Friday, 6 May 2016

Our Week!

This week has been great but it has gone sooo quickly! Before I go on you may or may not have noticed the plastic vagina's in the picture. Now this is not me being completely weird and ordinarily I wouldn't feature this but I have just attended my training to take cervical smears. My blog is real life, I make no qualms about this. I'm a Nurse and working in a practice so this is part of my real life so I thought what the hell, I'm going to feature it. This is how we learn and so want to take this opportunity in this post to talk about smear tests. I couldn't believe the statistics when I was in this training, of course there are a decent percentage of women who attend for routine screening but really the percentages are not enough and more women need to attend, we as nurses should be encouraging women to attend for screening so I'm making it my mission to try encourage those who haven't been or are putting it off to go, it's so vitally important and one of the only cancers that we can prevent by screening, so come on ladies don't put it off and book your smear now if you are due one. For a few minutes of slight discomfort, and it really only is a few minutes  you could be saving your life.

So other than my training what else have I been up to this week........Saturday we made our way over to Birmingham to visit our good friends and my best and worst co-host Sarah from RunJumpScrap, we had a great day, we had tons of catching up and gossiping to do and the kids played brilliantly together, Alfie loves the gremlin and it was so sweet to see them playing nicely together. We don't get to see as much of them as I'd like to be honest but when we do we make up for it with all the gassing we do! It was a lovely day. Sunday we mainly chilled, well hubby carried on with his greenhouse (which hopefully will be finished by this weekend!).......I also took Alfie for a walk to see all the trucks, there was an event just opposite our house at the showground called Truckfest, obviously I couldn't not take Alfie to look through the fence and see some of the trucks that were parked on the green......he loved it! We had bought him tickets for Monday to go with some friends but it was nice to take him and show him the few that we could see through the fence, it added to his excitement for Monday.

So bank holiday Monday was spent with our close friends and their little boys. The biggest boys went to Truckfest and by the sounds of it had a great time. Myself and my friend and the littlies popped to the pub, had some lunch and a good natter before the boys came home exhausted from looking around all the trucks. Alfie was shattered by the time bedtime rolled around! 

Tuesday is normally my day off but I had this smear training to attend instead, it was annoyingly all the way in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk which ironically is 20 minutes away from where we just moved from! I kind of knew where I was going but the traffic was horrendous so we ended up being about 20 mins late, ........ I was pleased that I went with my colleague!

Because I technically worked Tuesday I ended up having 2 glorious days off in the sun with the kids.  Wednesday did start off quite bad as Elarna took a tumble over one of her push along toys and smacked her face into the tiles, poor little love, she was fine for a couple of seconds but then it was clear by her crying and the pooling blood in her mouth that she'd whacked her face quite hard. Once I'd cleaned her up I could see she's smacked her nose and top lip, poor thing has a bit of a shiner and thick lip but thankfully is fine. Always looks worse than it is! That being said it has been brilliant having 2 days off in a row midweek, it seems like I get more done and also hasn't the weather has been delightful. Just feeling a bit of warmth in the sun has been amazing, we have been out in the garden alot and it has been fab. Back to work today and then I'm ready for another weekend off, lovely!! 

What have you guys been up to this week? Enjoying the sun I hope. Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Smears are super important, I can't stress it enough. I lost my mum to ovarian cancer and have been considering genetic testing too. Thanks for writing about such an important topic. Looks like you and Sarah, and the kids had a fab time. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely time catching up with Sarah and glad to hear that Elarna was ok after her fall. The mention of plastic vaginas brought back memories - I used to be a midwife and we used them to learn about cervical dilatation! Definitely a good idea to include them in your post though - raising awareness of the importance of regular cervical smears is always a good thing to do. Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. It was so good seeing you all!! So with you on the smears Hun. So important. Glad you had a good week xx #binkylinky

  4. Sounds like a busy and varied week! Great to get time with friends and some time at home in the sunshine. I hope Elarna's OK now, bless her x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  5. Oh poor Elarna, I hope she has recovered well. What a busy week you've had, I had to giggle about the plastic vaginas but it's a very important message x

  6. I have my smear booked for a couple of weeks...Ugh! Not something I look forward to but it is so important..
    It sounds like you have had such a great week x

  7. Oh poor Elarna, I hope she's okay now. I would have loved to have taken Tobes to Truckfest, I so nearly booked tickets but it's lucky I didn't given that I gave birth on Sunday haha Glad you had a nice time with Sarah, when she's next in Peterborough we should all go for coffee or a walk at Ferry Meadows!xx

  8. Ah! Totally skipped over commenting about the important bit! It's so incredibly important to keep up to date with smears, they may not be the most pleasant things but oh my goodness the alternative doesn't bear thinking about xx

  9. Well done. Smears are super important and potentially life saving! Still don't like them though ...!

  10. Aww Elarna is verr robust! This happened to my son too before and like her my son fell face flat on Tesco floor. I can only imagine how painful it is but you know how kids recover fast!

    Sounds like a lovely week. The vagina is okay. As you said its resl life and we have V and so its nice to know it better! #wotw

  11. Brilliant post and such an important message Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  12. Ouch that does sound painful. I'd have been tempted to rush her to A&E myself. It's a good job you are a nurse. Great to hear you have been able to visit other bloggers and have a good time.

  13. A lovely week. I remember my first smear test, it's a necessary evil. My toes curled. Awful. Truck fest sounds fab, my boy would be obsessed! X

  14. Good on you for sharing, smear tests are so important. Yes they aren't pleasant but they can save lives! Sounds a lovely week, apart from the little tumble but these kids are tough cookies! Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  15. Smear tests are important and it's shocking to think women idon'thave them - they're not pleasant but nor is cervical cancer. Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo and sorry it's taken me a while to get here x


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