Sunday 26 July 2020

To the End of Term.

Well it has been a very peculiar few months hasn't it. Now here we are at the end of the school term. Feels a bit odd really considering that just after lock down the children had several weeks at home! I usually write an end of term post to allow me to look back on the kids time at school, celebrate their achievements and enjoyment of their time at school, feels a bit different this year. 2020, the Corona year.

I feel just so sad this year that school has not been the same, especially for my youngest who had just started to find her feet in reception. Corona is very cruel that's for sure, stolen moments from my little one that she will never get these fun and enriching school days back. The 'firsts' that she should have experienced such as May day, class photos, sports day, school trips and the long awaited summer production. My son in year 3 who just adores school has not been able to thrive and develop as much as he should, and has really missed his mates, it is just all so rubbish!

The first couple of terms that they were at school were great, enriching and supportive and both were happy, Elarna took a little longer to find her feet than I hoped but she loved making new friends and really had started to increase her confidence but then Corona hit and the school shutting really was gutting. We had the choice to send them in as key worker children but decided against it to begin with. 

Once we knew that schools were taking more year groups back after several weeks of trying to home school we decided that it was the right time for them to go back. They have been in a key worker bubble ever since. It was absolutely the right decision to do and although a mixed year group bubble we made the right choice for sure as they have been happy and have been supported, coming out of school with the biggest smiles on their faces. It has not been without challenges, of course, although Alfie takes everything in his stride, Elarna been that bit younger took a while to process why things were different and asked us lots why she wasn't with all of her friends.  I had no doubt in my mind that the school would be a protective and supportive place to be and could provide them with some educational aspect that we have been struggling with due to working.

I am gutted that this is the end of term,it feels really heart wrenching. I have tried hard not to over think and dwell too much on it as 1. the situation is out of our control and 2 . we are not the only people in this situation. I am just so grateful that the school that my 2 attend is fabulous and created a warm, safe and supportive environment for those who did go to school. Both have created a whole wealth of memories and to all the staff involved I am truly grateful. There have been many smiles and happy times for them, they have done a whole lot of enriching things amongst some crucial learning. It really has been a god send for us.

So for now we have 6 weeks of family time ahead of us, still the unknown I would say but hopefully we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are heading away for a couple of weeks after some uhhming and ahhing, it will give us a some much needed r&r and will be nice to be away from the UK for a bit. So I guess here is to the end of term and on to year 1 and year 4!!

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