Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Modern Marriage.

On August the 15th 2017 my husband and I will have been married for 7 years. 7 WHOLE years, that is crazy. My wedding day was one of the best of my life, I'd wanted to get married for so long and on this day my dream was complete. Prior to getting married we'd been together for about 10 years, it seems utterly mad that we've been together for so long and now have 2 beautiful children to complete our family. With our anniversary looming, it got me thinking about how we've managed to make it this far in our relationship and to share a few personal memories that stick out in my mind from our wedding and my take on the modern marriage and weddings! For legal and professional advice surrounding matrimony etc please do pay a visit to Slater & Gordon here

They are a bit random some of these things but it's funny that bizarre things that are stuck in my memory.

  • Rescue remedy! Oh my I was so nervous on the day. I literally kept spraying rescue remedy to try and calm my nerves. So if you're about to get hitched and are feeling a bit stressy I can highly recommend the rescue remedy spray, it really does help calm the nerves a little. 

  • My car! I flipping loved my pink 50's style car, I remember seeing it advertised in a wedding magazine and saying to my Mum that's my car, I need it. Fortunately they were only in Leicester so my wish came true and it was most definitely a show stopper!

  • The feeling of happiness after we'd said 'I do', I was literally elated to the point of being super twitchy, I remember not being able to stand still!
  • How heavy my dress was. There was alot to it, an underskirt and a ton of net made for a big dress that weighed quite a fair amount! It also meant that it was trodden on quite alot due to the long train, most annoying. My veil also hurt my head, more so when people were hugging me and all I could feel was my head being tugged really is funny what I remember!

  • Seeing family and friends all in one place. They say that you see most family and friends at either weddings or funerals, they're not wrong. That being said it was a wonderful family occasion and everyone we cared about was there to share our happy day.

  • Photographs. Make sure you get a decent photographer, sadly ours ended up not being that great and although some of the pictures we have are lovely, many were not as we wanted. When we were having our photos taken it felt like it took forever, but remember it's worth it for some lovely images.
  • Make sure you eat! We didn't really get any canape's which is a shame as we picked them all but they didn't make it to us and I would have liked to try some, I seem to remember seeing them being passed around but it's such a busy couple of hours after saying your vows that it's easy to get sidetracked and not eat but I would strong advised hunting out those canape's!

  • My beautiful cake. My best friends Mum was a cake maker extraordinaire, I wouldn't have had anyone else make my wedding cake. Still to this day I look at it in pictures and adore it. The butterflies were all hand made by her and sparkled and glistened in the light, it was a truly stunning cake. 

  • Enjoy the day. Soak up the atmosphere, relax and immerse yourself in it. The day goes so quickly as do the years, 7 years later and I still look back at our wedding with fond memories and I would love to do it all again. 
So, these are a handful of my wedding memories, I've really enjoyed having a little reminisce, sometimes it's good to look back and remind yourself of good times. 

I'm hashtagging #TheModernMarriage in conjunction with this post!

* Collaborative Content


  1. What a gorgeous dress and car! Oh and cake! I hardly ate anything because my dress was so well fitted, i hadn't allowed for that!

  2. What gorgeous photos, looks like you
    had an amazing day X #pocolo


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