Thursday, 4 January 2018

Welcoming Guests with Wayfair.

We love welcoming guests to stay. There is nothing better than hosting friends or family for the night and making them feel welcome and for us to be a home away from home. It's taken us nearly 2 years but we finally got round to having our spare room decorated and spruced up just before Christmas and I can't wait to show it to you. Working alongside Wayfair they set me a challenge to put together a welcome basket to make my guests feel comfortable and at home while staying with us, it was perfect timing with friends due to stay over the festive season. 

When I had a vision in my mind about how I wanted the spare room to look I took my inspiration from a restaurant we visited a year ago. The decor was so fresh and the colours of bright green and white really appealed to me. It was colours that I never thought I would go for but there was something about the combination that I loved. So my husband let me loose and we got the decorator back in to paint the room! Even our decorator told me it was a bold did worry me a tad when he said that but I was committed and besides I couldn't wait to accessorise! I was really pleased with the overall result.

As you can probably see from the pictures I went for a lime green feature wall and instead of going with white for the rest of the walls which I thought might be a bit too harsh I instead went for a soft, very pale lemon colour which was a recommended as the complimenting colour on the Dulux website. I'm pleased I went with this as it softens the effect somewhat. I added several white accessories and black to make the feature wall pop. My beloved Audrey Hepburn print was also put back on the wall and I think she looks great, right where she belongs. I admit the colour choices may not be to everyone's taste but I'm really pleased with it. 

Creating a welcome basket for our first guests in the newly decorated room was alot of fun. I thought about what I'd like to receive if I stayed somewhere and I hope you'll like what I have filled the beautiful, rustic and chic wooden box with. 

  • Firstly I'd seen others that were doing the challenge providing the wifi password which is a brilliant idea. Whenever we go somewhere the first thing that is useful is to be able to log on to wifi, especially if it's a 4G blackspot! So nestled within the box is our wifi password so our guests can  easily access our internet.

  • A nice fluffy robe. There is nothing better than keeping warm and snug in a robe, it also reminds me of being in a spa and feeling relaxed, something I hope our guests would be while staying with us. 
  • Toothbrushes, toothpaste and deodorant. My husband once forgot to put my toiletries bag in when we went away (fuming doesn't even cut it!), since then I am super paranoid about forgetting things so one of the first things I knew I was going to put in my welcome box was spare toothbrushes/toothpaste because you just never know when you might need them!

  • I also put in some zesty shower gel and hand wash, perfect for waking up in the morning. I also included some fluffy, fresh towels, they are all soft and fluffy, ideal for wrapping up after a hot shower. 

  • Finally, a couple of indulgent treats of course! First up a nice bottle of red wine, the only problem is our guests have to come and share it with us haha. I also put in a lovely scented candle and a little bar of chocolate, you never know when a snack is needed. 


  • A little visitor! Not technically included in the welcome box but I can't promise he won't reside in the room as it seems to be his favourite spot to curl up and sleep, little monkey.

So this is my little welcome basket stuffed with bits and pieces to make my guests feel at home. Have I missed anything? What would you add?

* In collaboration with Wayfair.


  1. That is a fab welcome box, obviously my fave part is the cat and I would be sad if I came to stay and he wasn't there!!

  2. The room looks lovely and all the little welcoming things are fab. The Wi-Fi password is such a good idea. It saves them feeling awkward about asking for it!

  3. What a brilliant idea! If we had a spare room I would so do this!

  4. I love the green, it's one of my favourite colours and it makes the room look fresh and bright. Such a lovely idea to do a guest box like that, so thoughtful.

  5. Wow, your guest room is gorgeous! Like staying in a little hotel with all those lovely treats, very thoughtful :)

  6. I like the colours you used for your guest room. I love your ideas for the welcome box. When my brother had his daughters 18th birthday at his house he handed out his WiFi password on business cards!

  7. Hi, I love the idea of a welcome box. We live having guests but it’s just toels we lie out. We do have cards with the WiFi code on though #BloggesBest

  8. I love putting together a little basket in my guest room. It just makes people feel wonderful. #BloggersBest

  9. Ah the green is the same colour as our spare room too! Looks lovely and I love the welcome box. Like a hotel!! xx #bloggersbest x

  10. I love Wayfair and what a great idea! Love the colour. #bloggersbedt

  11. I love the wine and chocolate! That's the one thing not included in our guest bedroom welcome basket! Brilliant! Thanks for sharing!


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