarities here! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays xx

  8. I love this, so many of these are true for me too! Gorgeous post xx

  9. Ooh I love this tag! I hide when eating treats too..oops!

  10. What a beautiful post!

    (PS I threw out the Play-Doh too!)

  11. Love this tag, I'm not a mum but I do a few of these towards my brother and my friend's little girl xD x

  12. Aww this is fab, I too secretly hide to eat a few treats in the hope of not being caught lol

    1. It seems to be a trend judging by the comments hehe X

  13. Aw this is lovely ☺️ Thanks for the tag, I need to give this some thought! X

  14. I love how your answers are so different to me, and yet some so the same. Great idea.

  15. Ha ha I tell my two the supermarket rides are broken too! To be fair, that's often true....

    1. It makes life a little easier than having to drag him off it after the 5th go :-/ x

  16. What a beautiful post. I used to tell my boys that the icecream van only played a song when it was sold out!

  17. Awww this was lovely. Playdoh is such a pain and my son eats it! yuk!

    1. Isn't it just and why do they always have to mush all the colours together! x

  18. hahaha the Thomas ride being broken, that is one I have used many times lol

  19. ha ha loving the mixed playdoh one

  20. Made me smile - I've done some of these (the ride thing) and not others (never had a monitor even as a baby).

  21. Aw this was a lovely post, I hope he gets to read it one day then he can bust you over those marshmellows and that Thomas ride lol x

  22. I can so identify with some of this. Most of it, actually :)

  23. aw what a fantastic little post , ive never been involved in a mummy tag x

    1. Ahh I will have to remember to tag you if another comes up :-) x

  24. I am also guilty of saying the ride is broken and eating sweets in secret so I don't have to share! Great post x

  25. Haha love this. I can see myself also using the monitor for years!

    1. It's habit out of anything I know eventually we will stop using it but I do like to see what he's up to :-) x

  26. Oh what a wonderful post, how lovely. We're guilty of saying the ride is broken too and we still have a monitor in POD's room. She's 4 LOL :)

  27. This made me smile, I cannot steal marshmallows with no one looking though - always get found out

    1. I imagine my sneakiness will be found out at some point X

  28. ha great list, Ive never used a baby monitor I wait till they cry loud then I know Its time to get them oh dear the shame!

    1. No shame in that, that's what we do when we don't have the monitor with us! x

  29. Haha made me chuckle and I can definitely relate to a few

  30. Such a sweet list - especially him putting his arms around your neck, I love it when mine do that!


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