Monday 11 November 2019

Luvabella Newborn *Review*

{Ad/Gifted}  My daughter just adores playing with dollies, babies and anything that she can take care of, cuddle, pretend play! Elarna was absolutely delighted to receive a Luvabella Newborn interactive toy (RRP £39.99), you may remember last year that Luvabella was one of THE top toys to have for Christmas and I think this newborn version may be at the top of some wish lists this year also!

So what does Luvabella newborn promise to be? The sweetest, most interactive baby doll you will ever see, she has natural facial expressions, realistic baby noises and movements you will fall in love her. Feed her, comfort her, soothe and cuddle her. Newborn Luvabella will communicate her needs with you so hers  can be seen to. She coo's, gurgles, giggles and so very realistic. I tell you what she reminds me of....the sim manakins that we used to train with when I was doing my nurse training! 

On first impressions Elarna was delighted, Luvabella was swiftly introduced to Elarna's room, she found her a toy cot, a pram and took great care of making sure Luvabella was comfortable in her room, so cute! I find her a bit creepy, she is really quite realistic and the way she moves is crazy is it so life like! 

What did we love about Newborn Luvabella?

- She is so realistic, the technology used to make her mouth move and the facial expressions is pretty cool. 

- Ideal for role play, introducing responsibility, encouraging a caring and mature behaviour with children.

- A good price for the level of what the doll does, the accessories included also enhance the playability too

- It is a toy that will be played with over and over, my daughter just loves her and is at an ideal of of 4 1/2 to really make the most of the toy.

- There is a volume button on the back and an off switch which is also an added bonus!

Anything we weren't so keen on?

- There was very little we weren't keen on to be honest, I always wish that they came with a change of clothes so that they can outfits changed but it isn't a massive issue. I guess the only thing I would say from an adult point of view is that if you're creeped out by dolls in any way shape or form this perhaps isn't the toy to bring in to the house!

I think the Luvabella Newborn is going to be top on the Christmas wish list of many children this year, it is definitely going to be a toy of choice for some children, especially if they are like my Elarna! She just loves her. I will leave you with a few more images of her playing with her and even sleeping with her! Adorable.

* Please note we were kindly sent Luvabella in exchange for review, all thoughts and opinions are our own.

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