Wednesday 9 October 2019

Caring for both the Garden and the Local Wildlife.

{Ad} The garden might be a part of your home, but it’s also a part of the natural environment and the habitat of the wildlife that lives around you. Besides being the perfect place to have your own slice of green heaven, it can be a shelter and even a home for the creatures near you.

However, most of us do make the distinction between the wildlife we want to help protect and the pests that are, more often than not, a voracious menace that do more damage than good. However, rather than relying purely on traps that could harm other animals and pesticides that can make the whole garden a toxic wasteland for local wildlife, here are some more naturally harmonious ways to protect your patch. Of course, if the issue is to get out of control, you must look for professional help with pests, by looking into massachusetts exterminator companies, or companies wherever you are, to deal with the problem once and for all

Use natural solutions
You might think of your planting choices in the family garden as being mostly about looking pretty or giving you some homegrown eats. However, just as your planting choices can attract pests, they can drive them away, too. Companion plants are to be planted alongside your most pest-attracting choices. Lavender has an extremely pungent smell. Citronella is naturally corrosive to the point that even spraying it around your plants can work off insects. Do your research on which companion plants have the best results against the particular pests encroaching on your patch.

Let the right ones in
Since we are selective about which critters we want and allow into our garden, why not take the time to invite those that could have a warm welcome? Pests like slugs and aphids can cause some real destruction in the garden, but you can get rid of them in a way that sustains the environment by attracting birds to your garden. Buy wild bird food and keep a bird feeder stocked up, and invest in a bird fountain, and you can attract all kinds of predators that eat your garden’s most common pests.

Stop the stray wanderers
If you live out in the countryside, then it’s likely that you’re going to have larger pests to deal with. Foxes and badgers can mill through your plants and produce, ruining it all, damage your lawn and, if you have chickens, leave an even worse mess. However, barbed wire and other traps is largely considered not only a little barbaric, but damaging to the other critters in the environment, as well. Natural wildlife fences and wire mesh hardware cloth for burrowing animals can help you protect your garden without doing too much harm. If you have rodents, you can coffee grounds and pour them into their tunnels. It’s another natural repellent.

Hopefully, the tips above show that you can protect your garden, your pets, and your produce, without doing too much harm to the environment. We’re all aware of the fact that several species are on the verge of extinction, with things like pesticides greatly contributing to the alarming decline of bees. We can all do more to prevent this from happening.

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