Thursday 6 April 2017

Be a Quitter!

With the end of lent nigh approaching have you thought about continuing to be a quitter? Now would be a great time to keep on going with the things that you've given up on, after if it's going well may as well keep going with it. 

Some people give up chocolate, some people give up on booze and some people quit the fags. It's not often I encourage to be a quitter but when it comes to things like ciggies I am a huge advocate. Being a non smoker for around 8 years now I have to say it's one of my biggest achievements to date. Not only is it good for your health but it can have a huge impact on your bank balance, believe me. 

Of course, I am well aware that quitting is no easy feat. It take alot of courage and determination to cease smoking, you really have to be in the right head space. There are things you can do to help though so I'm here to give you a few tips. 

  • Be mentally ready. There is absolutely no point in considering stopping smoking if you don't feel ready to. It's a tough thing to do and you really have to be ready to do it. 
  • Use aids to help. If you don't think you can do it cold turkey, don't!! When I quit I used a combination of patches and inhalators before finally going 'cold turkey'. If I was quitting now I would without a doubt use an electronic cigarette to help. Vaping, as it's more commonly become known can really aid in packing up the cigs, by using a high quality electronic cigarette such as these it can really make stopping smoking alot more bearable. 
  • Use a money pot that you can put the money that you are saving from stopping smoking. You'd be surprised how quickly it fills up and just think of the treat you can get at the end of it. 
  • Little steps. If you don't succeed the first time don't beat yourself up. Try again when you feel ready to do it. 
  • Take each day at a time. Every day you don't smoke you are step closer to your goal of a non smoker. 
  • Remember you can do it!!! Once you are a non smoker you will feel so much better in yourself and look back and think why didn't I stop before. 
So if you're considering smoking I wish you lots of luck in stopping and I know you can do it!

* Collaborative Post. 

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