Friday, 5 January 2018

New Year, New Kitchen!

Resetting Your Kitchen for a Fresh New Year
From the moment January arrives, you always find yourself wanting a fresh start. Whether it’s your daily routine, eating habits, lifestyle or interiors, there’s always something you want to strip back and start a fresh with, and it’s perfect for kick-starting the new year in the best way. When it comes to the kitchen, there are lots of ways in which you can refresh the room and reset all of the main elements, from the cupboard contents to the décor.
Fresh Pots & Pans
Giving your kitchen, a fresh new feel does not mean you have to replace everything with a brand-new alternative, as this can result in a lot of money which is never ideal in January. If you’ve been feeling like your pots and pans are starting to look old and really worn, then it may be time to grab your trusty stain remover and cookware cleaner to get to work smartening them up. You can even use traditional household products such as baking soda and vinegar, as these are really good for removing stubborn, hard to remove stains that have settled onto the pans over time. Once you have fresh, shiny pans you’ll find that cooking becomes that little bit more enjoyable, with a much fresher feel in the kitchen.
Empty Drawers
Over the months, the drawers in the kitchen seem to accumulate a lot of unnecessary ‘stuff’ that has no real purpose. It’s becoming more and more common for households to have a ‘stuff’ drawer, which often contains useless items such as half-used candles, old batteries, the odd screwdriver and a manual for a kitchen appliance you threw away over a year ago. By emptying out this drawer and sorting through the junk, you can create some essential space for other items that you do need in the kitchen, and you’ll know exactly what you have in there. This kind of sort-out will really help you to feel positive and refreshed when in the kitchen.

Organised Cupboards
There’s nothing worse than deciding to cook a particular recipe, to find that the specific item you knew you had in the cupboard actually went out of date a few months ago. It’s so easy for products in the cupboards to get forgotten about and eventually go out of date, especially when it comes to tinned products that you know have a long life. It’s really beneficial to have a good sort through your kitchen cupboards in the new year, as you can figure out exactly what you have to use, how much longer certain items have before their expiry date and also what you need to stock up on. Throw away any items that have gone off or are looking worse for wear, and create some much-needed space in the cupboards for new products to go.
New Bits and Bobs
Every kitchen has specific ‘bits and bobs’ that are required for everyday use. From tea towels and dish cloths, to sponges and brushes, you often find that after a heavy Christmas period with lots of cooking, you may need to replace these to start the new year. Having new items in the kitchen will help to make the room look fresh and clean, whilst giving you the peace of mind that everything is clean and ready to use. You could also look at investing in some quality appliances to help make your cooking easier, such as a blender, smoothie maker, new toaster and so on, as a new purchase always helps to brighten the room up a little!

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