Angela who blogs over at has kindly written a blog post about suffering from anxiety. Anxiety is not something to be ashamed of nor something that should be taboo, here she openly talks about her anxiety and how in actual fact makes her a completely normal individual.
Anxiety is
hard to live with at the best of times. Not knowing when that next
panic attack will appear, not knowing how you will react, will you
run away or will you stand strong. Imagine all that plus worrying
about how your two young children will react if they see mummy having
a "weird moment" in the middle of the street.
I am that
woman. I'm married to a wonderful man and we have two young children
aged 4 and 2. There are days my anxiety is that bad I can't even walk
my son to nursery, luckily my husband takes him. The guilt I feel is
unreal. Deep down I know this is not my fault. I never asked to be
like this, no-one who has a mental health condition wants to be that
way but at the same time we are not the condition, we are still the
same person we have always been.
Let me give
you a little insight to what a panic attack is like. Your heart rate
increases, you feel like you can't catch a breath, your eyesight
sharpens, you start to sweat, you feel sick, dizzy and you get chest
pains. Your brain is working overtime, fighting with itself, trying
to convince you that you are in a dangerous situation and it's time
to run, the other part of your brain knows there is no danger and is
telling you to stay (this is your fight or flight function). It is
such a hard and tiring thing to have.
symptoms are harmless but at the time they are very real and when
they happen at the one time they are scary!!
My husband
has to do so much. The days that I can't face going out he will do
the shopping, take our son to nursery while I stay at home with our
daughter, do the house work and deal with bills. He will also take
our little girl out to go pick up our son. Days out are hard. I
force myself to go. Sometimes it works and we have a great day and
sometimes I freak out and want to be at home.
Some days I
can be out the house for hours others I just want to hide away and
pretend I do not exist.
At this
moment I take antidepressants and I am on the waiting list for
various types of counselling and self help groups.
I have had
anxiety since 2006. For 7 years, 2007-2014, it seemed to have
vanished. So this flare up has taken me by surprise.
Anxiety is
not going to beat me. I will get better.
Remember if
you have anxiety or any other mental health condition you are not
Thanks Angela for a great post and trust me you're not alone with the anxiety!

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