Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Candle Ring - A review

A few months ago I reviewed a jewel candle, for those who read my blog you may or may not remember I did not rate these highly, you can read the review here. When I was contacted by candle ring to review one of their soy candles at first I admit I was dubious, however on speaking to other bloggers they only had good words to say about this company so I agreed to be sent one.

When I received the candle I have to admit I was a little surprised by the similarity between the designs in the two candles, however that being said with the candle ring I prefer the design on the front of the jar, it's so cute and the information printed on the jar itself looked more professional and the scent was amazing. I was sent a pink (yey!) candle in vanilla cupcake fragrance and I could not stop smelling it, it's a very sweet smell but oh so nice.

The concept is as the title suggests, hidden beneath the soy wax will be a ring ranging from £10.00 up to £1,000.00, the suggestion is to burn the candle for about 10-15 hours before you dig out the ring but if you are impatient (as I often am!) you can carefully remove the little packet after a couple of hours of burning. I love the fact that the ring has been carefully placed within the candle to fit inside the ring 'window' printed on the jar, it adds to the excitement of finding out what you have received!

I burnt the candle for around 3 hours before I did become impatient and started to gently dig the ring out! I did this using a knife and eventually some tweezers to remove the packet. The ring is carefully packaged within a protective foil parcel to ensure no damage comes to the ring and when I'd removed the packet I was both excited and yet a little apprehensive to see what I'd received. What I did receive I was quite pleased with. 

I received a very pretty and sparkly solitaire ring with gems on the shoulders of the ring, if I'd received this as an actual engagement ring I'd be one very happy lady!! It's a very beautiful ring and had a price tag of £25.00 which in my opinion is probably what it would cost should you buy it from a shop. I assume the stones might be cubic zirconia but can't be too sure as there is no information provided, however it is such a pretty ring that I will definitely wear it on an evening out, all of the stones in the ring are intact and catches the light beautifully. 

Retailing at £24.99 I still feel that the price is perhaps a little on the steep side for these type of candles, I am also not sure how to go light my candle now it's burnt 1/2 way down the jar, I guess a really long match would be useful! That being said after the awful experience I had with the jewel candles I'm pleased that this candle has been a much more positive experience!

Has anyone had any experiences with these candles before?

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  1. Sweet idea. I would have dug the ring out impatiently as well!

  2. I love the look of these candles, I really want to try one :)


  3. I really want to try these candles, the rings look really pretty x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness x

    1. I was pleased with what I received and I've seen some other pictures from other bloggers and their rings looked just as pretty :-) X


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