Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families

Here is a great article with some ideas for families to occupy themselves over the summer break. I love some of these ideas, I particularly like the idea of  creating a family journal, such a lovely idea to document things that you might like to look back on in the future. 

Summer Bucket List Ideas for Families
When it comes to keeping the family entertained during the summer break, it can sometimes be a little difficult, to say the least! However, with a bit of imagination and a few tricks up your sleeve, you can soon have the best summer yet.
Composing a bucket list is a great idea to keep the kids entertained and so you always have something to do and look forward to. It’s also great for keeping an eye on your spends! Here are some of our ideas for your family’s summer bucket list.
Grow flowers or food from seeds
Help the kids put on a show
Make your own ice cream and give it out to the neighbours
Go somewhere new for a day trip
Camp out in the back garden
Take a photo each day
Photos are the perfect way to document how you’ve spent your summer. You could even go for a professional photo shoot, as there are always great family photo ideas at Venture.

Sponsor a child or adopt an animal
Go for ice creams in the park
Try a new physical activity together
Get active this summer as a family by trying something fun and new as a group, whether it’s dancing, roller skating or swimming...the possibilities are endless.
Fly a kite
Make a summery food or drink from scratch
Our personal favourite is the summery, family-friendly food...jam! Here’s a great recipe for strawberry jam.
Have a water fight
Go to a museum
Invent a new game
Visit a library and read lots of books
You could set the family a reading target, or have a little reading list for the kids, with rewards for when they finish it.
Throw a party for no reason
Play a group game in a park
Have a picnic
Do something for your community
Whether it’s walking the dogs at a local animal shelter or donating food to a homeless shelter, do something kind for the community as a family this summer.
Watch fireworks
Fill a photo album
Go and visit all of your family
Go on a nature scavenger hunt
Create a time capsule
Have each member of your family put something in a box/capsule that’s important and significant to them, then seal it and bury it in the garden. You could also even write a letter to your future selves as a family!
Pick strawberries
Host a big BBQ for family, friends and neighbours
Toast marshmallows around a campfire
Have a movie marathon in the back garden
Hang up a white sheet on a fence or on any other good spot, grab a load of cushions and throws and show your family’s favourite movies by using a projector!
Create an obstacle course
Send a letter to a friend or relative that lives far away
Have a day playing dress-up
Keep a family journal to document it all!

Invest in a scrapbook to fill in as you go along so that you can always look back on the memories of your amazing summer together.  

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