Today we have a great guest post from Laura who blogs at Petitmoi-bigworld. Thanks for a great post Laura!
Hi, I'm Laura and I blog over at where I write a whole range of things which, as you may have guessed from the title, includes parenting and beauty. I've been meaning to write a light hearted, tongue in cheek post about tips for balancing Mummy-hood with a Beauty Junkie status for a while so when Helen had me thinking of topics for this guest post it came to mind!
Although this post is very much a bit of fun and the 'tips' aren't really going to change your life, the root of what I want to share is the idea that you need to be yourself as much as you need to be a Mummy. So often parents end up losing their own identity when they delve into the depths of parenthood and I'm a great believer of finding ways to keep hold of who you are and what you enjoy outside of parenting. Beauty, for me, is a fun way to express myself and have some creativity, very soothing and therapeutic, which is why I thought up some ways in which I make being a Mummy and being a beauty obsessive work hand in hand!
Make sure your child gets used to you looking like this! (And whilst you're at it, the post man and neighbours too as you're sure to give them a fright!) If you're anything like me, any time you want to do a facemask in the evening it just doesn't happen - Maybe you've got housework to do, maybe you've got a good book to read, maybe you're just too exhausted to even smear facemasky goodness on your face, whatever the reason, it just never ends up happening! The answer is, of course, to do it in the day time! I really wish I'd started doing this earlier as Ethan really doesn't like it, I thought he'd think it was funny but he just keeps asking me to wash it off now because I don't look right, oops!
My son cries every time we go in to Boots or Superdrug, we don't go very often but he knows that when we do go 'Mummy takes aaaaages'. I didn't think of this particular way of making parenting and beauty work together, this one was all down to my fiance - Whenever I'm browsing cosmetics, Ethan now ends up like this, whilst I'm off swatching the latest neutral shadows and coral lipstick, they're off having their own fun; Azii finds the brightest colours he can to put on Ethan's hands (and, yes, sometimes his face) and turns him in to a rainbow child. Obviously this only only Really works if you have someone else to keep them occupied but I can't see why, if it's just you and your child, you can't compromise with a 'swatch for me, swatch for you' rota!
Lastly, it's all about time saving! As all parents know, time is your enemy, it sneaks away and leaves you whenever it gets the chance. As such I try to fit little 'me' things in to a normal day, one of which is keeping myself busy whilst Ethan plays in the bath. Obviously I don't want to leave him to it so it needs to be something I can do whilst paying him attention but also keeping my busy - My best one is taking off my nail varnish so, more often than not, when the boy is in the bath, you'll find me perched on the (closed) toilet seat with cotton wool in hand, scrubbing at my nails - Now if that's not multi-tasking I don't know what is!
Again, not the most serious way to address is, but if you find yourself feeling a bit 'lost' as a parent and feel like you aren't getting the chance to be 'you' it's worth taking some time to re-discover something that makes you happy, and makes you smile, and sometimes it's even possible to make it work at the same time as being a parent!

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