Wednesday 19 April 2017

Where for Art Thou Motivation??

I have a confession to make. I haven't published a blog post in well over a week, in fact the only post I have recently blogged is about Elarna turning 2 and it was fairly quickly written. Do you know what? It felt pretty good. Liberating almost. Blogging is consuming, not just time but life aswell and I needed a break. I have been seriously lacking in the motivation recently, it happens when you write, it becomes an effort, ideas and words don't flow and for me that is when I know I need to step back. Of course, I have had a few things occupying my mind recently, this plays a part in the 'can't be bothered' mind set but I have to admit I have felt refreshed to not write. I have not checked my stats......what's the point, they will be abysmal, I have done no social media promotion other than using Instagram and sharing it to my Facebook page, I have participated in no linkys and generally just put my blog to the back of my mind. 

Usually, most of my evenings are spent replying to emails, writing blog posts, social media promotion, Instagram pods, linky commenting and drafting ideas for posts. I also spend my days off taking photos for posts, reviewing items and generally preparing posts.......I also have my daytime job 3 days a week, looking after the kids and keeping the house clean!! Blogging is not simply a case of just writing and getting 'free things', for some it is their career and it comes at a price, it really is alot of work and effort. It really can become very stressful trying to keep on top of everything. I've had to have a long, hard think about my blog, to the point where I have thought about giving it up but this is something I don't want to do. What I have done is to remind myself why I started to blog in the first's a means of having an outlet for my feelings and write about anything and everything. Of course, the perks that come with blogging are nice but they are no means the reason why I started to blog in the first instance. 

After I went back to work from having Elarna I found that I had to reduce the amount I posted things as I just didn't have the time and it did take alot of pressure off me, it made me feel better about not posting consistently and worrying about a regimented schedule, now I generally only post 2-3 times a week and this is dependant on how I'm feeling. I've learnt to put much less stress on myself and to enjoy my blogging and for it not to be a chore, of course I want my blog to be read but it's not my job and nor will it ever be. 

Anways, after a week and a bit off I have felt my motivation slowly coming back. I put a lack of motivation plea out to some other bloggers and asked them how do they deal with losing the writing mojo? I also asked them to remind me why blogging it so ace and why they love it. Below are some of the answers from the fab blogging community. 

Jemma who blogs over at Mayflower Blogs says she blogs because she loves it and she's good at it and enjoys it. She also told me I should continue to do the same.....thanks Jemma, loves ya girl! 

Jemma from Then there were three blogs because she enjoys but also likes to read people's feedback especially if she has written a particularly emotive post.

Several bloggers told me I'm not alone having the wobbles when it comes to writing, Emma from Emma Reed feels the blogging community is fabulous when it comes to supporting you through a lack of motivation period, I tend to agree with her as blogging buds are brilliant and have helped me out lots over the last couple of years. 

Taking a break from blogging can do the world of good says Beth from Twinderlmo , like myself Beth blogs as a hobby and feels she can dip and out of blogging as and when and tends to feel more motivated by doing this. Likewise, Kristine from Max and Kai also very much feels like this and taking a step back every now and again helps. 

Jon from The Money Shed says blog for money, that always keeps the motivation going! 

A common thought between bloggers is to just take a few days off for the motivation to come flooding back, Lynette from New Mummy Blog finds this works for her, she also enjoys being able to write what she wants and vent if needed. 

Laura from Five Little Doves set up her blog to raise awareness of subjects close to her heart and to reach out to people who are going through a similar experience and this is what motivates her. Similarly, Emma from Island Living knows how quickly life can change and finds blogging makes her appreciate this, plus she always wanted to be a writer and with blogging she can do this. 

Sarah who writes over at Run Jump Scrap says she would miss the lovely blogging community but also enjoys the perks that blogging brings. Like myself, Sarah has found blogging to be a way of life and it's definitely addictive!

Finally, Becci from The Unnatural Mother says blogging makes her feel alive and finds it's therapeutic which I have to agree with. She also says that she has a much better work/life balance with blogging.  

I was so pleased to read that I am not on my own when it comes to lack of motivation. I think it's so important to just chill and not worry. I've reminded myself why I started blogging in the first place and why I love it and I'm fairly sure that I will be continuing for some time yet!


  1. Fab post! Thank you for including me, I love all the suggestions xx

  2. Loved reading all of the replies from bloggers, they all resonate. I often go through periods of not feeling like writing, but as I need to keep working, I simply write when I am motivated and schedule them in for those periods when I'm not! Works for me! Glad you're getting back into it now, it is a great hobby x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. I agree, there have been many times that I've lost my blogging mojo, but a little break and I'm raring to go again. I'd so miss it if I gave it up, which is probably not likely. I also love the way my blog has grown with me, I used to feel I had no direction, but now I don't worry about things like that I just see where it takes me. I guess I blog without a map! hehe.

  4. sometimes its good to take a step back and reprioritize. I think we all go through this from time to time. A break to clear the head. #pocolo

  5. I try and do it in my 'free' time but not sure what that is. Work full time and everything is a bit of a juggle so try and do it when I have time/something to say. Try and not put too much pressure on yourself, I'm sure you're doing a fab job and your mojo will return! #ThatFridayLinky

  6. You know I'm right! Loves you n all mrs x

  7. I took a break over Easter, just scheduled a couple and kept on top (ish) of social media. Spent quality with my girl and came back much more refreshed. But omg addictive, it most certainly is! Above all, I love the community, the banter, the support and reading lovely blog posts like yours that remind that many others feel a bit 'meh' about it sometimes! #wotw

  8. Glad you've got your mojo back lovely and are feeling good about blogging again! Xx

  9. I agree. Whilst I love blogging, it can be so time consuming and addictive. Thanks for linking up to #ThatFridayLinky

  10. Completly agree Helen a break now and again is good to re focus yourself love the tips great you are back missed you Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  11. I have wobbles quite often and think why I bother and does anyone care what I write but then I get great feedback on posts like my recent tough mum post and it makes it worthwhile again! Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays xx

  12. I'm a really new blogger and already noticing how time consuming, overwhelming but addictive it is. It's nice to hear that bloggers who have been around for a while sometimes feel overwhelmed too. #MarvMondays

  13. Oh my goodness. This is surely something that touches us all from time to time. #PoCoLo

  14. We all need a break at times. I love a good blog and social break every now and then. You get to take time off from standard jobs and hobbies should be fun.

  15. Love this I've felt exactly like this , blogging can be very time consuming and overwhelming #bestandworst

  16. Thanks for including me hun. You have had a lot on so be kind to yourself and you will get it back xx #bestandworst

  17. I totally get this.
    As you know, I just write for me, it's not a job or anything like that. Just the fact I like to write and I have a lot of opinions. I haven't written for nearly 2 weeks, I go through phases like this where to be quite honest, I can't be arsed.
    The blogging community, like Sarah says, is something I'd miss were I to give it up. I just love some of the friends I've made within it! #bestandworst

  18. Firstly you put me to utter shame, you didn't blog for over a week. That's it I'm plastering it all over social media, haha. You are human lovely and we are all allowed sometime to re-group now and again. I say this as after Christmas I don't think I blogged for a month. Being creative has its own challenges and writing comes under that. However I'm glad you got your mojo back as you would be missed if you went missing for more than 10 days :o) x

  19. I feel like I have to have time out to get the motivation back. I burn out and then feel exhausted. I wish I could find a better balance overall x #bestandworst

  20. My problem is time not motivation! :( #bestandworst

  21. I could have written this post! I've been terribly unmotivated this month (!). I think sometimes taking a step back is for the best. #bestandworst

  22. It's good to have a break, especially if you're not feeling it, but it's good to come back too - so hope your motivation is coming back. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo x

  23. Totally agree with this. Blogging is great fun, but it's a total time and energy suck and sometimes those things just aren't there. It's good to take a break from it every so often. It's also good to be realistic about what you can do. When my job changed, I went from three posts to two a week during term-time and one a week during the holidays. That seems to be working well so far. Good luck with finding your new rhythm

  24. Blogging gets the better of all of us sometimes - it really does take a lot of hard work! I've tried to step back from linkys a little this year as I was getting a little overwhelmed, but I've realised that the community element of blogging is really important to me - so I'm back! ;) But I definitely don't beat myself up too much when it's time to take a break. I think it's better to take a proper break as opposed to slacking for weeks with your heart not really being in it. I think it shows when that happens. Lovely to be reminded of all of the reasons why we all do it in the first place, fab post xx #bestandworst

  25. I feel the same all the time! I am not regimented about posting, generally only do two a month and don't check my stats but then I'm not sure I'm a 'true' blogger. I just do it as a way to write. It must be tough to feel pressured to do it very regularly and nice to have a break #marvmondays

  26. I think all bloggers can relate to this, it is good to have a break and time to just be. The beauty is you can return at any time X #bestandworst

  27. I've had a bit of a break too over Easter and this week with my son's birthday etc, just posting my Instagram community updates and my happy days posts and have cut right back on linkies. It's been so nice having the evenings free but I'm itching to get back writing again. I think a break does us good every now and then x

  28. I did this over Christmas and it does feel so nice to have a break. Good for you for not stressing about it, we are still here and still here when you do post - that tells you something. :) #bestandworst

  29. I'm sure all bloggers have times of decreased motivation. Blogging can be draining at times but also energizing at others. It's a strange beast. #bestandworst

  30. This is the second 'wobbly' post I've read today! Hopefully you will get your mojo back! #bestandworst


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