Monday, 16 March 2015

Being Mummy.

Being a Mummy changed me. I didn't expect it to but it has. It's made me into a stronger and more determined person, every morning I wake up with something to live for, not that I didn't particularly prior to Alfie but these days every day just seems more worth getting up for. Regardless of the tantrums, the constant mess, the snotty noses and the challenges that come with parenting, at the end of the day that love I feel my boy reaches far beyond anything.

They say a mother's love is unconditional and it truly is, I would literally do anything for my boy, he means the absolute world to me, sometimes I think back to my pregnancy and marvel that I carried this little person inside me for 9 months and made him. It's just incredible, now our journey continues into the unknown toddlerdom and with a newborn on the way this will be a journey like no other. 

Being a Mummy has taught me alot of things, mainly about myself but also about my husband. I've learnt that having a pristine house (not that it ever was before!) is not going to happen with a toddler, patience, I've learnt to be more patient with Alfie and my husband, I've also discovered that it takes an age to get out the house with a toddler in tow and it's probably going to be even more of a mission when the new one is here! I've also learnt that my husband is an amazing Dad, he truly is fantastic with Alfie and I'd never seen this side to him before this, he's always been a caring man but he has such a way with Alfie and it makes my heart melt when I see them together.

Bizarrely,  when I found out I was pregnant with Alfie I never felt particularly maternal, I mean I always thought that I'd be a Mummy some day but during my pregnancy I was very worried about becoming a Mother and what it would entail, I had absolutely no idea how to take care of a squishy human being which was a scary notion, they don't come with a manual you know! Thankfully, I think I'm doing an alright job, yes he's mad, hyper and at times hard work but for all the hard times we're rewarded with cuddles, giggles and snuggles (occasionally!).

I remember feeling so odd when people referred to me as a 'Mummy' and were handing me back my squidgy newborn, it took me months to get used to it but now I love it, I enjoy telling people I meet that have a son and one on the way, I feel like these are the last few bits of jigsaw that are slowly slotting into place and this really excites me. I can't wait to see what the future holds and I will continue being Mummy.

A belated Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful Mum's out there and the ones that are looking down on us.



  1. I had the same sort of feelings. I never wanted children. This is a lovely post to cherish!

    1. Thankyou for the comment Jodie, I love writing about my boy :-) x

  2. A belated Happy Mother's Day to you too, it still amazes me now how I changed after becoming a Mum, the overwhelming feelings in the early days, through the toddler stage and through into teens. The love you have for your child/children is the best feeling in the world, scary but beautiful! Lovely post thank you x

  3. Ditto all of what you felt and have been feeling since becoming a mum. I'm not an 'earth mother' type and it took me a while to get my head around being a mummy. But a couple of years down the line with another one on the way too, it's funny how it all seems to have fallen into place :) #MummyMonday

    1. I know and I'm so glad it has here too! Although I still at times find myself asking for answers when he's throwing an epic tantrum!! x

  4. The changes are incredible aren't they? My little one is 18 months and I still have to stop and remind myself that when he says 'mum' he means me! Such a sweet post x #mummymonday

    1. Thankyou for the comment Jade, it makes your heart melt doesn't it :-) x

  5. Awww this is lovely and Adi and Alfie are soo cute together. I can't wait to your lovely family expand even more xx

    1. Thanks Sar :-) exciting times ahead, you guys next...yes??!! x

  6. Lovely Post, I recently wrote a similar one.
    It's a nice thing to look back on in the future I think :)
    Sarah xx

    1. Definitely, it's like keeping a little diary isn't it :-) thankyou for your comment X

  7. Being a mum changed me so much. I try and think how my life would be without my children. I think it would be very quiet and boring! When my girls have a sleepover I really miss them, the house is too quiet and I can't wait to pick them up the next day. Being a mum is awesome!

  8. Beautiful post - being a mum definitely does teach you to be more patient and to let go of hoping for a pristine house! Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day.

    1. Thankyou Louise :-) Hope you had a good Mother's Day too X

  9. What a lovely post; being a mum really does teach us lots of things! Thank you so much for linking up to #MummyMonday hope to see you again tomorrow!xx

  10. Such a lovely post. They're our pride and joy and I feel just the same. It's such a great title being a mum and it's great to mention about our little dots. Really enjoyed reading x

  11. I couldn't agree more, being a mum really did change me. Having a toddler has helped teach me the true meaning of 'patience is a virtue'. :-) Happy belated Mother's Day!

  12. Ah this is so lovely!! Congratulations on your pregnancy too - lovely news! Being a Mum has changed me too, for the best I believe. It's made me more of a determined person. Loved this post, so positive. #bestandworst

  13. Becoming a mum was a really seismic change for me (and not always an easy transition). When I meet women who are expecting their first baby I desperately want to tell them but I don't think it is something you can understand until it happens and everyone experiences it differently. #bestandworst

  14. Being a mum is ace and it definitely does change you as a person. I was like you, and didn't feel particularly maternal when pregnant but it suddenly came together when my daughter was was a very natural instinct. #bestandworst

  15. Aw this is lovely. You really can never be prepared for how being a mum changes you can you?! It has rocked my a good way #bestandworst xx

  16. I know what you mean - it's hard to imagine yourself as a mum but then when you are, it's like the most normal thing in the world and you can't even think of your life beforehand. Very sweet post! #bestandworst

  17. Such a beautiful post and it must be lovely to look back on now nearly a year down the line. Being a mum is flipping hard work but it is magical and I wouldn't swap it for the world.

    Lovely post xx
    Thank you for hosting #bestandworst

  18. Such a lovely post. Its nice to sit back and reflect sometimes on what a joy (overall) motherhood is. Yes it has it's moments where life isn't so great but overall becoming a mother changed me for the better #bestandworst

  19. My first son was such a huge change in my life, but I feel the same way, I wouldn´t have it any other way. With number 2 arriving shortly I feel at a place in my life where things couldn´t be better. Lovely post! #runjumpscrap

  20. So true. I had some friends who were desperate to be mothers whilst I was never that bothered. But being the Tubblet's mum is brilliant. Lovely post :)

  21. This is a beautiful post. It's amazing what becoming a mother does to you and how it makes life just feel complete. Thanks for sharing #bestandworst

  22. Nice post. I was 36 when my wife got pregnant and had kinda figured it wasn't going to be in the cards for me. Now I can't imagine life without her

  23. What a beautiful post. It sounds like having children (well a child and a bump lol) is something that you truly appreciate. Alfie is very lucky to have you as a mum :) Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  24. Aww I remember this one!! #bestandworst xx

  25. It took me ages getting used to hearing the word 'mummy' and realising people were actually talking about me!! #bestandworst

  26. They do change you for the better dont they :) really lovely post and all the best with the newborn #bestandworst x

  27. What a beautiful post being a dad for me is the best job in the world absolutely nothing compares to it so know exactly how you feel about your little boy and being a mummy thanks for hosting bestandworst

  28. Love this post. Sometimes amongst all the craziness of everyday "dear God let me survive" pleas, how amazing being a Mum is. Henry was 2 weeks late so I missed last years Mother's day. Looking forward to my first this year. #bestandworst

    Renee @peonieandme x

  29. I wasn't maternal either until I had my daughter - now I'm in full mum-mode and loving it! #bestandworst

  30. Lovely post. Being a parent does change everything & it's amazing. #bestandworst

  31. Such a Beautiful post helen. I can't remember life without Logan and I don't want to, He is my absolute everything. Becoming a mum Is so hard and so rewarding. #bestandworst

  32. What a lovely post! I completely agree that being a mother changes you in the most amazing ways. Beautiful photos too :) #bestandworst

  33. Oh this is such a lovely post, I cant totally relate. I've got a toddler and a new baby on the way too so it sounds like we're going through a really similar journey! Not sure how its all going to work with two little ones around, but I know it'll be even better than it is now :-) Emily #bestandworst

  34. Wouldn't it be good if they did come with a manual!!! #bestandworst

  35. This is very touching! I always thought I wanted children, then as soon as I was pregnant, I spent the whole pregnancy freaking out that I want ready to be a mum! Mine have changed me too, they've made me fierce in my determination to protect the people I love, and to try and appreciate everything through the everyday struggles. Your pride in your family is beautiful!

  36. I was reading this thinking I didn't know you were pregnant again lol and then I saw the mothers day bit and looked at the date. Sometimes it's nice to look back on old posts isn't it and you ate so right about a mothers love being unconditional and now you have Alarna to love unconditionally too. Lovely post :-)


  37. I think this is a lovely post with gorgeous photos. Being a mama absolutely rocks. Most days!! :) #bestandworst

  38. What a lovely post. I know exactly tou what you mean with having a meaning. My days are now all about my boys but I wouldn't have it any other way #bestandworst xx

  39. Ah yeah this is lovely. It's so hard to explain how it feels isn't it, especially to people who don't have kids. Life changing in so many ways xx #bestandworst


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