Monday 19 October 2015

Elarna Birth & Beyond - Update # 6

My lovely little Princess how have you been with us for 6 months? How? Happy half birthday my little bundle of smiley sunshine.  A couple of weeks ago my timehop brought up that this time last year I was having my 12 week scan and now we are here with a 6 month little baba! Unbelievable. I hate that time just seems to be whizzing by.

Since my last update at 5 months old (you can read that here) there have been some huge learning leaps....... my 'wonder weeks' app kindly tells me that we are in a stormy period which might account for all of the newly acquired skills! I mentioned in my last post that she was trying to crawl, well she's not quite cracked a full on crawl but she is on the move in a commando kind of way and if she sees something she wants she goes for it and gets it! I nip to the loo and come back to find her on the other side of the room......needless to say that the stair gates are being locked!

She had her first experience in a swing the other week, she wasn't so sure on it to begin with but then seemed to quite enjoy it! She's very much into exploring her surroundings and is constantly reaching out for toys and gripping them, very tightly I might add!

In last months post I talked about the sibling relationship and how much I am enjoying watching it grow. Although it is still so lovely to watch, I think that there has been an increase in jealously(or perhaps frustration) this month......Alfie has been quite hard work recently and his behaviour seems to be peaking at times where I am finding him very difficult to deal with. I have found that when she is crying or making noise he really doesn't like it and starts screaming at her or hitting out.....he's showing some aggression/dominance at the moment......I will go into this in more detail in another post I think, it's worrying me some what. Sometimes he's ever so lovely but other times I really have to watch him around her, he's very confident around with her and he will just try and pick her up to which we have to remind him that she's only little and to be gentle with her. That being said Elarna continues to be fascinated by him and I really mean that......she is enthralled by him at times and just watches what he does all day!

I mentioned above that she is starting to be on the move......not just in the crawling sense but in the walking (kind of) sense............I've brought the walker out! She is super strong on her legs and as we are moving house I thought we may as well try her in the walker and she loves it! I think she enjoys it because she can see everything and be mobile too, she has really got the hang of it in the last few days, and look at that cheeky face!

Unfortunately, she has been full of cold and very snotty over the last few days so although she is smiling in the picture below she wasn't really in the posing mood for her 6 month picture card! She really is such a happy little girl and is so smiley and her giggles just make me go to mush. Alfie was a very solemn boy and I had to work so hard for him to smile so it's lovely to have a baby that grins when you say hello!

We have started to wean (I will be writing another post on this so won't go into too much detail), last month I had been testing the waters but she wasn't overly interested but this month we are cracking on with it.  I haven't really been looking forward to it if I'm honest, it's so messy! That been said she has been enjoying her first tastes, particularly fruit puree and biscotti. I'm planning on introducing some new flavours in the next few weeks so we'll see how we get on.

I just am completely besotted with her, I feel like the luckiest person alive to have these 2 in my life. Yes it's hard, yes at times it's frustrating and I question my sanity, yes I don't have time to do much during the day other than making sure these two are happy but hey that's motherhood! As I start my count down to returning back to work  in January (boohoo!), I intend to enjoy the next few weeks with them and hopefully settle them in to their new home and this space! 

So there we have the 6 month update! Before I know it I shall probably be writing about her 1st birthday (wahh!). 

Thanks for reading!

Best of Worst



My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows


  1. Oh my goodness she is absolutely precious! Beautiful little girl! Lovely post to read :) #fartglitter

  2. She's so like you and your Dad! How has 6 months passed? I hope that Alfie settles as must be hard seeing some jealousy! She sounds quite advanced with her walking and crawling! Sending lots of cheek squishes xx #fartglitter

  3. I love that little face of concentration in the baby swing! #MagicMondays

  4. aww she is so lovely and those cheeks!! I just want to squeeze them. I can't believe it has been 6 months. Can we press pause please :( #MaternityMondays

  5. Aww she;s so cute! This is such a lovely age when they start to take more of an interest in everything x

  6. Oh bless her - she is just gorgeous. Love the photo in the walker - what a beautiful grin. Happy half-birthday to your little Elarna :-)

  7. It goes do fast! Love the pics, she's gorgeous and looks so happy. Perhaps I'll have to start considering number 2! #bestworst

  8. She is so cute fab photos thanks for hosting x great post

  9. I'm about to do Little B's year update - don't know where that went! Cute pics x #bestandworst

  10. What an absolute cutie!!! #bestandworst

  11. Awww those cheeks; I went to mush..and I am sooo not the clucky type. Beautiful kids...yay you...enjoy... #bestandworst

  12. What a sweetie! I love your updates and her cheeks are just adorable!!

  13. Lovely update - she is such a cutie! We went through the jealously stage and it's so hard, but it does get better. Lovely photo #bestandworst xx

  14. loving her big smile and the little headbands bring back memories of when my girls were so tiny. I have 3 children and it can take time but as siblings it is beautiful to watch their bond develop #bestandworst

  15. Her little headbands are so sweet! Also, the picture of her looking at her brother almost killed me! She is clearly very in love with him <3 Ugh, I'm all broody now! #Bestandworst

  16. That smile! Precious! Lovely to see how your son is bonding with his sister. Can I ask where you got those wonderful milestone cards from. I´m in Spain and I can´t find anything like that over here x

  17. Happy 6 months what a cutie pie! #bestandworst

  18. She is proper adorable. I'm glad she's coming on. I'm considering doing a post like this for Mason (holy shit, he's nearly three months old) but frankly, apart from finding his voice and sucking his fist, he's not doing a great deal other than being cute! #bestandworst

  19. She's so cute... we're slightly ahead of you with Caspian being 8 months, he's cracked the crawling and we got this massive play pen the other week which has been a godsend, as he literally goes for anything he shouldn't, so simply having the stair gate was not enough, my little lion needed an enclosure. Hope she's over the cold! Enjoy your time with both. And thank you for hosting #bestandworst

    Nadia - ScandiMummy x

  20. Aw, bless. Look at those cheeks! Our tot did a very fast commando crawl, much to the hilarity of spectators until he was 9 months old. I was gutted when he started to crawl properly. Poor you guys, a snotty baby is no fun. Hope she's feeling better and hasn't spread it around. Good luck with the move.
    Thanks so much for linking up with #fartglitter xxx

  21. Aw she is absolutely beautiful. My eldest seemed to ramp up the jealousy when my little one reached this age too. I think it's just as he started to become an actual tiny person in his own right (no longer content to sit in his bouncy chair and watch the world go by). We're at 13 months and 37 months now though and they play really nicely together. Lovely post. #bestandworst x

  22. Awww bless her, she is beautiful. You have a gorgeous family :)

    It is scary how fast times flies, I wish it would slow down!


    Gemma xx

  23. Look at those smiles! How cute - and how fascinated she obviously is with her big brother in that photo. #bestandworst

  24. It goes so fast doesn't it? My youngest is 2 in January and the thought just makes me want to cry. My eldest turned 18 in July and my middle child will be off to school next year. I don't have a baby any more *sniff*.

    I wish I'd have started blogging earlier so that I could record all their special moments like you have. It will be so lovely for you to be able to look back on oneday.

    #bestandworst Thanks for hosting :-)

  25. It's drives me nuts how quick they grow up and learn to do things. I wish I could slow down time!

  26. She is such a little cutie!! always hated weaning because of the mess,it's lovely to see them joining in with mealtimes though isn't it! x #bestandworst

  27. Growing so fast! Half a year gone already. It's crazy how fast the time flies. Sounds like she's doing fab though. Good luck with the weaning and chasing a newly mobile baba around. #bestandworst

  28. She is sooo cute and always seems to be happy and smiley. Sounds like she is coming on really well too! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  29. Aww so cute! My two have always loved those biscottis. The commando crawl stage is always amusing. My eldest has always tended to go for concern and comfort when baby cries, though she has recently taken up sometimes joining in, but it wouldn't actually surprise me if aggression is a normal toddler response too. I can see how it would fit with the toddler wish to exercise control, and their frustration with things they can't control or understand. #bestandworst

  30. such a beautiful little girl. and what a lovely post to read. I hated the weaning stage in that they can gag so much I kept thinking Logan was chocking. We were advised to wean him at 4 months because he was a big baby, (Born 9lbs 14oz) he loved it I was just a terrible stress head and worrier with it I couldn't feed him without Matt next to me for nearly 2 months lol

  31. Ah bless, she looks different every time I pop by! #bestandworst

  32. I love and hate your updates all at the same time. I love them because they are so well written, with lots of lovely smiley pics but I hate them because they remind me that my little squish (a whole one day younger than Elarna!!) is 6 months too!! It's flying! I have a big smiler too, and a giggler, he giggles all the time it is quite possibly my favourite sound in the world!

  33. Aw what a lovely update, she is such a cutie! I especially love the bottom picture, her soft little neck is so strokeable! Becky xx #bestandworst

  34. Aww she's beautiful. Happy 6 months princess! #bestandworst

  35. It is so good to hear you say about possible jealousy from Alfie because I'm finding that with my eldest too at the moment (youngest is 8 months). It is JUST as you've written it so it must be a natural thing but man it's hard work some days isn't it?! Elarna is beautiful :) Our little ones grow up so fast don't they?! My second seems to be growing up quicker than the first too - maybe that's because I'm more occupied having two of them! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst again

  36. It really really flies second time doesn't it? I had some major issues with my daughter when my son arrived when she was 22 months and it has taken the longest time but finally I can say that they love each other to bits and are so close. Although they do still fight an awful lot, some days they just squabble from the minute their eyes open, there is an awful lot of cuddling and sweetness too. She was so awful to him as a baby and we always warned her that it might come back on him and it did ten fold as he is now a very strong and boisterous 3 year old! :D #bestandworst

  37. I love timehop for reminding me of wonderful moments to compare back to. She is such a cutie pie and is clearly developing at a rapid speed. Looks like she'll soon be moving all over the house! Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  38. She is so beautiful, and that's a lovely photo of her with her big brother. My son's the same with his big sister, and now that he's walking he chases her all over the house and wants to do whatever she's doing, whether it's pressing buttons or pointing at pictures of chocolate. She's so smiley, even with a cold. #bestandworst

  39. She is so cute, and it's obvious to see how much she loves the walker! 6 months really is a cute time, they're just into everything! I found it a bit overwhelming trying to figure out foods, but you've done it before so hopefully that but of weaning might be easier. #bestandworst

  40. Awww what a cutie, she has come a long away, you must be proud. Here's to another six months of fun, burps and pooie nappies lol X


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