Thursday, 2 January 2014

2013 Year In Review Q&A

I have just been tagged by Bex to review my year,  Kerry kindly created this tag so thought I'd give it a go! - 

So here goes:

There are just a few simple rules:  
1. In your post, be sure to link back and thank the blogger that previously tagged you
2. Answer the questions below and tag at least 5 other bloggers and; 
3. Include the badge in your post

Lets get started!

1. Your top 5 new favourite blogs to read in 2013 

I like to read alot of different blogs as you can see! There is a mix of subjects here and I love every single one, in fact Charlotte from Write Like No One's Watching introduced me to blogging, so thankyou Char! 

2. List Your 5 most read blog posts in 2013

I'm quite surprised by this, I didn't realise that the Body Shop BB Cream review had so many views!

2. Name one blog you wish you had found sooner

MIss Make Up Magpie - A fab blog that I often read.

3. Your favourite blog post of 2013 

Dear Alfie.... - Even though I found this post hard emotionally to write it was my favourite as I put my heart and soul into it. 

4. What would you like to improve (if anything) on your blog next year?

I am going to try and be more organised and attempt to write more posts to be scheduled! 

5. Name one blog you have a blog crush on

Sprinkle of Glitter - I love everything about this blog!

6. How often do you post? 

I try to post at least three times a week of not more, working full time it is difficult but I do try and write posts frequently. 

7. Share your first post of 2013

This is it! 

8. Name one thing you would be doing if you weren't typing this post right now.

I would probably be doing a load of washing, rock and roll!

10. What have you loved the most about blogging this year?

I've enjoyed gaining a new hobby and finding loads of really interesting blogs to read, I hope to find more in 2014.

I tag the following bloggers: Erika | Rachel | Savi | Carly | Mellissa

How has your year been? Thanks for reading!
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  1. happy new year to you, this is a great way to welcome in the new year

  2. Oh wow thank you!! Tagging me and naming me one of the five new favourites, very kind and much appreciated lovely! xx

    1. No problem and I do love your blog so much hun!! Can't wait to see all your piccies now with your lovely new camera :-) XX

  3. What a great idea - Happy New Year!

  4. Thanks for taking part in the tag. It's great to see other's years in review posts. Happy New Year! x

  5. Thanks for sharing some interesting facts about you. Happy new year have a great 2014. Commenting here fromFacebook as already commented on your other post.:)

  6. OOh I have just seen you tagged me, thanks hunnie x
    Beautyqueenuk xx


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