Friday, 12 August 2016

The Diva.

' A diva is a female version of a hustler' sang Beyonce a few years ago - it's one of my favourite Bey songs and one I seem to hum and sing with regards to my daughter. She is THE biggest diva going. When I was told by several people that I would have my hands full with a girl and that I would notice a big difference between a girl and a boy it wasn't a lie. 

As Elarna approaches 16 months old it is clear that she is a very independent and stubborn little girl.  She is so strong willed, watching her develop into such a little person with this attitude is quite remarkable.

To be honest we have seen her independence grow and wanting to do things by herself for the last couple of months I would say. It started with small things like wanting to feed herself or wipe her face to then wanting to climb up the slide by herself (cure Mummy having cold sweats) and then slide down with minimum supervision. She is now wanting to climb on everything and zips around on her ride alongs at some speed, it's petrifying - the girl knows no fear. 

This is quite a contrast to Alfie who wasn't doing these things at her age. He was very physical and was climbing but I would say slightly slower than when she is. He was beginning to become more adventurous but not to the same degree as Elarna. I would absolutely agree with people saying that the 2nd child advances quicker than the 1st as Elarna watches Alfie like a hawk and is absorbing everything and then tries to copy him. 

It's not just about her independence though her strops are something else. Once again very different to Alfie who would tend to wail and cry and throw the odd toy about but it would be over within a couple of minutes. Elarna on the other hand throws herself on the floor head in hands and sobs, screams and screams till she's bright red in the face - and god she is loud. She might roll around a bit and then she'll stand up and hold her arms in the air to be picked up.....if we don't pick her screaming ensues once again. These diva strops can just happen for no reason but more especially if she is being told no or if we stop her from doing something. This morning, for example I stopped her going into the cupboard and you would think I just threw her favourite toy away - epic strop. 

When we were away on holiday with our friends (who have a daughter) they referred to Elarna as feisty......they hit the nail on the head - they also gave us an insight of how a four year old girl strop compares to a four year old boy strop (louder, intense and quite long). Alfie's strops these days are more like the grumps...... think throwing toys and hiding. I think when Elarna starts hitting Alfie's age we may aswell hide under a rock! I definitely need to start preparing for the terrible twos I feel and I daren't even think about the teenage years!

My husband jokes that she got her attitude from me, pffttt I have no idea what he is going on about - I'm so laid back and stress free (ha!) I'm sure she gets her temperament from hubby! That being said I do love seeing her feisty side come out at times, I think even at this young age is shows that she is going to be a very determined and eager individual. She is a little firecracker and I wouldn't change it for the world but I do however DREAD the terrible two's with her, Alfie was bad enough so god knows what this little diva will be like. 

So yes, this is my daughter - as I have said previously don't be deceived by her cute and angelic exterior, it's merely to draw you into a false sense of security because beyond this sweetness lies a devil, a cheeky little diva ready to unleash her wrath!

So come on guys, I want to know, what are your experiences of girls vs. boys with regards to temperament and behaviours? I'm intrigued.


  1. my Baba is a a biy and he has a little bit of an attitude LOL. But I think he deinitely got it from me as I am a diva myself! I am sure you will have some phases with that. Good luck #binkylinky

  2. Definitely agree with you on the second one being much more adventurous - that's certainly been true here too! I have two girls and they've both been quite different with their feisty moments - Jessica is much more placid and laid-back whereas Sophie is my little firecracker. Fingers crossed the terrible twos won't be as bad as you think and having a feisty personality can be a good thing! :-) #WotW

  3. Ah, I love it how siblings can be totally different, mine are different, too. Both of mine have always been daredevils, no caution whatsoever here! I'd say my daughter's more even tempered than my son and wasn't really one for tantrums, but she's way more independent and even as a baby never wanted to miss a thing, refusing to nap and so forth, whereas my boy was content as long as he had food and cuddles! It's fun seeing their differences, always a learning curve! Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. I have a 10 months old son and he's very cheeky just like your daughter. When he wants something he lets us all know loud and he's our lil boss. #binkylinky

  5. I only have a girl, so not much experience with having little boys :) But your little one is so cute! And I love her name too - Elarna. #wotw

  6. Ahh! She really does sound like a diva...A very cute one though. It sounds like you're going to have her hands full with her. Good luck for the teenage years. hehehe

  7. Omg my second will be Elarna I just know it! The grem strops but is over it quick! She also hasn't been that adventurous!! Help me!! Aw Elarna is just so cute tho...can't imagine her wailing!! X #binkylinky

  8. I have a girl and a boy. My girl changes clothes 20 times a day (yes I do industrial amount of laundry), while my boy can wear the same stuff until it becomes stone stiff with dirt...

  9. I'm afraid I can't say what boys are like. My eldest is of similar age to your daughter though and she is like a comedian unless overtired. #wotw

  10. I have three boys 6, 4 and 7mths each different but each a very strong personality like your beautiful little diva by 16 months. One relaxed and calm the other next the total opposite boy did I have a shock the baby just wants to be like his brothers #sundaybest

  11. She is so lovely - great to hear her personality is growing.

  12. A lovely post our girls are so different and M is definitely a diva Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky please come back next week

  13. Pops isn't even 6 months yet and already has a temper and a half. We joke she's bipolar as one minute she's screaming and angry and the next she's cooing and smiling. Oliver on the other hand was very chilled out but then hard to compare as he was on a lot of medication and led a different life. I can see Poppy being feisty too! #bestandworst

  14. She's so cute! As. I've says our girls are so different. R is very independent, whereas M like to have things done for her, although can be a little diva at times too! #BestandWorst

  15. Aww lovely post. We have two girls and they have very different personalities. One is very diva like where the other is very laid-back and chilled. I too am told told that the diva one takes after me. Rude! :- )#bestandworst

  16. Bsck with #bestandworst :) Yes she is a diva, but she can as she is the only girl LOL xx

  17. My little guy is just short of 6 months old and he is stubborn!! He knows what he wants and he wants it NOW - nothing else will do. I dread to think what he'll be like as a toddler #bestandworst

  18. She looks adorable and having a strong character is never a bad thing in life. #BestandWorst

  19. My little toddler is a very cheeky little one and is most certainly a DIVA, she got that from me for sure! Great

  20. My little toddler is a very cheeky little one and is most certainly a DIVA, she got that from me for sure! Great post lovely. #BestAndWorst

  21. Oh my boy is stubborn! He definitely gets that from me. He does know how to strop though and can be a complete drama queen. Mainly though he is just stubborn. #bestandworst

  22. We have two boys but they are both very different, Chaos the threenager is a bit of a whinger, but Mayhem the velcro kid, who's nearly 22months is the feisty one, the tantrums have started early with him, he likes to headbutt the floor and anyone in his way when he's having a strop! We are also really dreading the full force of the terrible twos! #BestandWorst

  23. Lol awww bless her, she's "spirited" as my mum would say lol!

    I only have boys but actually, I'm already noticing how different they are. Noah sounds a lot like Elarna actually, with the fierce independence that Tyne didn't have and the stubborn nature...this week hes learned how to throw himself down on the floor and plank...making himself so stiff that we cant move him! He's 16 months old...Tyne is 3 and has never done this!!! HELP?!!! lol xx

    1. Back again from #SundayBest :) hope to see you again this weekend! x

  24. My little Alfie is only one and has been known to throw a strop or two in his time! He is usually placated quickly by a toy or food (usually just food!) My friends have little girls though and I've heard the stories of the diva tantrums they can throw! #bestandworst

  25. My son was a bit of a handful when he was little but I think little girls are different. They are all so different in their own way. #bestandworst

  26. I have two girls, my eldest is exactly the same. A proper little madam!


  27. My little girl (2) is a complete diva too and the exact opposite of her big brother. He was so laid back at this age (not so anymore unfortunately, being 7 is hard apparently). She's quite far behind where he was in terms of language development, but in terms of daring she's way ahead. We are defintetly going to have our hands full!

  28. I have two nieces who are just the same, the youngest even moreso which I hear is quite common because they grow up without everyone's undivided attention and so become more independent much quicker. Sounds like you have a little handful there but what a gorgeous little girl she is! #bestandworst

  29. Haha she sounds very similar to Taylor - it's crazy how independent they want to be from such a young age! We've always used the term feisty too, but I think diva may be more fitting. I'm also dreading the terrible twos, but to be honest she does seem happier with every month that goes by as she gains more independence. Fingers crossed! xx #bestandworst

  30. Aw but she's super cute though! I couldn't agree with you more - my two are just as you've described in that he is emotional and sensitive and she is independent and determined. She's actually the elest though so the other way around to you - but just as much of a firecracker. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst lovely x

  31. Yes - Girls really are more hardwork than boys, quicker and certainly diva-ish! Shes so lovely but I often say about Megs what you say "don't be deceived"lol I love to hear that so many independent and strong willed girls are appearing, it will be wonderful in the future to see such strong women, but for now and for us poor mums raising them ahhhhhhh I hear ya xx #bestandworst

  32. I can't shed any light on it for you I'm afraid. I only have one boy who will be four in December. Although my Mum tells me he is much more into things and defiant than I was at his age - although that could be because we live in a different world than what we did thirty(!!) years ago! Kids have so much more these days and it is expected more I suppose.
    However I did find Ethan was worse at three than two. I'm praying four is a little more relaxed... yeah right!! :) #bestandworst

  33. I have two boys and totally agree about second children doing things quicker! As for boys vs girls, my stepdaughter is 7 and my goodness is she a little madam at times but she is not a patch on my stepson who is 9 going on 15 haha! Thanks for linking up to #SundayBest x


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