Friday, 24 April 2015

Proud Mummy.

Image courtesy of

My word of the week is proud.

I am so proud of my little man over the last week. The week has been pretty overwhelming for all of us, I was always worried how we would adapt to being a family of four but at the moment little Elarna seems to just have slotted in to our family life. Alfie has been an absolute star, I was concerned about jealousy and how he would take to having another little body in the house but he's been so, so good. Of course we have had the odd bit of attention seeking and jealousy but it's been much less and infrequent than I expected. 

He's been a very helpful big brother wanting to bring Mummy nappies and when she cries I hear this voice holler at me 'Mummy!!! Elarna's crying! Mummyyyyy!'. He's wanting to hold her (with supervision although we have to watch him as he will try and just pick her up!), and when she is crying he's straight near her asking her 'what's up Larna?', so adorable. 

Although Alfie is a whirlwind of energy he's a very caring and sweet natured little boy and actually quite shy at times, he's quite content with entertaining himself at times but he is intrigued by Elarna and I hope that they develop into the sort of sibling relationship where they will play with each other, it's always been something that I've envisaged. 

My heart literally bursts with pride when I see him with her, I always wanted to have two children and every day that goes by I'm feeling so incredibly blessed and lucky. Such a cliche I know but oh so true, this love I have for them both at the moment stretches beyond imagination.

I'm so excited to see where our little jourmey will go as a family of four and I'm intrigued to see how Alfie and Elarna's relationship will develop, as I'm an only child I don't have that sibling bond and I'm sure there will be plenty of fighting and disagreements over the years but I think, I hope that Alfie will look out for her and protect her as she grows up.

So my word of the week has to be proud, I'm proud of Alfie and I'm proud of our little family, such a special thing that we've created. 

Ok you can put the sick bowl down now.........!

The Reading Residence


  1. Congratulations on the birth of your little girl and it's so lovely to hear how well your son has taken to being a big brother x

    1. Thanks for the comment Stephanie :-) I'm feeling very lucky as you can imagine! x

  2. oh this is so cute! congratulations on expanding your family! You can definitely be PROUD!!!!


    Dominika from

  3. So lovely, and that photo of the two of them is adorable. You're right to be proud, and it's a very special relationship to see develop. I love watching my two together (not always hearing them, as as I type this they're playing at being the Big Bad Wolf really, really loudly!), enjoy every moment x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Thankyou, it was a special moment that I'm glad I captured, here's to many more. X

  4. Aww Helen this is so lovely! I'm so glad he's been good and accepting and he sounds so sweet!! Can't wait to meet her xx #wotw

    1. Thanks Saz! We are looking forward to seeing you all soon too X

  5. Aww! How adorable! Congratulations!
    You have every reason to be proud....Your boy looks and sounds like the perfect big brother x

    1. Thanks Kim :-) He is so good with her, I'm feeling very lucky X

  6. Oh how lovely and you have every right to be proud of your little boy - and you; congratulations on your lovely new baby!
    It's lovely that he wants to get involved with his baby sister. I had similar feelings and thoughts when my little boy was born - how would my girl cope with having to share us, but I didn't need to worry. They've grown together, laughed together & play very loudly together, but their noise is an affirmation of their love & playfulness with each other. It's going to be a lovely journey of discovery xx
    Popping over from #WoTW

    1. It absolutely is, all new challenges and experiences I am anticipating! Thanks so much for the comment :-) x

  7. Awww what a nice read. Congrats on your little girl and well done to your little boy who is an awesome big bro =) #wotw

  8. Huge congratulations on your new arrival - she's gorgeous! And what a lovely big brother she has! xx


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