Friday, 4 November 2016

Our Week!

It has been a funny old week. I've felt a bit all over the place with returning from holiday and going straight into some very heavy training for 2 days on Monday. Before I get ahead of myself though can I just say how good it was to be back from holiday into our own beds, my god we all slept so much better than while we were away, it was bliss. However I do feel that I have the holiday blues, the week seemed to go so quickly and a week away is just never enough is it. Anyway, on with the week......

So on Monday and Tuesday I had 2 training days for childhood immunisations and vaccinations. Step forward a 90+ page workbook and additional training material to get my teeth into. I can't tell you how much is involved with baby imms, it was one of the most intense and packed courses I've been on. I'm a fully trained nurse but the continuing professional development (cpd) we are required to do regardless of our chosen field can be very time consuming and mind boggling to say the least! We definitely all left scratching our heads a bit and wondering where the wine was.....

As I was training on my usual day off I then had Wednesday and Thursday off (phew!). On Wednesday Alfie had a pirate dress up day at school, I have to admit it slightly put the fear of god into me, I knew that these days were inevitable but not quite so soon.......luckily we had a pirate dressing up outfit to hand so we used that and he loved it! The class looked ace and by the sounds of it the day was very successful and they had tons of fun outside doing treasure hunts, singing sea shanties and acting like pirates all day hehe. 

Thursday I had tons of cuddles and silly time with Elarna, she was in such a crazy mood. She's developed this hilarious new game of pulling faces and one involves a rather funny gurning face, I'm yet to catch it on camera but it makes me laugh so much, she looks ridiculous. 

I'm still to decide on my masters, it's really chewing me up, it feels like such a huge decision but would be good for  my career - I fear about taking on too much at this point in my life however? Still time to have a think though, at the moment my mind is a jumble. 

Today (Friday) I am back at work, currently I'm on countdown to leaving this job before I head off to another surgery closer to home. I'm very sad to be leaving my team but know in my heart that I am making the right decision.......I think. This evening we are off to a wine tasting, it's one we try to go to every year and I'm looking forward to it, should be a lovely evening!

So this has been my week, how has yours been?


  1. That definitely sounds like a very busy week indeed. Hopefully you'll be able to decide on your MA soon :) #wotw

  2. Hope you all feeling better Hun! The training sounded intense! I love cuddle time and one on one time; so cute! Enjoy the wine tasting :-) xx -#thatfridaylinky #wotw

  3. You have been very busy! Lots on your mind as well as filling your days, too. Hope you can reach a decision about your Masters soon, one less thing to have whirring round then! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. Such a busy week. I know what you mean about baby faces, they do pull the most strangest expressions that make you laugh. I'm glad your little boy had fun being a pirate. #WOTW

  5. He looks like a good pirate! Sounds like a busy week! Thanks for linking up to That Friday Linky

  6. What a week! That course sounds like hard work and the pirate day a lot of fun!
    Enjoy your wine tasting! #WotW

  7. Sounds a very busy week great post Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please

  8. Wow such a busy week. Our kids love dressing up so I'm glad your little one enjoyed pirate day. #MarvMondays

  9. What a busy week but good you'll be working closer to home! Thanks for linking up to #marvmondays

  10. Back again for #bestandworst. Thank you for hosting x

  11. Were going away on Monday and I'm already dreading how were all going to sleep at night #bestandworst

  12. There is nothing better than being in your own bed after a holiday. Not much worse than getting heavy going training sessions as a welcome back though. It happened to me once and I actually fell asleep. So embarrassing! #bestandworst

  13. Aw good luck with your new job lovely - being closer to home is bound to make a fantastic difference for you. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst x

  14. Sounds like you had a full on week! A Masters is such a lot of work but so rewarding. I have Masters in Engineering...... which I now don't use - typical! #bestandworst

  15. It always seems to be a manic week just when you return from holiday! Alfie looks great as a pirate! Would love to see Elarna's gurning face, I know my son makes the funniest faces, so I can imagine how hilarious it is! #bestandworst

  16. Such a busy week, ending with a lovely evening wine tasting sounds perfect!


  17. My week as been very busy trying to get loads of blog posts up that should have been do a few weeks back! #BestandWorst

  18. Wine tasting will make all the decisions clearer! #BestWorst

  19. As much as we love a getaway we always look forward to our own beds. A very busy week for you and enjoy your wine tasting :) #bestandworst

  20. Cor sounds a lot on your plate. Sounds like you have made the roght decision to move closer to home. I bet that will make huge difference to your life X #bestandworst

  21. Wow, that was a very busy week. Well done to getting through; I suspect the wine tasting helped ;-) #bestandworst x

  22. Wow you are one busy family! i feel like i should be busier now, haha! #bestandworst.

  23. Wow what a busy week! Plenty to keep you on your toes! I dread dress up days - and the older they get the more there's going to be! Thanks for sharing it's always nice to hear what people have been up to :) #bestandworst

  24. Ah sounds like an intense week! I didn't know you were a nurse! Doing childhood imms must be a tough one, Im sure its nothing compared to some things you do as a nurse but I always feel sorry for the poor nurse who does ours...they always look like its one of their least enjoyable jobs! The pirate outfit looks great! #Bestandworst xx

  25. Fun and crazy times all at once. Funny when their little personalities start to shine through. #bestandworstlinky

  26. A very busy week, you certainly deserve the wine at the tasting! Alfie looks great in his pirate costume, and I love it when little ones start pulling their first funny faces just to make you laugh, it's so cute x

  27. So much going on but all done in good time. Good for you. You should totally get that masters. Everything around you will simply adapt to everything else that is also around you #bestandworst

  28. It sounds like your little one had a blast. I'm surprised that you have to undertake studies irrelevant to your chosen field. Good luck with the move. #bestandworst

  29. I always sleeps much better in my own bed than on holiday - funny that! #bestandworst

  30. I always sleeps much better in my own bed than on holiday - funny that! #bestandworst


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