Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Like, Love, Loathe (Link Up)

It's Tuesday again which means it's time to Link Up with my latest likes, loves and loathes of the week. 

Liking: This week I discovered a new American TV series that I haven't watched before, Devious Maids (produced by Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives fame and the written by Marc Cherry who also wrote Desperate Housewives). It's so brilliant, I would describe at it very similar to Desperate Housewives in that it's full of great story lines but with added humour, it's right up my street! I am half way through the first season and really am enjoying it. 

Loving: This week Alfie has been learning so many new words, he is managing to make a few short sentences and is becoming really good at learning his alphabet and picking out colours, he still has his own words for some things but it's adorable to see him learn! 

Loathing: Too  much to do and so little time, I have got to pack for holiday, tidy the house, work, write some blog posts and all sorts of rubbish little jobs that niggle away for ages and ages until they can be put off no longer. Admittedly I'm probably getting more stressed about them than I should but I'm loathing the lack of time to do things at the moment!

What are you liking, loving and loathing this week?
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  1. OOH this is a good LLL link hun, I have just started watching Orange is the New Black and am loving it x

    1. Thanks hun! I need to watch that too I've been hearing lots of good things about Orange is the New Black too X

  2. I've heard of the show, but haven't watched it. Is it on Netflix or on Sky?
    It's so cute when kids' vocabulary just starts expanding! It's amazing!!
    I'm so with you about so much to do, not enough time. I'm running on fumes here, and I'm sure you are too!


    1. I'm watching it on BT Vision at the moment, it's really good! xx

  3. I must see this serial:) nice post:)
    please visit me in free time:)

  4. I've heard good things about Devious Maids and I loved Desperate Housewives so I reckon I'd like it too. Know where you're coming from about juggling too many balls in the air and needing a few extra hours in the day too ! I've just linked up my LLL for the week too :)

    1. You need to give it a watch in that case you'd love it. I will have a read of your LLL :-) xx


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