Sunday, 13 November 2016

My Sunday Photo - 13/11/16

On today, a day of remembrance I am giving thanks to the brave soldiers and their comrades that have enabled me to bring my 2 children up in the country we live in. If I can bring my kids up to be as brave and honourable as the soldiers that gave their life for our country I will be eternally grateful. 

It is said that a photo a thousand words. If this is the case this photo above shows happiness, love and adoration. A sibling relationship developing and blossoming. Yes there are sibling upsets but when I capture a moment like this of a happy boy and a sister looking on at her brother it does make everything worth it. 


My Petit Canard


  1. Such beautiful and wise words to go with your photo.

  2. Beautiful photo and beautiful words to go with it

    Thank you for linking up

  3. Ah that's lovely, thanks for sharing. Don't forget to add our badge #marvmondays

  4. Beautiful and inspiring words and such a gorgeous photo. I love the way she is looking at her brother. I've been off the scene a little while and can't believe how big she's got. Time just flies by.
    #stopping by from #marvmondays ☺

  5. Aww, such a lovely photograph! You're quite right that we should be grateful for the freedoms we have today x #MarvMondays

  6. A gorgeous photo and lovely words to go alongside it too. #MarvMondays

  7. Oh that look shows so much love! Sibling relationships are fascinating to watch as they develop. Lovely post #marvmondays

  8. Sibling love really is the best isn't it :) Amelia is 19 months and max 4 months and she loves him so much! She always wants to play with him and cuddle and I know they're going to have a great relationship :) #MarvMondays

  9. Aw these two look so cute - siblings really are the sweetest (when they're nice! ha) xx


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