Friday 23 October 2015

Don't Judge Me.

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I'm sure we are all guilty of judging other people's choices/decision/parenting/life in general at some point in our lives. It's kind of inevitable really......we are all individuals and what may be right for one is not necessarily right for the other. This of course makes the world an interesting place......but when you feel that you are being judged for your decisions it really gets on my tits.

Let me make it clear. 

Do no judge the decisions I make with my children, I am their mother, I decide what is best. I may make mistakes along the way but they are my mistakes to make and to learn from. 

If my child doesn't want to wear socks....(for example).......I'm not going to force them too, I am not that sort of mother. 

I will choose my battles, not you, don't judge me.

Do not attempt to moan if I spend time on days out with my family, they are THE most important thing in my life and quite frankly would rather spend time with them than people that make an issue out of it. 

Don't judge me if I want wine on a Wednesday, I mean that is acceptable isn't it......we're half way through the week, it's perfectly fine. 'Wine Wednesday' has a ring to it, yes?

I like chocolate and eat alot of it (when it's in the house), don't judge me. 

I have my own views, don't be offended if I disagree with yours. Don't judge me. 

Do not judge the way we lead our life, sometimes we may not want to always be doing something or anything at the weekend, it's nice to chill and not always be rushing around. 

Don't judge me if I forget to reply to that text message that I read earlier......I meant to, I really did but chances are I got waylaid. I will reply at somepoint.......promise!

Please don't judge me if I let my son watch the tablet for a little longer than I should just so I can get some jobs's amazing what I can do in a hour. 

Do not judge me if I say no. Over the past few years I have always said yes to things because I would otherwise feel guilty, I need to learn to say no more often.

If my house isn't as tidy as I'd like it to be, don't judge me, I'd rather have happy kids than a show home......although I can't bear it when it's too untidy!

My life is far from perfect and I suspect nor is yours. Deal with it. 

Ahhh I feel so much better now I've had a ranty post. Just been one of those weeks! What don't you like being judged on?

Best of Worst

Binky LinkyLife with Baby Kicks

The Reading Residence


  1. I often wonder if life would be much happier and the world a nicer place if people spent more time sorting and living their own lives rather than getting high and mighty about what others are doing? If you aren't hurting someone, or harming anyone, then live and let live, I say! Passes a glass of wine, after all it's Friday so it must be ok! 😉 #effitfriday

  2. I was smiling all the way through this and thinking yes, yes, yes but on reflection I know that pre kids I have also moaned at people not answering my texts too, Ooopps.
    I really hate it when people make comments like, oh he's a bad eater isn't he. Or don't directly say things but hint, my kids are only allowed 45 mins screen time per day. I really want to shake there hands and say well done you, your child will most certainly end up more intelligent than mine then. I am becoming far less tolerant of these kind of people. Perhaps having a special needs child has made me more so? Great rant!

  3. I absolutely LOVE this Helen. It's reminded me of the phrase people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Sometimes I try to think that the people who judge are trying to reach out for help. Sometimes they are being a judgey mcjudgey pants......thanks for linking with #effitfriday

  4. Couldn't agree with you more. I'd love to have so much time on my hands that I could examine other people's lives in such detail and find them wanting! If your family are happy and thriving, then you're doing ok. Loved the Bob Marley quote too!

  5. Love this post - I'm going to tag this onto the #mommitment girls because this is a #mommitment post if ever I read one! #effitfriday

  6. Like Stamford says in Sex And The City "Judgy wudgy was a bear" - my fave SATC quote! Very true post - gotta lead the life you want and not worry about all the others!

  7. Oh thank you and thank you again and YES YES YES to everything ! #BinkyLinky

  8. I love a good rant post! Feels good to get it out there sometimes! I hate people who judge others. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  9. Yes, as the saying goes-don't judge a person unless you've walked in their shoes. Or something along those lines!

  10. Sorry to hear that you've had one of those weeks - I think you're right in that we all judge people to some extent but we don't have to make judgemental comments. Always good to get these things off your chest - you need to be able to just get on and do what feels right for you without worrying what other people think about it.

  11. All so true, glad it feels better to get it off your chest! People always have to poke their noses in, as long as you guys are happy and well, then that's all that matters, isn't it? Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  12. Ah great post Helz! Mainly because I'm nodding my head to the majority of these! Sometimes you need to pick your battles and stuff what people think. Wine Wednesday definitely has a ring to it!! #binkylinky

  13. Sometimes you just need to howl at the moon otherwise it'll end badly for someone. (And not necessarily the person who most deserves your rage!) YES to all! Wine Wednesday. But of course! #binkylinky

  14. I love this, it's so true. I feel judged a lot due to my age and the fact that I didn't breastfeed. Life would be so much easier if we all just stopped judging each other and maybe tried to help each other instead! #effitfriday

  15. So so true! Love this post! #binkylinky

  16. Totally there with you!! Have you heard of The Mommitment? If not look it up! You'll love it!

  17. I was nodding along in agreement! Very well said! x

  18. Grrrr... people hey? And I'm with you on all of these x #wotw

  19. Haha glad you got that off your chest lovely! Your right, there's so many judgey people around. Life would be so much easier if others just let people do their thing! X

  20. Totally agree! Unless someone's child is being abused or is in immediate danger, it isn't up to anyone but their parents to decide what is best for them. I think that people need to mind their own businesses unless someone asks for their opinion! #binkylinky

  21. I agree with all you said. My own personal one is my weight. Do not assume I am lazy because im fat. Do not assume I do not know about food nutrition, or that I cant cook proper food. Do not assume you have any right to lecture me especially when you are a bloody stranger!!!! ......ok, rant over, feeling better now.......#effitfriday

  22. There's no such thing as perfect is there? Yet I feel this is something that is strived for and as a society aren't we all set up to fail for we all have flaws? This is what gets to me and I welcome fun and non-judgement too. #wotw

  23. ....And exhale. Sometimes it's good to get it all out there. Visibly judging any of my parenting decisions is a sure fire way to get my back up.

    Thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  24. Sometimes I think the issue is that we judge ourselves through other people's eyes and imagine that they are judging us? Be vonfident in your choices and know that mistakes are how we learn. #bestandworst

  25. Very true! We all do what we want and what's for best for us and our children. #Bestandworst

  26. Oh My God the sock thing! The next person who comments on my little ones lack of socks is going to have the socks shoved down their throats. The same ones he took off and threw in the puddle! You're right, that does feel better ;) Feel your pain. #bestandworst

  27. Sorry you've had one of those weeks :-( .... But fab post, I love a good rant! I also love a post where I'm feeling relieved, feeling I'm not alone, and someone else gets it they feel the same as me, yes, let me do what works for me and don't give sly comments. You just need it sometimes :-) #bestandworst (my linked post is a bit of a rant too, so I definitely identify with yours!)

  28. The world has become so judge it takes people like you and me to change the dynamics a bit. I'm so tired of judgment from every direction. Once I stopped caring so much (which took a lot of hard work) I certainly started feeling better. Although some things still get under my skin! I'm on the other side of the fence in that I'm a woman who has chosen not to have kids. No matter what choice you make there's always judgment!

  29. A GREAT post! Couldn't agree more. Everyone should spend less time judging and more time worrying about their own lives :) #bestandworst

  30. Oooh I bet you feel much better after that! I never really listen to anyone else - especially if it's not very nice - it's just white noise. We do our best for our children - and as long as they are turning out alright - we should be very proud of ourselves. Now, where's the wine 🍷 #bestandworst

  31. Brilliant post. I don't know why but becoming a parent seems to automatically make you a prime target for other people's judgements. I absolutely agree with you - we're all just doing what works for us and we're all just doing the best that we can. I also agree that wine Wednesdays has quite a ring to it.... :0) #bestandworst xx

  32. Very thoughtful post. Ps. I have my chocolate moments too!

  33. I completely and utterly (sorry been watching too much Charlie & Lola 'don't judge me') the sound of Wine Wednesdays. It sounds like a great Linky too. But on a more serious note, great post as pre-Henry I used to judge too, especially in regards to weaning. Now my 'I'm never giving my baby pouches' loves Ella's Jamaican Pork Curry, haha x @peonieandme #bestandworst x

  34. I agree, every parent is doing the best they can do at that moment in time regardless of how it may look on the outside. I am guilty of judging others just as much as everyone else though I guess. I'm ashamed to say sometimes it just happens and I have to remind myself I do not know the whole story. #bestandworst

  35. Absolutely, we do naturally judge I think but it's how you act after. Reminding yourself it's not your business, that you don't know all the circumstances, or just that others choose to do things differently than you before launching in! #bestandworst

  36. I think being judged on our parenting is the worst one, especially by strangers. We know our kids inside and out, no one else. #bestandworst

  37. What a great post! Wine on Wednesday - especially loved this! We should be nurtured, not judged. #bestandworst

  38. Firstly, wine Wednesday is definitely ok. In our house we call it Wet Wednesday which follows Tipple Tuesday ;-)
    One of my friends advised me when I was expecting "don't judge anyone" it has stuck with me and remained the best parenting advice I have ever received. We're all just trying to find a way to make it work and keep our children alive and healthy. #bestandworst

  39. Back again! Thanks for hosting #bestandworst :)

  40. Back from #bestandworst. Still agree with all you say xx

  41. Very well said! Nobody has the right to judge us...we have all the freedom to do what we want without worrying how other people say or feel about it. I love that quote! #bestandworst

  42. Amen to all of that! I agreed with every single sentiment. I am the idealistic person who would love to live in a world where no one judges anyone else, and we make the world a better place by being kinder to one another. I once hung out a lot with someone from my antenatal class. She made it quite clear that she wanted a labour without pain relief. She wanted her children to be exclusively breast fed, and only eat organic food. She felt that baby weight should be lost instantly. I respected her decisions, but she could not do the same for me! It got to the point where I couldn't stand her judgy comments about the non organic food my children were eating, and how much salt it may contain. I didn't want to hear that I would be giving my children ADHD by letting them watch tv. And telling me that her husband thought formula was the same as giving my baby poison, when I had failed at breast feeding, was really when I should've cut her out of my life. I persevered with her, trying to be the better person, but I can no longer take the judging! Thank you, you've inspired my own rant! And wine on as many nights a week as you see fit is ok with me! And I love the Bob Marley quote.

  43. Great post thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  44. It's funny, before I was a parent myself I had so many ideas about what I would and would not do....and then real life happened and they all went out the window! Life would be better indeed if no one judged.

  45. Ahh this is great, and so true. It would be nice if people weren't judgemental, I don't know how judgemental people actually are but I know I always feel judged! You are on to a total winner with Wine Wednesday by the way, I am so in! #bestandworst

  46. Great post, we all need a great ranty vent sometimes. Especialy when JudgyMcJudgersons are involved!! :D #bestandworst

  47. I think judging is a natural thing that few people, if they're honest, don't do. But I think there are significant differences in how people do it - some people think it themselves, maybe say it to people close to them who they know will not say it to anyone else, while some people just say it to the person. &, to be honest, that is probably a thing that really bugs me. I'm not so bothered that people judge (I mean, I am in that it makes me feel insecure, but less so that I think they shouldn't), but it really annoys me when people are blunt, tactless & judgmental to your face, and then claim they are just 'being honest' and it is unhealthy not to be honest. & I always just think that's such bull. It is not always best to say whatever you think, and, funnily enough, the people who do are nearly always ones who actually take it really badly if anyone does the same to them. #bestandworst

  48. Brilliant!Wish people would just let you get on with it,surely as long as your kids are safe and fed you should be free to parent the way you see fit?! x #bestandworst

  49. Well said and great quote too, I really struggle with people being judgemental especially like you say about not wanting our entire weekend choc-a-block therefore saying no to things sometimes.People don't seem to think 'we want to spend some time at home' is a valid excuse. #bestandworst xx

  50. Totally agree, there is so much judgment from peers and fellow mothers around, and it's really tiresome and unnecessary. What happened to sisterhood? Glad you got it off your chest, and well said it was, too! x #bestandworst

  51. Definitely hate being judged on housework and being late.... thanks for hosting. #bestandworst

  52. Great post. And saying 'no' more often is a great idea. Sometimes I get overwhelmed but it's mainly my own fault! Becky x #bestandworst

  53. It's never happened to me personally, but I think shaming a mom for formula feeding her infant is just obscene. It makes my skin crawl with anger that other moms feel justified in preaching about how breast is best and insinuating that moms who use formula are lesser mothers. It's just disgusting. I'm glad you got your rant out...sometimes, that's all you need:) #bestandworst

  54. I am hearing you!!! I must be more assertive and confident in my own decision making as a mother. Sometimes I am my own worst judge. Thanks for having me at #bestandworst

  55. Great post, Thanks for sharing, if everyone were more focused on worrying about themselves and how to be better they would have a lot less time to be judgy of everyone else! - Hang in there #bestandworst

  56. *knodding* manically in agreement, Well put and could not.agree more X

  57. Hahaha I feel like this was aimed at someone lol but shall not judge and assume!! Man I eat loads of choc, my kids rarely kept socks on as toddlers and yeah I am forever learning as a mother. I have to remind myself sometimes when peoples comments cut me, that I have only being doing this motherhood thing for 5 years and thats really not long at all. x #bestandworst


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