Friday, 10 April 2015

The Bookworm.

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My word of the week is reading.

I have always loved reading since I was very young, I got this gene from my Dad, I remember him reading book after book after book and when I was little I would fly through books too and I really loved it, I would read for hours on end. Fast forward a few years and sadly working, being a Mum etc etc just doesn't allow me as much time to read as I would like.

For Christmas my hubby treated me to a fab new Kindle (the Paperwhite) as I was constantly moaning that the previous one I had was difficult to read at night as it had no light and the other, the Kindle Fire wasn't great for reading on. I was over the moon to receive a new one and couldn't wait to start reading on it, it's a perfect size and so easy to read on and hold. 

Since Christmas it has definitely reignited my love for reading and I am making sure that I'm reading before bed even if just for 10 minutes. Although I feel you can't ever replace the feel and smell of an actual book, there is just something special about being able to read a proper book, but what I do love about the Kindle is you can head to the Kindle store, purchase a book and it's delivered immediately, meaning no waiting around if you want something new to read. Oh how I love technology.

One of the other great things that I love about my Kindle is when going away on holiday I no longer need to carry 6-8 books with me (which I used to!) and worry that I'll run out of things to read!

In the last few weeks here are list of the books that I have managed to read, I warn you now my reading list is very eclectic, I read a huge variety of different genre's.

Flowers in the Attic by Vic Andrews - After watching the TV series a while back I knew I wanted to give the series a read, my Mum had read then when she was younger and recommended them, it was a good read. Quite dark and disturbing but gripping never the less.

Assassin by Shaun Hutson - My Dad introduced me to Shaun Hutson a few years ago. The King of Gore, Shaun Hutson books are not for the faint hearted! Twisted, fast paced and super gory they are an acquired taste but I quite like them as something a little different! 

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery - Jenny Colgan - I'm a huge fan of Jenny Colgan, it's proper chick lit and I've read all of her books so I had this one on pre-order since last year, meaning as soon as it was released it was delivered to my Kindle! Sweet and fluffy literature, just pure escapism and I love it.

Mud, Sweat, Tears - Bear Grylls - I like to read a factual book once in a while and I'm fascinated by Bear Grylls and his expeditions at the minute so I enjoyed reading this one a little while a go.

The Travelling Teashop - Belinda Edwards - Another piece of chick lit, I'm still reading this one it's not engaged me as much as I thought it would unfortunately but I'll plod on with it because I hate not finishing books.

The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins - After much hype surrounding this book I had to give it a go, I'm about 1/4 of the way into it and so far it's really gripping me, I'm very intrigued by the story and interested to see what happens.

As you can see my reading taste is very diverse, I have many more books on my Kindle at the moment varying from chick lit to psychological thrillers amongst many more. I love that about reading, just how you can become engrossed in a book and shut off the world for a few minutes. It's definitely my escapism. 

I am so pleased that I've reconnected again with my reading, it made me quite sad in a way when I wasn't reading as much, it's obviously difficult to focus as much as I used to but making myself read before bed is just something that I really enjoy.

Are you a reader? What do you enjoy reading, any recommendations?

The Reading Residence


  1. I am really getting back in to reading. After years of only reading books for uni, it is nice to read for pleasure now.

    1. It is lovely to read for pleasure, as said in the post it's such an escapism, especially if you find a book you can't put down.Thanks for the comment X

  2. My granddad got me into reading when I was younger, he'd take me to the library and check me out some books on his card. I remember one day I read them so fast we had to go back in the same day! I've never really lost that love of reading, and a good book can keep me obsessed for days...

    1. Ahh that's so lovely, I'm glad you share my love of reading :-) x

  3. I read my mums copy of Flowers in the Attic as a teenager, I LOVED Virginia Andrews which is strange I can't imagine a teenager reading that now, it's all vampires lol. I read The Girl on The Train, LOVED that also, and like you I found The travelling Teashop a bit bleuuur. I need to get the Summer at Beach Street Bakery as I've read the first one and loved that too.
    Right now I'm reading The Rosie Project, it's great!

    1. I will check out The Rosie Project, I'm intrigued as to how The Girl on the Train will turn out, my next book is going to be Gone Girl I think after much recommendation! x

  4. I really miss reading. I only do it on holidays now. What with gremlin, gym and blogging just zero time. I was assured by my physio when kids are older I will read again!! #wotw x

    1. Ahh set yourself 10 minutes at bed time :-) I reckon my reading may drop off again slightly when baby arrives, although now I've got a Kindle that lights up night feeds might be slightly more interesting! x

  5. A favourite word of mine! I loved Flowers in the Attic when I was a teen, and it's actually one of the few books from back then that I've still kept, as it left an impression and I'm loathe to part with it. Lovely that you're back into it again x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. Ahh but of course, a fellow bookwork :-) It seems like the Dollenganger (sp?) is a popular series, you should check out the TV remakes of the books, they are good x

  6. I'm not much of a reader but the Bear Grylls book was actually the last one I read! He's an amazing man x

  7. I am still reading the book that I am reading 2 months ago! The thing is they are together now and the story is going on the sad bits. I love the characters too much and I dont want to see them perish so I am not finishing it. #wotw

    1. Sometimes it takes me a little while to finish a book depending on how good the book is! Thanks for the comment X


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