Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Introducing 'Blogging Beautifully'

I thought I best write a very quick post as you may have noticed a few changes to my blog. I would like to introduce you to 'Blogging Beautifully.

After thinking about things long and hard I decided that my original name of 'Beautiful Things' was no longer fitting, my blog is much more lifestyle and parenting based with less beauty than I used to write about. I'd fallen a bit out love with the title also, I have done for a while now but toyed with the idea of what to do. I uhhmed and ahhed about starting a brand new blog or even just ditching the blogging altogether but I just couldn't do that. I decided to choose a different name, one that would tie in with my current web address so I could still maintain things like my domain authority and various rankings I currently hold, I also felt this was a fairly simple way to continue with things as they are and spruce up everything. 

I've worked with Yaya from My Dreamality to create my vision and I have to say she's been very patient with me! I had an idea of colour scheme that I wanted but found it hard to envisage the total package so she has been brilliant in showing me lots of ideas before finally deciding on the end results....although it's not quite finished but it's nearly there, I'm experimenting with fonts at the moment and can't decide what to go for but hopefully I'll make a decision soon. I'm loving the new design, it feels fresh and welcoming (I think!) and I feel it is a bit of a blank canvas for me to start loving my blog again, I wanted a bit more of a simplistic feel but still capturing 'me' and my personality. 

The only thing that is causing me a slight headache is changing my Facebook name, the dear folk at Facebook have deemed that the name change is too confusing to my followers which bemuses me some what as surely it's going to be more confusing that I've changed everything else and yet my Facebook page name is still 'Beautiful Things Blog', very frustrating and I've appealed their decision so fingers crossed they'll realise just how silly the declining of my request is.....finger crossed hey! The rest of my social media has been no issue, the only thing that may confuse people is seeing a different name to my usual blog, change is good though so I'm pleased to have had a little freshen up of everything.

So, from now on I will be forever 'Blogging Beautifully'. I hope you like the new design and name change! Any feedback appreciated so please let me know what you think. 

Best of Worst


  1. Oh I love the new name and the colour scheme. Facebook is weird, I tried to close my old blog page so I could start a fresh on a different account but it wouldn't let me. Good luck with your new blog xx #bestandworst

  2. Wow Helen! It's, well, what can I say, BEAUTIFUL! I love it. Now let's hope the silly peeps at Facebook sort themselves out #bestandworst x

  3. Wow! What a change! Your blog is looking fantastic and the new name is a great idea. Good luck with changing the name on Facebook x #bestandworst

  4. Love it! Such a lovely design and so you :) Enjoy!

  5. Hi, I'm liking the new name of your blog and the colour scheme of the new design. Such as shame about Facebook I hope that you can resolve it #bestandworst

  6. Love the new look Helen! The flowers look good :) I'm reconnecting with #BestandWorst I've lost blogging motivation and trying to get back into it!

  7. As I tweeted you, I love it. So fresh and lively! A change does you good. I hope you manage to sort the Facebook issue out. It annoys me when they have the power to control things like this. Good luck with that and looking forward to see what you come up with in terms of layout and design. So far, I love it. #bestandworst

  8. Sometimes we just have to adapt to the new evolution - I really like the design - really bright and cheerful X #bestandworst

  9. I love it hun...so you and so very fresh! Yaya has done a fab job again xx #bestandworst x

  10. Congratulations! It looks great and the new name is wonderful!

  11. I absolutely LOVE the colours - so fresh and cute. And the name!


  12. Brave decision to make the change, it looks great! #bestandworst

  13. Love it, congratulations. Sometimes a bit of a redesign is just what you need to start loving your blog again x

  14. The colours are lovely and reflective of bright, sunny days sipping lemonade. #bestandworst

  15. Great new name & design - good luck! #bestandworst


I absolutely love it when someone leaves me a comment, I will always reply back when possible! You can also follow me on twitter for more beautiful chatter: @Helsy_1983