Friday, 13 May 2016

Our Week!

Ohhh Friday 13th, are you superstitious? It's been quite the quiet week, bit different to last week which seemed to be pretty busy. Friday I was back in work for the day which was fine and went pretty quickly. I was really looking forward to the weekend as the weather was supposed to be hotting up. We'd had a few beautiful days so I (and the rest of the UK) were keeping fingers tightly crossed that it stayed nice........and it did! Saturday was a perfect shopping day. Well any day is a perfect shopping day in my mind but it was sunny, dry and the shops were a calling and who better to shop with than my BFF. Seems like since we moved there is a bit of a recurring theme every month where we meet for a shop, drink and chat and I love it! I did buy a few things for holiday, I could hardly contain my excitement shopping for holiday clothes, whoop! Saturday evening we were out with our other close friends which was lovely. It's been a while since we'd been able to go out the four of us and it was a really nice evening, good Italian food, live music and good chat.

Sunday was sooo warm, it was amazing. We had already decided to do the typical Brit thing and throw a bit of a family BBQ so we invited the in-laws and my parents around for a few drinkies and a sizzling BBQ. It was alot of fun, I filled the pool up (not all the way as it takes a ton of water) for Alfie and he had an absolute whale of a time and then Elarna got in on the action and she ended up soaked but it was lovely to see them having tons of fun and generally just getting very wet! 

The rest of the week has been much quieter. The weather took a turn for a worse on Tuesday and it was miserable. So much rain in such a short space of time, typical Britain eh! Never quite sure what the weather is doing, what to wear and pretty much been stuck in the house. While we were stuck in the house and I had a spare few minutes when Elarna was napping I spent a little browsing online for some new blinds, we seem to have really big windows in our bedroom and finding a nice pair of wooden blinds that doesn't break the bank is proving tricky. I also was on the look out for some nice garden accessories, I remain hopeful that the sun will return and that I can make our new garden a lovely place to be out in when it is warmer, whenever I purchase something online I generally do a quick search to see if there are any promo codes to help out with the cost of things it is after all nice to save a bit of money and if you use a website like my favourite voucher codes you also get a bit of a feel good factor as they donate 20% to charity, luckily when I searched there were some Argos voucher codes for discount on garden accessories which was perfect!

Thankfully the weather was a bit better yesterday so we were able to spend alot of time outside and it was a very pleasant day. Here's hoping the weekend stays dry and relatively warm. 

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the next week!

* This post contains collaborative content.


  1. Glad you were able to make the most of the nice weather on Sunday and get the paddling pool out. Tuesday was really miserable wasn't it - but at least it's been dry again since then and we've had some nice weather again - fingers crossed it stays dry over the weekend :-)

  2. It was a gorgeous weekend wasn't it....Up here in the North East we've had lovely weather all week. Today is a bit grey and gloomy though.
    I hope it warms up again over the weekend. x

  3. It was a lovely weekend. Great to have the pool out too. Hoping this weekend is as good.#wotw

  4. How lovely you were able to enjoy the warm weather, I was so wishing we had a BBQ, we will have to get one after our holiday. Then hope that we get at least a few days of summer to come :)

  5. Shopping for clothes and drinking?! So jealous hehe. The weather was stunning last weekend and we enjoyed a BBQ too! It best comeback!! Xx #binkylinky

  6. Sounds like you made the very most of the weather! It was a great weekend, wasn't it? Glad you've had a good week x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  7. The weather was really that, typical. Sounds like you had an amazing days and took advantage of the hotter time. Its going to be sunny this weekend so I am sure its going to be another fun one for eveyone =) #wotw

  8. I've been trying to convince hubby to do a BBQ, but he's having none of it! He's working most of the weekend, so I can understand why, but I still want one! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  9. I am not sure the UK weather knows whether its coming or going sometimes. Best not to rely on the weather man either hey?! #wotw

  10. Glad you enjoyed the weather sounds a good week thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  11. Sounds the perfect sunny weekend! Drinking, family and friends, couldn't ask for more! Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky x


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