Sunday, 27 October 2019

Fundraising, It All Helps! *Top Tips*

{Ad} Many charities these days rely on fundraising to raise valuable funds for their ventures. Where I work we try our best to support as many charities as possible and run several money raising events through out the year to help and support where we can. We are not a huge company but every little helps. Although this is a small scale there are larger companies that work on behalf of certain charities/companies to maximise fundraising potential such as Group IFC, learn more from the Group IFC website about what they are all about. It got me thinking about ways that you can help raise money for charities. See below for some ideas!

- Have a cake sale! This is one of the most simplest and effective ways of raising money, it doesn't take alot to organise and you can get everyone involved and the bonus is there is loads of yummy cake to eat sell.

- Organise a quiz night. What could be more fun than to get lots of people together by having a quiz night. Arrange a raffle prize/s through local companies, charge per group and all proceeds go to charity. A fun night out also!

- Grow some fruit and vegetables and sell them and donate the money, I love this idea and it doesn't cost much to start growing produce at all.

- Auction! Gain the support of some local companies to donate some amazing gifts and auction them off, you'd be surprised how much money can be made this way.

Image courtesy of domain images.

- Non uniform or 'mufti' days in exchange for a donation, again this is super simple and is at no extra expense to anyone. 

- Arrange a car boot sale, have a good sort out at home and sell unwanted items and donate the money. If you don't sell everything then donate the rest to charity! Winner, winner! 

There are so many ways that you can raise money on a small scale and as mentioned above there are companies that help with these things on a huge, global scale but every little really does help.

Have you got any further ideas?  

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